The concept of "country" used to be mostly associated with music. In translation from English means "rural", "folk" melody. With regard to the interior decoration of the kitchen of the house it is about its decoration in a style reminiscent of the atmosphere in which our grandparents lived.
Increased interest in such an interior began to manifest itself with the growth of individual construction, especially since most of the buildings are erected beyond the boundaries of settlements, namely in rural areas.
This issue is not as simple as it seems at first glance. The concept of "country" in each country has its own. After all, the interior decoration, for example, the houses of great-grandmothers of the modern American and Russian in many respects differs. Can you imagine that our log cabin, a Mexican cousin or a Swiss chalet is a copy in the design?
The main feature of this "village decoration" is that it "drops out" of the time frame. Fashion trends are coming and going, and "country" is not losing its popularity. Therefore, it is rightly called the style-classics. This design makes any room more cozy, "homey", creates some relaxation, tranquility and good mood. On the example of the kitchen, let us consider the specifics of such arrangement of the premises.
The main materials for finishing are stone( brick), tiles and wood. As an option - plastering surfaces( decorative compounds).It is desirable to decorate the walls in lighter colors. Floor trim artificial materials should not be - he or the boardwalk, or with a coating of laminate( parquet board).
It is better to furnish items also were made of wood or its derivatives - plywood, particle board, MDF.If in the arrangement of kitchen-country different moldings are used, it is necessary to avoid stucco molding, products made of plastics or polystyrene - only wood or its imitation.
Cookware .This indispensable attribute of the kitchen should also be matched appropriately. Items made of clay( ceramics) are perfect. Although you should not make a "revolution" and throw out what is already available. It is enough to have the same plates, to restore the circles a little( for example, to paint, paint), to "grow old", and they will organically fit into the village interior. Well, wooden spoons - by itself.
Do not overlook the issue of choosing curtains, curtains. On sale there is a huge range of them, and from various materials. For kitchen-country experts recommend the use of textiles. Hemp, linen, cotton are the most successful options.
In this room we eat food, so its color registration needs to be given special attention. Specialists have long determined the dependence not only of our mood, but even of appetite, of the process of digestion from the tones( shades) of the objects around us. This style implies the use of colors inherent in land and wood. But such as purple, blue or bright red in the kitchen-country is unlikely to be appropriate.
Attractions will add paintings in wooden frames .But the plot should be chosen according to the overall design - landscapes, still lifes and the like. But, for example, canvases painting sea battles, decorating the walls is not worth it.
And do not forget about house plants .And it is better to put live flowers, and not artificial ones. The main thing is to select them correctly, taking into account the humidity and temperature in the room.
Summarizing the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:
What is typical for a country kitchen?
- A clear layout( for a small kitchen is described here), practicality and simplicity in everything.
- The main material is wood or its high-quality imitation.
- The predominance of the "spirit" of antiquity, the minimum of the eye-catching "newfangled".
- Part of the dishes - for show.
- As few bright colors as possible. Basically - only "soft", pastel.
- Presence of various decoration elements( for example, wood carvings), artificially aged items emphasizing the peculiarity of the country style( various abrasions and the like).
And finally - the style of "country" is distinguished by the absence of any strict canons. All - at the discretion of the owners of the home. And the relevant recommendations, which should be oriented, are already given.