LED home tapes - self-wiring instructions

Lamps, which are structurally made in the form of thin ribbons, quickly gained popularity among representatives of various strata of the population. First of all, due to its flexibility, LED strips are universal in use, allowing to realize any, the most original design intentions, even when it is impossible( or inexpedient) to use traditional lighting devices for any reason.

And if you consider that to fix the tape on the basis you do not have to drill / chisel the walls, then the demand for this product is quite understandable. On the use of LEDs in the interior, we have already written - read, quite interesting ideas.

0001 The case for small - connect the LED strip to the power circuit. How to do it right? The procedure is detailed in the instructions accompanying the product. The fact is that all such lamps are classified according to various parameters, therefore it would be wrong to give any general recommendation for installation.

Depending on the type it is carried out in different ways. But still some points should be considered in more detail, especially since it is advisable to make the mounting and connection of the tape yourself. The specialist's service is paid in the amount of( approximate data) ½ of the cost of the products.

What is needed

The question is quite simple, but there are some nuances.

  1. Soldering iron - only low power( no more than 25 W).Otherwise, you can easily damage the shell of the LED strip. Although you can do without it, using so-called LED-connectors( detachable connections).They are used in many household appliances( for example, in TVs, PCs for connecting individual modules and cards into a single circuit).
  2. Cutting tools. No matter what, it will be - a knife, a scalpel, a dangerous razor - but necessarily sharp-cut.
  3. Power supply. It should be taken care of immediately, buying a lamp. Depending on the type of tape on +24 or +12 V. This characteristic is indicated on the tape shell, at certain intervals.

By the way, similar devices in everyday life are called differently - adapters, low voltage IP, drivers. This is not the case, since they all solve a single task - the input ~ 220 V is converted into a constant voltage of a certain denomination.

 When calculating the power of the PSU, it is necessary to increase the value obtained by about ⅓( "safety factor").


Why it is not recommended to attach the tape to the 220 V network "directly"

"Spikes" can not be reliably isolated. First of all, for reasons of the appearance of such a site no one will wind the tape "from the heart".

It should not be forgotten that industrial voltage is dangerous. From this point of view, all the LED lamps are connected only through the converter. For various recommendations on "homemade", "innovative" ideas of various craftsmen in this case it is better not to pay attention. Health and life of close people( if you do not feel sorry for yourself) does not cost any money.

 Moreover, the price of the adapter for tapes used as additional lighting in homes, lies in the range of 650 - 820 rubles. Agree, the reader, is not so expensive.

For some reason, homegrown Kulibins do not take into account such a factor as voltage instability in the network, which is common for us. Variable - it is so called, that, roughly speaking, "runs around and round".At large jumps of its value, the semiconductors of the tape will easily pierce( when an overestimated potential with the opposite sign is applied to its ends).

Well, what especially does not like the household, so this is a constant flicker of the lighting device( do not forget that the voltage is variable!).Although restrictive resistance is included in the chain, but there is no sense in it.

If you do not want( or uncomfortable) to install a voltage converter, then you need to choose special varieties of such luminaires that are rated at 220 V( Duralight).Such LED strips can be mounted even in rooms with excessive humidity and outdoors.

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