Which wallpaper is best to choose for a bedroom - practical tips for decorating an interior

This question is so multifaceted that there can not be any "just right" board for choosing wallpaper for a bedroom by definition. A lot depends on the design of this room. If only because it is in it that we meet a new day, which, as is known, how it will begin, will continue to flow. But all the bedrooms are different.

bedrooms That's why when choosing a bedroom design option, you should not be guided by some established stereotypes. At the same time, there are some common points that are often overlooked, because first of all, when choosing the wallpaper we like, we pay attention to how they "look" and how much a roll costs. Consider some factors that must be taken into account.

Firstly, , whose room is a child, a married couple, an inveterate bachelor and so on. Also important are such aspects as age, psychotype of a particular person and a number of others.

Secondly , the overall design of the room, first of all, the arrangement of furniture, its color and style. Even if you do not take into account the rules of feng shui, which entered into fashion, the right choice of the shade of wallpaper largely depends not only on the inner mood of a person, but also on the state of his health. Naturally, the influence is indirect, but, nevertheless, it is not worth neglecting this. After all, if we have a bad, restless sleep, then it's not necessary to talk about a full rest of the body.

Thirdly, , the number and arrangement of lighting devices. In addition, the location of windows, the dimensions of the openings are also important. All this affects the illumination of the room, so this factor should also be taken into account when selecting a shade, a pattern of canvases.

It is much easier and better to choose appropriate for the external design of wallpaper, than to engage in "re-laying" the electrical / wiring and reinstalling fixtures.

Fourthly, the , the wall and base material to which the wallpaper will be applied, and its condition. In this regard, it is necessary to take into account the anticipated amount of preparatory work and the consumption of necessary materials. It often happens that in the end, the cost of finishing the bedroom far exceeds the estimated costs, even if you make it in the style of minimalism.

For example, if the walls have "roughness", then before the labeling of thin paper strips, they will have to be leveled, otherwise all surface defects will strike the eye. And the use of wallpaper on a fabric basis assumes the preliminary treatment of the material of the wall( ceiling) with special bactericidal agents.

Proceeding from this, there are still a whole series of questions, purely practical. Is it always convenient to engage in a specific type of preparatory work? Is there time and skills for this? Has the whole complex of necessary measures been carried out before( cracks, impregnation, etc.)?When - long ago or recently? In the latter case, repairs are only cosmetic, since in most cases the wallpaper can simply be pasted on top.

Fifth, the , the indoor microclimate, and first of all, the humidity level. If it is high enough, then the same paper wallpaper will constantly get wet.


There are several basic types of wallpaper on sale, which differ in the material of their base. It can be paper, fabric or polymer, and also represent a kind of "combination" of them. When choosing the type of the best wallpaper for the bedroom, you need to take into account those points about which it is said at the beginning of the article. The following types of wallpaper are most often purchased.

Paper wallpaper

These wallpapers are the cheapest, and this is their undisputed plus. In addition, it's quite easy to work with them, and the range of products is quite rich in our time - there is something to choose from( the canvas is smooth or structured).

But it is worth noting a number of cons. For example, paper wallpaper does not last long. They are sufficiently burned out, they are afraid of mechanical action and liquids. Despite the fact that the technique of stickers is quite simple, there is a nuance. If the canvas is thin, then after processing its back side with adhesive composition, it breaks easily enough. This somewhat complicates the work with the cheapest rolls. In addition, "paper" is not able to completely hide the existing surface defects in the form of protrusions or depressions. Therefore, the basis will necessarily have to equalize or choose relief, more expensive, canvases.

If there is a desire to buy paper wallpapers, then the best option is with an external coating( water repellent, glossy and a number of others).

Non-woven wallpaper

These wallpapers are more dense, therefore, before their labeling, you do not have to carefully level the base. They have a lot of advantages - they are strong, they allow the walls to "breathe", are elastic, which makes it possible to glue them with areas with the most complex configuration. In addition, they can be painted-repainted many times.

Vinyl wallpapers

The basis can be non-woven or paper. They are well washed, but have a significant drawback - completely "clog up" the base, since they do not allow air to pass through. That's why to finish the rest - bedrooms - they are best not to use.

On sale there are vinyl wallpaper "perforated", which, according to the advertisement, are able to "breathe".But these products are on the market relatively recently, so it is better to ask the opinion( if there is such an opportunity) of those who have already pasted the walls.

But the general opinion of experts is - for a bedroom, vinyl wallpaper is better not to use at all because of the presence of "chemistry" in them.

Fabric wallpaper

textile wallpaper Although they are an original, even a luxurious version, they are used less often, since they are quite expensive. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the state of the substrate( impregnation with special compounds).Well, if the house has, for example, a cat, then problems can not be avoided - such products do not differ in mechanical strength. And in the children's bedroom, fabric wallpaper is also not worth using. The child will easily spoil them with the same toys.


The "liquid" wallpaper has a lot of advantages. Do not have to work with rolls, measure their length, and apply glue to glue. They are applied to the surface as a normal putty, while letting air in( do not seal the surface).A significant plus is good maintainability. The damage is eliminated by a "point" method, very quickly. However, the cost of such products is of the same quality, so not everyone can afford such an option bedroom design.


As already noted, the color of wallpaper affects our mood. It should immediately indicate that for the bedroom it is undesirable to purchase products of the following shades - red, yellow, orange, purple. Experts recommend giving preference to wallpaper green, blue, gray, beige tones. They act as relaxing, tune to a sound sleep and a good rest. The choice depends on the sphere of human activity - his profession, the daily routine, workload and so on, but this is already the topic of a separate article.

An important point is the choice of a picture on canvases. Uniform wallpaper rarely used for decorating living quarters, especially for the bedroom, where any "semi-official" is simply inappropriate. There is an opinion that such a monotony causes a feeling of despondency and depression. Although it is fair to say that there are other points of view.

But the general, "typical" recommendation is this: the larger the room, the larger the figure.

color There are many options that are combined( the so-called "zoning", where the decoration of individual sections of the wall is produced by different wallpaper).Everything depends on the preferences of the owners and their fantasies. Here are just some of the ways:

  • is the easiest - use the same wallpaper to decorate the room;
  • is the same, but with a difference in hue( with the same pattern);
  • application of the same type of products of 2 varieties, which are pasted on opposite walls;
  • 3 walls are pasted with rolls of the same type, and the fourth, for example, photo wallpaper;
  • strip alternation with mirrors, cladding panels and so on;
  • painting with canvases( interspersed) with stripes and pattern.


In the design of any room, we often "rush" to extremes - or blindly copy someone we like the option( as they have great!), Or trying to achieve some kind of "exclusivity", extravagance( this no one else has!).

Two simple things need to be remembered. Firstly, the bedroom, first of all, is intended for rest and intimate relations. Secondly, all people are different, so the approach to the design of this room should be individual. Moreover, only the owners come into it, and to focus only on the opinion of an outsider, even "knowing", is not entirely correct. The main criterion for finishing - their own preferences, sensations, because in our bedroom, not rest, not someone, but only us.

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