Electric concrete mixer with own hands

The device of the concrete mixer

The system of the elements of this device is not anything complicated, so its creation will be possible for a person who has minimal knowledge in engineering.

So, the mechanism of a concrete mixer includes in its device the following:

  • drum;
  • support elements;
  • electric motor.

The main thing is to correctly connect all the parts to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the device. However, do not forget that the motor in the mixer is quite powerful, and the structure contains moving parts. Therefore, when working, it is necessary to comply with safety regulations.

Making the mixing drum

Step 1. We make the drum for the mixer

Often for such purposes, use an iron barrel, the volume of which should be at least 200 liters. You can also use a similar container, only made of plastic. The disadvantage of using the barrel as a mixing chamber is its high altitude, which in turn can complicate the procedure for extracting the finished solution from the apparatus after cooking.

Picture number 1

The best option is to weld a mixing chamber from sheet steel, while trying to maximize the shape of the purchased machines. Dimensions of the drum can vary from 200 to 300 liters.

Blades of electric concrete mixer

Also in the drum mixer device are blades that are located inside the chamber. If the mixing tank is constructed of metal, then the blades need to be welded to the inner surface of the drum. If the mixing chamber is made of a plastic barrel, then it is worth attaching them to the iron base of the drum. Blades can be made of cast iron profile or corner.

Connection to the motor

Next, it is necessary to make an element by means of which the drum will be connected with the motor, which can be a gear or belt. To do this, a connecting ring( in the case of a belt connection) or denticles( if the coupling is reducible) is welded to the housing of the mixing chamber.

Picture number 2

Mounting of support elements

The frame for the concrete mixing mechanism can be constructed from wood or metal. With a constant vibration, the wooden base can loosen, which does not happen with a welded metal base. For an iron base, trimming of channels, pipes or corners will suit. It is better to immediately make frames with wheels to ensure the mobility of the device.

Also in the design it is necessary to provide a rotary mechanism of the chamber, which is mounted from metal pins and bearings. It is necessary to attach a handle to it to ensure the convenience of controlling the structure.

Picture №3

Engine Selection

The rotating mechanism must have a rotational power of 20 to 50 units per minute. To do this, the engine from the washing machine is suitable, it is also possible to use single-cycle engines of low power. The specificity of working with a concrete mixer requires that the engine be equipped with a network connection and a switch. There is also a requirement for the number of revolutions. If the motor rotates the drum faster than 50 revolutions per minute, the solution will be sprayed.

Picture number 4

Assembling the

Now it's worth connecting all the selected parts together. This process consists of several successive operations:

  • Installing the drum on the frame and securing it. It is worth making sure that the base can withstand the weight of the kneading chamber.
  • Install the engine under the frame and secure it in accordance with the selected motor connection system with the mixing chamber.
  • Connecting the machine to the mains and a test idle start.

In the presence of obvious errors in the design, which manifested itself during the trial run, it is necessary to eliminate them.

Picture №5

Useful tips for the operation of

When using a self-made concrete mixer in a construction, it is worth paying attention to several important aspects:

  • You can not start the machine if there is a solution inside it that needs additional stirring. It is better to remove the remains of the building mass, and then re-throw them into the drum that has already been launched.
  • In the process of kneading a mortar, the chamber should not be filled with more than 2/3 of its volume.
  • Before starting the kneading process, you need to add the ingredients of the solution in the following order: water, sand, cement, other ingredients.
  • After each completed day of work, do not leave the drum not washed. The solution can solidify on the walls of the chamber and cause the entire structure to be inoperative.

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