Recently, plastic pipes, including polypropylene( PP), have gradually supplanted traditional metal not only in water supply systems, but also in heating. Not the least role in the growing popularity is the ease of installation - it is easy enough to perform installation of polypropylene pipes by your own hands even in the absence of special skills and knowledge.
Positive qualities of
PP pipes Contents of the article
- 1 Positive qualities of
- 2 pipes
- 3 Important nuances of installation
- 3 Stage one. Drawing up the project
- 3.1 Heating wiring
- 3.2 Water distribution
- 4 Stage two. Welding of polypropylene pipes
- 4.1 Video - Welding of PP pipes
- 4.2 Making of welding machine
- 5 Stage three.
- 6
- Sewer System
- 6.1 Internal Sewerage
- 6.2 External Sewerage
- Sewer System
Such pipes have the following advantages:
- with a long operating life( minimum 25 years);
- with a large selection of connecting fittings and other accessories;
- lack of condensation and various kinds of deposits on the surface;
- immunity to aggressive external environment;
- low noise;
- strength;
- light weight;
- corrosion resistance;
- simplicity of installation works.
Warning! In most cases, the maximum permissible temperature of the working fluid is 90 ° C( this includes products of the "twentieth" and "twenty-first" brands).When supplying cold water, where the temperature often does not exceed 20 ° C, pipes with "eleventh" to "sixteenth" grade are used.
Important nuances of the
installation PP pipes are connected with threaded / non-threaded fittings. In turn, threaded products can be:
- all-in-one;
- separable.
It is worth noting that the installation is influenced primarily by operating conditions.
- All polypropylene parts must be protected from fire.
- In the case of tapping a water meter or a storage tank, it is desirable to take detachable threaded elements. However, an integral joint is acceptable only for flexible hoses.
- Use of deformed or dirty connectors is strictly prohibited! As well as self-threading.
- When connecting even areas or transferring pipelines to a different diameter, couplings are used.
- For cornering special angles are used, pipe bends are not allowed.
- For tee branching tees are used.
After reading all the necessary information, you can start working.
Stage one. Drawing up the
projectInstallation work should begin with the drafting of the future highway. An important criterion in this case is ergonomics, as a result of which the number of rotations and connecting elements should be minimal.
Heating wiring
When designing a heating system, a well-designed project is especially important, in which it is necessary to specify the location of such elements as:
- couplings;
- adapters;
- fasteners;
- corners;
- heating equipment.
The mains connection is connected to the radiators in single- or double-tube mode, from the side or from the bottom.
Attention! An equally important point in the design is the possible thermal expansion of polypropylene - this should also be taken into account.
Water distribution
Here the main line is connected to a centralized system for the purpose of supplying the necessary sanitary equipment - toilet bowl, sinks, boiler and so on. There are two ways to do the wiring.
Method number 1. Open version. Horizontal pipes are installed slightly above the floor level, and vertical - only in the corners. All this makes the pipeline less visible.
Method number 2. Closed option. It is extremely complicated in implementation, since it implies preliminary carrying out the most accurate calculations. Pipes( necessarily integral) are embedded in the walls, and to each joint should be free access.
In addition, the water distribution can be:
- serial type( the most budgetary and easy to implement option);
- of collector type( with water supply collector is used);
- with pass-through sockets( little popular).
Stage two. Welding polypropylene pipes
This procedure requires electric jigsaw( cutting polypropylene) and special welding equipment.
Attention! Before you start to work on the device put the cartridge( nozzles) of the desired diameter. Then, using the thermostat, set the appropriate temperature( about 260-265 ° C), after which the device warms up( you can find out about the warm-up time from the manufacturer's instructions).
Step One. While the unit is warming up, the necessary measurements are taken, the pipes are marked and cut.
Step two. The ends of products, which are planned to be interconnected, are carefully cleaned and degreased.
Step Three. With the help of a pencil, the depth of each piece entering the sleeve is indicated. It is characteristic that at the same time there should be at least a millimeter gap, so that the pipes do not rest against the fitting coupler of the fitting.
Step four. PP pipe with fitting is put on the sleeve in accordance with the marks made, and the heating of all elements must occur simultaneously.
Warning! In the case of a bad attachment( or vice versa - too loose) of one of the elements, it is immediately discarded.
The heating time depends not only on the diameter of the products, but also on the depth of welding( see the table below).
Step five. After a certain period of time, the products are removed and connected, with a slight effort of sitting on each other. It is forbidden to rotate the elements along the center line.
Step Six. Within a few seconds after the connection, the primary adjustment is performed, then the elements are finally fixed.
Attention! The assembly sequence is determined in advance.
If there are no gaps left in the junction, then its( connection) can be considered qualitative.
Video - Welding of PP pipes
Making a welding machine
In view of the fact that a more or less good welding machine costs over a thousand rubles, it's cheaper to rent it or make it yourself. If the latter was chosen, then work should be prepared:
- thermal paste for computers;
- the iron of the old model;
- bolt, washer to it;
- electric drill;
- sleeve( nozzle) of the desired diameter.
The sequence of operations should be as follows.
Step one. In order to improve heat transfer, the soleplate of the iron is treated with thermal paste, then the Teflon sleeve is fixed. The location of the latter is determined in advance - by the wide part up or down.
Step two. Sharp sharp spout for more comfortable work near the walls.
Step Three. The iron is heated until the device turns off the second time.
Step four. It's good if the iron is equipped with a temperature sensor - this will allow you to accurately determine the heating temperature. But there is an easier way - through lead. This metal melts at 230 ° C and higher, which roughly coincides with the required temperature for welding.
Further soldering technology is identical to the one described above.
Stage three.
When laying the pipeline, you will need:
- pipes;
- tees;
- ball valves;
- stubs;
- adapters;
- taps;
- couplings;
- split connectors;
- threaded fittings;
- plastic clamps.
First of all, the installation of the main elements of the system( plumbing, radiators, boilers, etc.), after which, in accordance with the drafted, the future highway is marked. Elements of the pipeline are connected together by means of couplings.
Warning! Hard-to-reach areas of the system are collected separately.
When it comes to heating or hot water supply, the thermal expansion is taken into account. For compensation of the latter it is desirable to use mobile connections. When installing a closed pipeline, first the walls are walled( in the appropriate places a groove with a width of two pipe diameters is made).
Filling the pipeline with liquid is only permissible after one hour from the end of installation. Hydraulic testing can be carried out only after 24 hours.
Sewer system from PP pipes
As it was mentioned earlier, polypropylene pipes are now actively used for sewage installation. The installation procedure in this case has its own nuances.
Internal sewerage
There are a number of rules that must be observed when sewerage equipment is installed in the house.
- The pipeline is laid at an incline towards the sewer pipe( about 3 cm per running meter).
- If the room is not heated, the pipes are additionally insulated with mineral wool.
- You can not perform sharp turns at an angle of 90ᵒ, instead, so-called half-lines are used.
- Fan type ventilation is an obligatory component of the sewage system, which will prevent the penetration of an unpleasant odor into the home.
- The toilet is connected only after the sink, otherwise the water seal will break.
Outdoor sewerage
Step one. The diameter of the pipes is determined, depending mainly on the number of people living in the house.
Step two. A trench is digging from the sewer pipe to the septic tank or cesspool. At the same time, a slope depending on the freezing line of the soil is observed, or the pipeline is insulated with mineral wool.
Step three. The bottom is covered with a "pillow" of sand. Its thickness should be at least 20 cm.
Step four. Pipeline is being laid. It is important to avoid possible sagging, otherwise the connection will soon collapse.
Warning! The seams do not need sealing, since there are already rubber seals in the PP pipes of external use.
Horizontal trench drilling for pipelines is performed using special equipment with pressure jacks-pumps. Drilling occurs with the help of a steel cone-shaped tip. This technology is used in construction:
- auto- and railroads;
- pipelines in the cellars;
- trunks to working wells.
Installation of PP pipelines with their own hands will help to save considerably, but only on condition of competent execution.