Wicket with your own hands

After making a decision to fence the site with a fence of corrugated board, the need for a wicket device appears. It can be done without any problems if you follow the instructions given in our article.


  1. Drawings
  2. Step-by-step instruction for the manufacture of wicket from corrugated board
  3. Video installation wickets from metal profiles with their own hands

For the manufacture of the wicket with their own hands you will need the following tools: welding machine, angle grinder with cutting and grinding wheels - "Bulgarian", drill-screwdriver, gunfor mounting rivets, paint brushes, screwdriver and level.


Step-by-step instruction for the manufacture of wicket from profiled sheeting

This instruction shows the way to weld the frame of the wicket directly on the supporting posts.

1. Initially, you should mark the place for the future gate, leaving an opening of the necessary width in the fence between the two pillars, which will later be welded to the pipes - the backbone of the future wicket. Thanks to this scheme, the future wicket is ideal for size. In this case, the problems that arise when the design is manufactured elsewhere will be eliminated.

2. The question of how to make a gate is solved simply. Its frame is made of the same square pipes as the fence frame. To avoid deformation of the frame of the wicket, the pipes are welded to the fence posts.

3. After that, the top of the hinges is welded to the vertical frame of the wicket frame.

To ensure the rigidity of the construction in the middle of the frame, you need to weld the crosspiece from the same square tube. The horizontal nature of the transverse web should be checked with a level.

4. At the next stage, the frame of the swinging gate from the profiled sheet should be cut off at the points where the pipes are fastened to the posts. It is necessary to cut off any excess pieces of pipes, carefully weld all the joints, and clean the joints with a grinding wheel.

5. With the help of "grinder" it is necessary to clean the installation places of the lower parts of hinged loops on the fence posts. First, the lower part of the upper loop should be welded, after which it is possible to hang the frame of the gate and weld the lower part of the second loop in place.

6. Making a wicket from a metal profile requires checking the correctness of its opening: if everything is done correctly - it opens freely.

7. It is necessary to remove the wicket and weld the hinges on the fence poles from all sides with the sweep of the welds. When welding loops, you need to protect the sheets of corrugated sheet from the ingress of sparks and scale from the welding arc.

8. With the help of "grinder" it is required to cut out the place for installing the mortise lock, having previously marked all the dimensions on the wicket post according to the drawings.

9. The photo shows how, by setting the frame of the gate to the hinges, you can mark the place for the installation of the lock plate on the fence post. It will be necessary to strengthen the counterplate on the fence rack using a drill-screwdriver. Next, you should check the correct operation of the lock, after which you can begin to paint the entire structure to protect against rust.

10. Using a drill and a rivet gun, you must install a pre-fitted profiled sheet on the wicket frame. As an option, you can fix the corrugated board, using roofing screws. Mounting the metal profile, you need to install the lining with handles on the lock.

11. To limit the opening of the wicket, it is desirable to install a stopper inside the opening, from a piece of metal cut off from the pipe.

Thanks to the assembly of the frame directly on the fence racks, the work, with the help of an assistant, will take no more than two hours. The gate itself will please its new owners with reliability and unpretentiousness in operation.

Video installation wickets from metal profiles with their own hands

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