How to make a garden path with your own hands - variants of wood, stone and concrete

Beautiful paths are an important element of a well-groomed site. Variants that differ in cost, simplicity of execution and appearance are many.

Material for the garden path

You need to choose the material from which the garden path will be made, based on the overall appearance of the plot, the finish of the house itself, the amount of precipitation typical for the area, and the amount you are willing to invest in the structure.

  • sand, both conventional and tinted, crushed stone and pebbles - is an economical option for plots that are not susceptible to flooding.
  • Marble, granite crumb is a more expensive and refined version of the track cover.
  • The tracks made from natural stone are slightly more complicated in laying, but they will serve for decades, they are not afraid of moisture, oxen, scorching sun.
  • Concrete paving slab is also suitable for tracks on the site, if you choose a variant with an unusual design and color.
  • Wooden paths of give the site and garden a unique charm. They are appropriate both for the traditional log house and for the house with a modern design, depending on the method of wood processing and the styling option. It's nice to walk barefoot, and they do not slide in the winter.

When laying a garden path, you can use building materials left over from the construction of the house, this will save money and create an original design.

Necessary preparation

Before laying out the tracks, you need to think about the routes the tenants of the house go by, whether they carry wheelbarrows or wheelchairs. This will determine the width of the tracks, their tortuosity and location. The central tracks should be made about a meter wide, secondary - 50-70 cm. You can mark the route of future tracks with a simple garden hose, like a few days just along it to assess whether it is convenient.

The simplest garden path

If you come to the country house to rest only, and construction works cause you a strong dislike, but you still want to protect your feet from dirt, then lay large concrete slabs as a garden path. They are sold in construction markets, where materials for building a house. The grass under them will have to be cut off and the earth compacted. To stack plates it is necessary, observing an equal distance and not deviating from a straight line, then such a path will look neat, especially in the frame of green grass.

Durable and reliable track

If you are not afraid to work with your hands and appreciate the durable structures and things, make on your site concrete paths with the help of molds made of expanded polystyrene. Their standard width is 60 cm, which is quite enough for a narrow path, for a wider passage it is better to place 2 forms side by side. It is more convenient and quicker to work if there are 2-4 forms at hand.

Before work, you need to mark out the contours of the future track using pegs and rope. On the marked area, remove the whole soil with grass to a depth of 10-12 cm and compact the surface. Then pour a layer of small gravel or pebbles 4 cm thick, and on top - sand 5-6 cm thick. Sand is abundantly moistened with water, and the forms are lubricated with machine oil to facilitate later removal, and stacked on sand.

Immediately before pouring, a solution is prepared from 1 part of M500-M600 cement, 3 parts of sand and 4 pieces of fine gravel - read more about the solution here. Mix thoroughly, add water to the density of sour cream, at the same stage, you can add a dye. Using a spatula, pour the solution into all the holes in the mold, making sure that air bubbles do not form. The surface of the tile is spread with a wide spatula. Approximately in an hour the solution will seize, the form can be removed and transferred to a new location. On the walkway, you can walk no earlier than 3-4 days.

You can decorate paths made of concrete by pressing into the surface of a fresh solution pieces of tile, mosaic, pebbles or shells. In the grooves between the concrete soil with grass seeds is filled.

Wooden track

The main thing when creating a wooden track is to choose the right material. The same wood as for building a house - larch, pine - will do. One of the most interesting options, when the track is lined with transverse round spits from a log, and the space between them is filled with small branches cut into cylinders and pebbles. The thickness of the spills must be at least 10 cm, and all wood must be impregnated with the composition against decay and fungus.

On the base, prepared, as in the previous case, lay the wooden workpieces, leveling them by the height of the kyan. They must enter the sand a little. The more densely installed kruglyashi, the better. The gaps between them are filled with gravel and sand, several times wetting it and ramming it. Impregnation of the protective composition should be updated once a year, so that the tracks as long as possible please the eye.

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