We make LED panels for the house - the instruction on the assembly by our own hands

The advantages of semiconductor luminaires are written quite a lot. They are characterized by long operating life, safety( LEDs - low-current elements), the ability to create the most comfortable lighting( including directional) and a number of other parameters.

Who wants to learn about all the possibilities of transforming the interior with the help of similar devices, will find a lot of interesting information here.

Many companies specialize in the production of this product, so there is always a choice. But sometimes it is for a particular installation site, taking into account all the features of the premises, that none of the options available for sale seems to be optimal. The only thing left is to do everything yourself, from scratch. And if there is any knowledge in radio engineering, then this will not cause great difficulties.

Let's consider a question of manufacturing by own hands of the panel on light-emitting diodes. Elementary things to explain to a person who understands such issues, does not make sense. The main thing here is to give an idea. And all the rest - the fruit of realized fantasies, taking into account their own, including financial, opportunities.



  • Plastic( transparent).
  • Organic.
  • Aluminum.
  • Foil( as a retro-reflective element of the device).
  • LEDs( "chips").
  • Power supply, based on the characteristics of PP( current).

With the organolite it is easy to work, and the weight of such a "glass" is insignificant. Consequently, there will be no problems with fixation on any basis.


diode-1 The choice of the shape of the geometry of the luminaire( including the thickness of the panel) is at the discretion of the master. For this, there is paper, a pencil and a ruler. It is much more convenient to use a special PC program( for example, "AutoCAD"), but not everyone owns it. But even the simplest adaptations are enough to develop such a simple project.

What to consider? The intensity of lighting depends on the power and number of "chips", as well as on the scheme of their inclusion. For example, all at once or in a certain sequence, with the help of the mode switch( by rows, "star" or otherwise).If the panel screen is made of corrugated glass( as an option) or multi-colored, then the estimated data should be increased by about 25 - 30%.

 What to recommend? For a luminaire that performs the function of lighting, it is enough to be oriented at 1 W / dm2( although this is approximately).If this is the main coverage, then there is an opinion that 1 "chip" is equated with a normal 10 W lamp.

You can do it the other way. To place on one "matrix" light-emitting diodes "various", but it is obligatory with switching possibility of the circuit. Then one device will simultaneously play the role of both the central lighting and the night light.

Panel options

These figures do not require special explanations.


But the second model is more difficult to manufacture, as an additional compressor is required.


Given that it is necessary to extend the tube for air supply, it is unlikely that such a panel should be mounted on the ceiling. The wall version is another matter, it will look very impressive.

The price of the simplest LED panel starts from 1,550 rubles( 14 watts).If you collect it yourself, it will be somewhat cheaper, and there is an advantage - a space for imagination. So it's worth designing or not, it's up to you, dear reader.

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