Glass balcony with aluminum profile

Glass balcony with aluminum profile

The practice of recent years shows that the glazing of balconies with an aluminum profile is used in all climatic zones.

Looking at the photo of multi-storey buildings, the owners of apartments, where the glazing is still missing, decide on the immediate installation of protective structures.

In order to perform the installation yourself, some preparation is required.

There are a lot of nuances and subtleties in the insulation of balconies and loggias, which you need to know about.

Preparation for installation you need to start with a survey of the balcony. Then we calculate the demand for materials and the cost of all the works.

After that you can start practical implementation of your project.


  • Preparatory stage
  • Design selection
  • Sequence of installation
    • Preparation of balcony
    • Installation of visor
  • Completion stage

Preparatory stage

At present, glazing of balconies and loggias is carried out during the construction of houses. This decision is caused by the growing demands of homeowners for the quality of apartments.

The simplest wooden frame protects the balcony from snow, rain and dust. If the balcony is insulated, then it turns into a full-fledged building, suitable for comfortable living.

In view of the above facts, the glazing is of the following type:

  • cold;
  • is warm.

Intending to arrange the balcony itself, you need to decide what type of construction will be installed.

To this end, you should assess the strength of your balcony, its orientation to the sunny or shady side and the state of the house as a whole.


In the panel houses of mass building balconies have a minimum area. The presence of loggias by standard projects was not envisaged at all.

In order to arrange a balcony, you need to choose one of the existing ways of glazing:

  • normal;
  • combined;
  • frameless.

The usual way is to have wooden frames on the balcony. The glass in them sometimes tinted or decorated with stained glass windows.

This glazing protects against street noise, and raises the temperature in a protected volume by a couple of degrees.

Such a construction can be built with your own hands, but the protective effect of it will be minimal.

Combined glazing of balconies and loggias includes conventional cold glazing, in addition to which the room is insulated.

Ready-made double-glazed windows

This option does not require large expenses and allows you to get a good result. Frameless method of arranging loggias and balconies is used in large areas.

Before proceeding to work, it is necessary to make a detailed calculation of all future costs. Most often, when choosing a frameless method, aluminum profiles are used.

The cost of metal elements is low, but the installation of guide profiles and the setting of the swivel-folding mechanism requires high qualifications and is evaluated highly.

Design choice

Cold glazing of balconies and loggias is preferable to be made of aluminum profiles. Today, the market offers a wide selection of aluminum profiles.

The first advantage that aluminum has over other materials is its light weight. The photo shows a balcony protected by an aluminum profile frame.

The life of aluminum structures exceeds 50 years. This important circumstance should be taken into account when calculating the cost of installation of glazing.

The cost of aluminum is significantly lower than PVC profiles. To the above, we must add that aluminum best meets the requirement of fire safety.

Among the disadvantages of the aluminum profile is its high thermal conductivity. With the arrangement of loggias and balconies, this factor is of great importance.

In the environment of specialists, the opinion was formed that aluminum structures are used when cold glazing is performed.

To compensate for this weakness, manufacturers began to produce profiles with an air cavity inside. To enhance the heat-saving effect, this cavity is filled with a special material.

In addition to this, double-glazed windows are installed instead of glass. Elementary calculation shows that such an improvement leads the aluminum structures to the first positions in the rating.

The appearance in the market of finishing materials of aluminum profiles, allows you to glaze the balcony with removal.

The photo shows the appearance of such a balcony after the completion of the work.

Balcony glazing with removal

In this variant, the width of the balcony is increased to within 30 cm.

The mounting technology allows the installation of aluminum structures with removal and does not increase the load on the balcony fence, since their weight is minimal.

In a small amount, it is more convenient to use the sliding window opening system. From aluminum guides, this system can be assembled and installed with your own hands.

Sequence of installation

Glazing of balconies and loggias begins with a complete set of materials and fasteners.

If you decide to do all the basic work yourself, then you need to make a preliminary calculation of the glazing area. Depending on this indicator, the frame type is selected.

In terms of its function, the frames from the aluminum profile are divided into the following types:

  • is deaf;
  • swing;
  • sliding.

Swing window is installed on a wide balcony. If the width of the balconies or loggias is not large, it is recommended to opt for a sliding mechanism.

In order to ensure a good ventilation of the room, two open frames must be installed on the four blind frames.

Preparation of the balcony

The video shows how the preparatory work on glazing of loggias and balconies is performed. If wooden frames were installed on the balcony, they must be dismantled.

At the same time the area of ​​the balcony is freed from all things and objects. It is necessary to check the strength of the parapet.


In old houses, concrete or brick may eventually lose its original strength. The dilapidated wall is strengthened with metal strapping. The installed frame must take up all the load from the glazed frames.

The video shows another way to strengthen the parapet. This is done using a cement-sand mortar. At the top of the parapet is a small formwork.

After the solution is poured, the surface must be leveled horizontally. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the solution finally hardens.

Only after this it is possible to continue the glazing work. In some cases, the parapet can be leveled by fixing a wooden beam from above. This solution is acceptable when glazing the loggias.

Installation of the visor

The visor is installed along the top line in the next step after cleaning. This must be done before fixing the frames.

The visor must be installed regardless of which glazing - cold or warm - is performed on a particular balcony. This device provides drainage of rainwater from the glass.

The video shows what an important function this simple appearance performs.


Before starting installation work, it is necessary to remove the glazing from the frame. This is done in order not to break the glass during fastening.

Since the visor is already installed, the next step is to fix the lower ebb. The resulting emptiness between the parapet and the ebb is filled with a sealant.

The next step is to attach the mounting plates to the aluminum profile. Fastening is performed with self-tapping screws. The distance between the plates is desirable to withstand 7 cm.

The photo shows how the plate for fastening the frame looks.

Aluminum windows

After this, the frame needs to be installed in the opening. The construction must be secured with the help of wooden wedges and aligned. Alignment is a responsible operation and should be performed clearly.

The frame is leveled horizontally, vertically and in the plane of the balcony opening. This is done in order to map the walls and ceiling where the holes for the fastening elements will be drilled.

After marking the hole, it is necessary to drill and insert plastic dowels in them. All these actions are quietly performed by themselves.

After fixing the frame, you need to check its orientation in space once more. Deviations from vertical and horizontal should not exceed 3 mm.

When the frame is fixed, blind and mobile frames are installed in their places. Sliding doors must be easily removed and installed. When moving the force is not necessary.

If these conditions are not met, then the design is skewed. We need to inspect it and make a new calculation.

The final stage of the

The photo shows a balcony just glazed with an aluminum profile. At the final stage, all the existing cracks and voids should be fixed with mounting foam.

Places of frosting, both from the outside and from the inside, must be covered with plastic racks. After completing the finishing work on the frame, the fittings are installed. This is also a crucial moment.


All levers and knobs must be adjusted. The leaves on the guides must move smoothly and without any creaking.

For this, the mobile elements should be lubricated with engine oil.

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