Autonomous sewerage by one's own hands

Properly equipped autonomous sewerage is the most important tool that allows the owner of a private site to effectively solve the tasks of diversion and purification of sewage. Only after the creation of a private sewage system does the house become a truly comfortable and well-maintained dwelling fully in line with all applicable standards.

Autonomous sewerage by one

Autonomous sewerage by own hands

Thanks to the sewer system, residents can use water without any kind of restrictions: install hydraulic boxes and baths, washing machines, etc.

Autonomous sewerage by one

Autonomous sewerage with their own hands

With the arrangement of an elementary autonomous sewer can be managed without outside help. All the work boils down to installing the tank, laying pipes and ensuring the correct functioning of the created complex.

Requirements for autonomous sewerage

Contents of the article

  • 1 Requirements for autonomous sewerage
  • 2 How does autonomous sewerage work?
  • 3 Tips for installing autonomous sewer elements
  • 4 Guide to establishing an autonomous sewer system
    • 4.1 First step
    • 4.2 Second step
    • 4.3 Third step
    • 4.4 Fourth step
    • 4.5 Fifth step
    • 4.6 Video - Self-contained sewerage by yourself

Beforebegin to carry out activities for the development of autonomous sewerage, it is necessary to study relevant information and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of a particular variety of existing systems.

Autonomous sewerage by one

Autonomous sewerage by our own hands

Practical experience has allowed us to sufficiently analyze the available data and draw a number of important conclusions as to what a truly effective and quality autonomous sewage system should be.

In order for the system to fully cope with all the tasks assigned to it, it must meet the following requirements:

  • to have a cleaning efficiency index as close as possible to 100%.The minimum allowable value is 95-97%;
  • be neat and compact;
  • ensure the purity of the cleaning process;
  • provide an opportunity to improve and improve performance;
  • be simple and reliable to use;
  • have sufficient margin of resistance to changes in loads;
  • work without odor and noise;
  • have low power consumption;
  • does not require significant financial investments for the development;
  • have a simple design;
  • work effectively in a variety of climatic conditions;
  • provide an opportunity for convenient maintenance and repair work.
    Technical characteristics of Lokos septic tanks

    Technical characteristics of septic tanks Lokos

    Technical characteristics of various modifications of the septic tank Topas

    Technical characteristics of various modifications septic tank Topaz

    Technical characteristics of septic tank Alta Bio

    Technical characteristics septic tank Alta Bio

Thus, there are quite a number of different requirements for modern autonomous sewage systems. However, in practice everything is much easier than in theory.

Ready-made sewerage, equipped with all the recommendations, will serve without any complaints for the longest time. At the same time, the system will comply with the current sanitary and hygienic standards, which will relieve the owner of unpleasant proceedings with the relevant authorities.

How does autonomous sewerage work?

Modern sewer systems are compact, most convenient, practical and easy to install, and environmentally friendly. The most popular systems are those combining the functions of cleaning and supplying oxygen to the working vessels.

Principle of septic tank operation

Principle of operation of a septic tank

Such sewerage is created using materials of the highest quality. Typically, the main material is polypropylene. It is characterized by excellent indicators of strength, environmental friendliness, thermal conductivity and low weight.

Scheme of work

Scheme of work

In the modern market a large assortment of different biological treatment stations for sewage is presented. In this case, they all function in approximately the same mechanism. For the treatment of effluents, certain bacteria that use organic waste as an energy source are responsible. To complete their vital activity, such bacteria need oxygen.

Septic Yubas

Septic Yubas

The wastewater treatment system works in an extremely simple manner. At the first stage, the artificial saturation of effluents with air, necessary for the life of bacteria. In the course of its development, bacteria eat and mineralize the organics that form part of sewage water.

Similar bio-stations are characterized by a very high rate of wastewater treatment. As a result, the purified water can be used without any fears for watering garden plants or pour into a suitable place for this.

Mounting diagram TOPAS 5

Installation scheme TOPAS 5

An additional advantage of the autonomous sewer system is that it is not necessary to perform complex calculations to establish the optimum dimensions of the chamber and the expected volume of the sewage.

Information on the design capacity of the station is given in its name. For example, one of the most famous wastewater treatment systems - astra sewer 5 - will cope with the treatment of wastewater generated by five users. A high-capacity station called Topaz 150 will be able to serve a dacha or cottage settlement for 150 residents.

Tips for installation of autonomous sewerage elements

Underground installation scheme septic tank

Underground installation scheme Septic tank

To ensure that the autonomous sewage system fully copes with all the tasks assigned to it, the installation of its main elements must be carried out in accordance with a number of requirements, namely:

  • slope of sewage pipes from the houseto the container should be within 2-5 degrees. Otherwise, normal and unobstructed diversion of wastewater will not be possible;
  • to ensure reliable fixation of pipes and exclude the risk of their deformation during ground subsidence, the earth in the excavated trenches must be thoroughly damaged or poured with a layer of concrete;
  • installation of pipes of the sewage system should be tried to execute as much as possible a direct trajectory;
  • joints of the elements of the sewage system must be leakproof. To ensure the required tightness, use liquid clay or modern specially designed for such work;
  • the length of straight sections of sewer pipes should not exceed 500 cm in case of installation of 5-cm pipes and not more than 800 cm in the case of laying 10-centimeter pipes;The
  • waste collection container should be installed at a distance of at least 10 m from residential buildings;
  • turns and bends should not be possible. If you can not exclude such areas, it is necessary to make manholes in such places.
    The scheme of a multi-chamber septic tank

    Multi-chamber septic tank diagram

Guide to the arrangement of autonomous sewer system

Delivery of a septic tank to the installation site

Delivery of the septic tank to the installation site

First step

Choose a place for installing the septic tank. The minimum permissible distance from the septic tank to the residential buildings and roads is 5 m, to the garden trees - 3 m, to the water source - 50 m.

Choose a place to install a septic tank

Choose the place for the installation of the septic tank

. The second step

Excavation for septic tank installation

The pit for mounting the septic tank

Start excavation work. Dimensions of the foundation pit for the installation of a septic tank must exceed the dimensions of the tank itself by 30 cm on each side.

Technology is allowed to install a septic tank and biofilter in a common pit.

The Septic is lowered into the pit

The Septic is lowered into the pit

Trench for laying external pipes, dig with a 2-centimeter slope for every 100 cm of the length of the pipeline.

Third step

Weak the bottom of the pit and fill it with concrete. Install the plastic container on the frozen concrete pavement. Additionally, secure the septic tank on a concrete base with cables.

The Septic is fixed with cables to the metal reinforcement of the concrete cushion

The septic tank is attached to the metal reinforcement of the concrete pad

Fourth step

Assemble the sewer system. Lead the pipes according to your scheme. At the same stage, fill the biofilter blocks with expanded clay and bioactive absorbent.

Connection of pipelines

Piping connection

Fifth step

Perform backfilling with earth and sand or cement-sand mixture layer by layer. Each layer of backfill is carefully tamped. At the same time, fill the septic tank with water to a level slightly above the level of the stuffed material.

Water is poured into the septic tank

The water is poured into the septic tank

The pipes are filled first with sand, and after the ground. You do not need to tamp down the backfill.





Connect the pipes in the house according to the conditions of your situation. In this moment everything is individual.

Thus, in the autonomous equipment of an autonomous sewer system there is absolutely nothing complicated. The ready complex will effectively cope with all the tasks assigned to it, saving the owner from a lot of troubles associated with wastewater treatment. Follow the instructions and everything will turn out.

Installation of septic tank TOPAS 30 LONG( scheme)

Installation of septic tank TOPAS 30 LONG( diagram)

Installation of infiltrators

Installation of infiltrators

Septic lid

Septic cover

Good work!

Video - Self-contained sewer system

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