How to make a stand for knives from wood with your own hands - instruction

stand Knife stands are manufactured for different purposes. Someone wants to add to the interior of the room such an element as a collection or just a very original gift knife. Someone keeps a beautiful hunting knife in a conspicuous place, for which a suitable support is also needed. Well, in the kitchen of any home, there are tens of different household knives of different shapes and sizes, which must also be stored somewhere, and stored not as a "common heap", but correctly. Especially in the kitchen, where the knife should always be at hand, and preferably - always sharpened. At the same time, the accessibility of the knife should not interfere with the hostess when working in the kitchen. It is also desirable to limit the access of young children to knives. In order to solve the problem of correct and convenient storage of knives, you can make your own simple and attractive stand for them( the so-called knife).It is neatly placed on the table, or even better - to strengthen the knife-edge on the wall, which will save the place of the working surface of the table.

Materials and stand construction

knife-knife The simplest knife stand is easy to make yourself from plywood or wooden boards, naturally, with well-machined surfaces. The width and thickness are chosen from the calculation of the corresponding strength and location of the stand. Also need a wooden rack. The appearance of the stand should not make a dissonance in the overall design of the room, so its shape and size should be carefully thought through. It is necessary to prepare the material in advance, which will be processed subsequently the result of your work( lacquer, stain, special finishing paper).If it is decided to attach the stand to a surface, care should be taken with the appropriate fasteners.


 First, they prepare the slats, which will separate the knives in the stand from each other. They cut into the required length, depending on the height of the future stand. The number of racks is cut from the calculation of the number of knives plus one rack. They are carefully processed from all sides.

After the boards( body of the stand) and the slats are completely ready, it is necessary to spread out the knives on the same board as they will be stored. In the spaces between the knives, the slats are glued. Then on the edges of the board( indicating the upper and lower part of the stand) two more laths are glued. On this assembly, in turn, the second board is glued on top. Everything, a simple and elegant knife stand is ready.

The design of the finished product depends entirely on the imagination of the master and mistress. For convenience of using knives, if they are from a set with the same handles and different blade lengths, it is possible to make a contour of the knife in the given place on the untreated surface of the front side of the stand. This can be done with an ordinary felt-tip pen. If the knife is covered with varnish, then the made picture will be clearly visible. This will allow you to unerringly pick up the right knife.

The stand can be made from the other, easily processed material( plastic, for example).You can make a stand not solid, but only from curly slats. Then all the knives will be clearly visible. The main thing is to approach this business with desire and soul.

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