How to choose wallpaper for the hall, so that the interior of the living room does not cease to please the whole family with its own appearance and admired the guests.
This question excites every hostess, and if to the kitchen or any other room the outsiders are "closed", then following the rules of hospitality, almost everyone is invited to the hall.
Therefore, you have to select the wallpaper with great care.
Designers recommend choosing a cover for gluing the walls of the hall, relying on the general style of the interior, taking into account the color of furniture, floor and ceiling, the features of textiles on the windows and the coloring of carpets.
Evaluate the possible combinations of the following photo ideas.
A big role in choosing wallpaper for the room is played by the characteristics of the space itself - its illumination, the number and arrangement of openings, the height of the ceilings, and the presence of niches or ledges.
For a room of a small area, it is better to choose light wallpaper, as in the photo, without a picture or with a rare and small pattern that will visually expand the room.
If the picture on the wallpaper is large, the space on the contrary becomes narrower, it seems dark and tight.
Therefore, do not forget the two main rules.
If you choose wallpaper in the English style - with a vertical strip, you can visually raise the height of the ceilings.
But the horizontal strip on the walls will contribute to the visual expansion of the room, but it will reduce the height.
To one another did not interfere, the designers came up with the idea to combine materials.
- Combination of wallpapers
- Features of the choice of color solutions
- Types of wall cover for hall
- Wall-paper for
- Wallpapers on a paper basis
- Textile wallpapers for the hall
- Wall-papers for the hall walls
- Liquid wallpapers
Combination of wallpapers
If you pay attention to the photo below, it can be seen that when combining the walls of the hall, combining technology was applied.
If you choose the right wallpaper for their perfect combination, you can not only give the original look to the room, putting the right accents, but also to hide its shortcomings.
Without the method of combining finishing materials, the following situations are indispensable:
- hall has a small area and high ceilings;
- unsuccessful layout - disparity in width and length of the room;
- division of the living room into functional areas;
- need to impart dynamism to one of the walls of the room;
- focus on a separate subject of the interior;
- visually connect the adjacent rooms.
Viewing the proposed photos will allow you to better imagine the possible options for combinations of finishing materials.
To correctly choose and paste wallpaper by combining, it is recommended to give preference to the finishing material, taking into account its color and texture.
The most successful combination can be considered products, selected by shade.
On the walls of the hall, a combination of pink with burgundy, brown with beige tint or white with blue color will look great.
To see and appreciate how such solutions may look unusual, the below photos will allow.
You can make the hall bright and unusual, if you choose wall coverings from different color groups. Provided that the products will not be used simultaneously for several bright and saturated shades.
It is better to combine by rule: one bright and juicy, the second - neutral.
In addition to color, the wallpaper is combined to reflect the texture of the material. Not bad will look the plane of the walls: glossy next to the matte texture, smooth in combination with rough surfaces.
And one more important point in the technique of combining is the harmonious combination of patterns and drawings.
It is better to glue a strip in combination with a flowering ornament, and to combine geometric images with abstract motifs.
At the same time, it is possible to glue the underside of the hall walls with striped wallpaper, and decorate their upper part with the help of products with a fine pattern.
You can cover the bottom with monophonic wallpaper, and for the top choose products with large colors or stripes.
Features of the choice of color solutions
Any room should harmoniously integrate into the overall interior of the house, but at the same time have the appearance of the most suitable for its purpose.
The hall is a space in which a festive atmosphere must constantly flow. In the cold season, the living room should be warm and cozy, as in the photo, in a hot period - cool and slightly shaded.
All these effects can create wallpaper on the walls, if only correctly choose their color.
Therefore, in a spacious room it's better to glue wallpapers of juicy and saturated tones.
In this case, a silver or gold color will complement the interior and place the desired accents, excluding the appearance of congestion.
Also, for a large area of the hall, you can choose burgundy, cherry or blue, without forgetting to decorate the walls with cream or beige accessories.
To evaluate all sorts of design solutions can be on the below photos.
Adhesive wallpaper in a small room with low ceilings is recommended, making a choice between a shade of French roses, mint or lavender.
When choosing a color, do not forget the picture on the product, since for low ceilings materials with vertical patterns or stripes are best.
For the decoration of the walls of a cold hall, a warm color, for example, strawberry or peach, will suit them, they will warm one by their own kind, since they are designed to fill the space with warmth and comfort.
The main thing, when choosing warm shades, we must not forget that they have the property of stealing space. Perhaps it is better to use combination techniques.
The color of wallpaper for rooms in which it is constantly hot, it is better to choose among cold shades. For example, pale blue, mint and aquamarine wallpaper will ideally fill the space with coolness and freshness.
If you want to add a "chill", it is recommended to use silvery and metallic accents, as in the photo.
Types of wall cover for hall
At the moment, the finishing market offers a wide range of wall coverings, in which there are plenty to choose from.
Among them, finishing materials, for which the manufacture used not quite the usual basis - textiles, fiberglass and liquid wallpaper.
And also products on paper, non-woven and vinyl basis. Which of these materials is better to choose to paste the walls of the hall, about this later in the article.
Wallpaper on vinyl basis
If you want to hide the visible defects of the surface of the walls, and at the same time realize the original design decision, as in the photo, you should choose vinyl wallpaper.
A huge number of colors and textures will work on your design.
It's easy to take care of vinyl covers, they do not accumulate static electricity.
If you choose perforated products that will allow free air exchange, then the walls of the hall can be allowed to "breathe".
Wallpaper on a vinyl base is easily damaged by scratching, so they are not suitable for homes in which pets live.
Paper-based wallpaper
Due to the low cost, high environmental friendliness of the product compared to vinyl wallpaper, and a large selection of color shades, paper wallpapers still withstand competition in the market.
Of course, wallpaper on a paper basis is not as durable as their other varieties, but accidentally damaged wall surface can be updated at one time, picking up the correct color and pattern.
The most ideal solution is to choose paper products with a glossy or washable surface.
Textile wallpapers for hall
To give luxury to the interior, it is recommended to choose a textile type of wall cover.
Among all existing types of wallpaper, textiles along with paper roll material are endowed with a high level of environmental friendliness.
This is all that unites them, since at the moment the textile coating is a trendy design trend.
The following photos will allow you to evaluate the result of their application on the walls.
It should be noted that the fabric coating requires special care, it can not be washed, you can only vacuum it and then without touching the surface with a brush.
Steklooboji for the walls of the hall
Get a durable and durable surface of the walls of the room will allow the use of fiberglass wallpaper.
Choose wallpaper based on glass substance is better for those owners who do not like to look at the same color for a long time.
The assortment of colors and textures of glass wallpaper is very wide, but since glass walls can withstand up to 15 cycles of coloring, their surface can be modified at any time to your taste.
There's nothing complicated about how to glue these wallpapers on the wall.
If other types of products require the impregnation of the substrate with an adhesive prior to gluing, in this case the adhesive is applied only to the base.
Liquid wallpaper
If you pay attention to the photo, you can say that liquid wallpaper is not a bad option for the hall, provided that their color was chosen correctly.
Components of liquid finishing are dyes, astringent and cellulose.
Liquid wallpaper intensively absorbs the smells, so it is not recommended to decorate with their help wall surfaces of the room, if the room will smoke.
It is better to choose another kind of finish or apply a special substance on the layer of liquid wallpaper, which will become an obstacle to absorbing unpleasant odors.