- 1 Removing oil stains from the ceiling
- 2 Removing water stains from the ceiling
- 2.1 Getting rid of yellow spots after a fresh repair
- 2.2 Removing stains from smoke and smoke from the ceiling
- 2.3 Getting rid of rust on metal plaster beacons and fittings
Removingyellow spots on the ceiling - the task is not easy, but feasible. To get rid of these defects, you first need to determine the reasons for their appearance. Proceeding from this, the methods of removing stains will also be different. Yellow spots on the ceiling can arise due to exposure to soot, smoke, oil, and also as a result of flooding of neighbors living on the upper floors. Similar flaws on the ceiling may also appear due to nearby rusty sewer pipes or running water. It happens, when the areas with yellowness appear on the recently repaired ceiling. The simplest way to paint aerosol paint on a boil or with a solvent-based paint is ideally an automotive GF type primer. If the stains are more complex, then you can use other tips. For example, how to remove stains of mounting foam.
It is important that the reinforcement and the metal joints of the plates in the panel houses are painted over, if this is not done then the rust will appear through the putty.
For the work on the removal of stains will need:
- Metal spatula width of 7-8 mm;
- Foam Sponge;
- Brush;
- Chlorine solution( "Whiteness");
- Plastic or metal container;
- Roller;
- Tray for paint;
- Better white paint( that the spot does not glare);
- Deep penetrating primer.
GF 021 primer will help brighten any stain. It is important to pre-treat the surface.
Removal from the ceiling of oil stains
The process of removing oil stains from the ceiling is a troublesome business. The difficulty of the job is that the oil penetrates into the plaster, therefore, even after removing the layer of lime, having plastered and several times painting the ceiling, over time, you can again encounter the appearance of oil stains. To remove oil stains from the ceiling, you need to perform a certain algorithm of actions:
- Clean the problem area from dust and dirt;
- We perform the priming of the oil stain;
- Expect drying of the primer;
- Pour the paint into the bath and, using a roller, paint the stain;
- Sites that are difficult to paint with a roller, paint carefully with a brush;
- By painting the spots on the ceiling with one coat of paint, we expect it to dry completely;
- If the stain does appear, you should paint it a few more times until it completely disappears;
- Then it's better to wait a few days and if the stain does not appear, you can start repairing the ceiling.
Removing water stains from the ceiling
The process of eliminating this type of defects is reduced to the steps listed below.
- Use a spatula to clean the stains from the paint and putty.
- Pour into the container "Belize" and, moistening the sponge, process the surface of the stain until the spot becomes lighter. If the sponge turns yellow, replace it.
- You need to wait until the surface dries. If the yellowness is left, the procedure must be repeated.
Get rid of yellow spots after a fresh repair
From stains on the ceiling, painted recently, you can get rid of using oil paint. The surface of the spot needs to be covered with several layers. If the problem area differs from the rest of the ceiling surface with gloss, it has a different shade, paint must be applied over the glossy paint, which was used to paint the entire ceiling. Remove from the ceiling stains of rust. To neutralize such defects, you need to use vitriol primer( herb).To produce it, you need 250 grams of laundry soap, copper sulfate, bone glue, 40 g of linseed oil. So, we are preparing a vitreous primer.
- Copper sulfate is dissolved in 1 liter of water.
- Mix the resulting solutions. Separately dissolve the glue, where we cover the soap, grated, and linseed oil.
- Before use, the resulting mixture is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10.
Also to remove rusty stains from the ceiling, you can apply a concentrated solution of copper sulfate( it should be bright blue).With this solution, we process the stain surface several times with an interval of 2-3 hours. As a result of the treatment, the surface will have a greenish tinge. After drying the stain should be primed with an acrylic primer or paint based on white spirit. Sequence of work with the use of vitriol primer( herbage).
- Carefully process the stain with grass.
- After drying the primer coat on the area with yellowness, a layer of hydrophobic filler should be applied. This is done in order to block the stain, not to allow its repeated penetration to the surface.
- Expect the drying of the putty( at least 24 hours).
- The surface should be primed again using an acrylic primer.
- We paint the surface with enamel, we wait for complete drying.
- In conclusion, the renovated section of the ceiling can be painted with paint, which was painted the entire surface of the ceiling.
Remove from the ceiling stains from soot and smoke
Soot from the fireplaces, candles, smoke from cigarettes can leave on the ceiling stains of yellow. To get rid of these defects, you need to follow the steps below.
- It is necessary to clean the area with yellowness from contamination with a dry sponge. Do not use a wet sponge - the surface of the ceiling can absorb water.
- Prepare the cleaning solution. Mix 3.5 liters.warm water and 1 tablespoon of sodium orthophosphate.
- Apply the solution to the stain with a sponge evenly pressed( to protect your hands, you need to wear rubber gloves).
- Repeat several times until the spot disappears.
- If the stain does not disappear completely, it must be primed with GF primer.
- The ceiling can be painted.
How to get rid of rust on metal plaster beacons and fixtures
It happens that the repair is done in a hurry and after the plaster the lighthouse has stayed somewhere and when the repair is finished it is such a nuisance when a blister appears from the painted wall and stains from the stucco light appear. This happens when the beacon rusts and thus raises the paint or yellow spots are formed which appear even through the wallpaper and paint. It is important in the repair process to remove painting beacons from walls and ceiling.
There are two possible ways to get rid of the rust of the plaster beacons in the wall.
1. Pull out the lighthouse and seal this place. Work with plaster beacons.
2. Carefully cut the putty to get to the edge on which during the leveling of the wall the zinc layer is worn off, clean and paint it with varnish or solvent-based paint( type PF or GF) after local repair, restore the surface, put it on and coat it.
Video on how to get rid of stains on the walls and the ceiling with your own hands.