What a circuit is.
The scheme, or apartment plan is a horizontal projection of its walls on a plane. Any such document must be made on a certain scale, observing the sizes and proportions of all subjects. For the construction of a plan-project of an apartment the scale of 1 to 20 is quite suitable, because this scale is quite capable of being compact and at the same time visually showing the rooms and the location of furniture and other important items in them.
Carrying out initial measurements.
For measuring long distances in the apartment, you can use a measuring laser - this will reduce the time spent running around the room with the shifting of the ruler, and the accuracy of the device will be much higher. Just attach the device to the wall and press the metering button - the device will determine the distance and show the result on the display.
However, the laser will only allow you to know the main dimensions of the apartment rooms( including the sanitary unit), but what about the store rooms and the various items located in these rooms? Here comes the help of roulette. With its help, also measure the thickness of the walls( each individually), window and door openings. The distance from the corners will also be useful. To save the data, make a small sketch of the apartment on a sheet of paper, where you enter all the measured data. Pure design of the scheme is better done using a computer program - this will allow you to further edit the plan and, if necessary, print several variants of layouts.
Programs for offline drawing of the apartment scheme.
You can use vector editing programs, such as AdobeIllustrator or a draftsman from CorelDraw. However, if you have not encountered them before, it may take quite some time to sort them out. It all depends on your computer skills. If advanced - try AutoCAD, the ideal tool for creating drawings. If you need something simpler - you can use a simple MSVisio program, from the Pro kit MSOffice. There are quite a few additional functions implemented in it, such as:
- possibility to write dimensions on the schematic,
- drawing on the whole objects scheme of the interior,
- simplicity of relocation of related objects.
Programs for drawing schemes online.
There is a good help in making the scheme of the apartment, if you are provided with the Internet. You can use a variety of online planners, such as MyFloorplanner. They allow you to create a practically professional apartment plan without requiring serious computer skills. Standard library sets of this program will allow you to easily and quickly draw all surfaces and walls, apply on top the designations of furniture items and even apply lighting to find out what angle it can be in the eternal shadow. Just bring your dimensions and plan there.