Decorative paint for walls in the service of home comfort

Decorative wall paint

Wall decoration and decoration is one of the most important issues that is solved during the repair. And here the choice is big enough. Long gone are the times when it was fashionable to glue the wallpaper. Although this method of design is still relevant, it is generally accepted that painting walls is a more effective and practical way of decorating. So what's the advantage?

The main advantage - in aesthetics, paint can provide a luxurious decor. Qualitatively executed finish trim looks rich. In addition, there are many types of paints that can be used to decorate the room. Among them: mixtures on organic substances, oil, alkyd, water-borne, water-dispersion paints. Such a wide choice allows you to find the material that is most suitable for the implementation of your ideas, according to the characteristics of a particular room.

Important! It is necessary to clearly know in what conditions the paint will be used, and which of them is most suitable for this.

Types of paints for decor

Oil paints are used very rarely today, but they are still in demand. This is due to their advantages: it rests well on the surface and on other paints, well tolerates washing and mechanical influences, has low consumption and low price. The disadvantages include: bad odor, long drying and low quality.

Alkyd paints can be used for almost all types of coatings. They are produced on the basis of synthetic alkyd resin. The more fatty alkyd resin, the more elastic the coating. They dry during the day, while the surfaces become shiny, glossy. Often used in rooms with high humidity.

Advantages: quick drying, resistance to moisture and mechanical stress, weather resistance, dense surface coating, low price. The disadvantages are: fire hazard, harmful to human health, small color palette. For a greater color choice, an alkyd decorative wall paint for your own hands can be pinned to the desired color.

Water-dispersion paints are very popular. They have several varieties. Consider them:

  • Compositions based on PVA.They have low water resistance, therefore they are used only in dry rooms. This is the cheapest kind of paints from all water dispersion.
  • Butadiene-styrene dispersions - have good water resistance and resistance to sunlight. Paints are cheap and used in rooms with dim lighting.
  • Decorative acrylic paints are the most versatile composition. They quickly dry, retain color and withstand ultraviolet light.

Important! Before you start using the formulations, carefully read about the conditions of their use.

What "labels" say about

Each product has a label, which clearly indicates what is possible, and what can not be done with the composition. Consider what different warnings mean.

"Resistant to dry abrasion" - the surface can be vacuumed and wiped with a dry cloth, does not tolerate moisture."For dry rooms with low operating load" - this means that it is forbidden to wash this surface. It is also not advisable to use it for kitchens, baths and rooms where people smoke.

"Indelible, resistant to abrasion" - this inscription indicates that this compound can be used in rooms with high humidity and wash with a wet rag."Washable, resistant to intensive washing" - this means that the surface can be washed regularly with a wet rag. Important! Avoid formulations containing toluene, polyvinyl chloride and xylene, as these substances are hazardous to health.

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