Calculation of fabric for curtains

Calculation of fabric for curtains

Each landlady or landlord meets with the need to purchase curtains for windows, but how to choose the height and length of curtains, how to correctly calculate the fabric for curtains?

Whether it's a kitchen or living room, a children's room or a bedroom, properly selected curtains, you will no doubt decorate your interior and become an integral part of it.


  • Calculation of the meter
  • Calculating the value of the curtains
  • Decoration

Calculating the footage

When placing the fabric for curtains, add 10-15 cm to the hem. The width of curtains should be chosen such that it was 1.5 times the length of the cornice.

To do this, initially measure the length of the cornice, and only after determine the desired length of curtains.

Choose a fabric of a fairly large width, if you do not want to face the need to grind the panels.


It's also important to choose the color of the curtains, to determine if the curtains are monophonic, or they will be drawn with a pattern.

Remember that if you calculate the length or width of the curtains is not correct, then correcting this error will be impossible, therefore, accuracy in this matter is a prerequisite.

If you are not sure that you will be able to manage on your own, then it may be better for you to contact a specialist who will save your time and money in the future. The expert will accurately calculate the fabric for the curtains.

Calculating the cost of curtains

When choosing the important role also plays the cost of curtains. The total cost of curtains determines: the degree of urgency of an order, the total amount of work, the complexity of the model and other reasons, so without a final calculation of the size and choice of material to judge the cost will be difficult.

It is recommended that you make an initial calculation of the curtains yourself in order to plan your financial expenses.

To clarify the preliminary cost of future curtains, you can have a designer, as it will help you to know the provisional cost of pillows or bedspreads, which can also decorate your interior.



In order to make your room more comfortable, cozy and beautiful, it is recommended to decorate the curtains with various accessories.

For many, it seems that tiny accessories are just a trifle, but it is from such trifles that the overall impression of the room is formed.

To give the room a distinctive appeal and expressiveness, a small and inexpensive accessory is enough, and your room will play with bright colors.

Original and stylish accessories will make your curtains unlike others, and will make them even more effective.

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