Thermal insulation of walls with polystyrene by hands outside the house

Tired of paying large bills for the use of natural gas or electricity? Want to reduce the consumption of natural resources during the heating season, live in the heat and do not save every cubic meter of gas or kilowatt of electricity?

One way to reduce the energy consumption of heating homes is the external insulation of the house. And the cheapest and most effective technology to date is insulation of walls with foam plastic from outside .Do you want to implement this technology yourself? There is nothing easier. And to be convinced of it, I suggest to familiarize with all undercurrent of this technological process, as they say, from the beginning and up to the end.

After reading, you will be convinced that can be insulated with foam by own hands possible!

At this stage of warming the walls is not so much work. All cracks, potholes and destruction of old plaster should be carefully sealed with a cement-sand mortar or glue, which will be used later for gluing foam plates. Naturally, the surface of the wall to improve the adhesion of the surface must be opened with a deep penetration primer such as Cerasit CT17.

Do not primed at once the entire surface of the house - only one wall. Primed wall - pasted foam. Then the next and the next. That's all that you need at this stage of the work.

Heat insulation of walls with polystyrene outside photo

Heat insulation of walls with polystyrene from outside photo

You do not want the resulting surface as a result of pasting foam to be a curve? That is why the novice masters should take advantage of the so-called grandfather's adaptation of the "spider".

Foam fixing to the wall outside the house

Fixing the foam to the wall outside the house

It is quite easy to make it easy - you need a strong thread and a weights. In the corners of the wall, which is insulated with foam plastic, one dowel is killed at the very top. At the bottom of the wall, straight under the upper dowels, we also slaughter one dowel. From threads and cargoes we make two plumb bows, which we tie to two dowels, hammered at the top of the wall. When the plumb lines "calm down" and their threads take a strictly vertical position, we tie them down to the dowels hammered there. And the last movement in creating a "spider" is pulling a horizontal thread - just tie it with knots to two vertically stretched threads. The horizontal thread should move almost freely up and down. It's about her touch and you need to glue the foam.

The spider is ready, you can move on. I will make a reservation at once - polystyrene is produced in two sizes. Plates, having dimensions of 1.0 x 0.5 m, are much more convenient to work than a plate 1 x 1m. If we are talking about the foam plastic used, it is better to give preference to the 25th density material having a thickness of 50 mm.

Heat insulation of walls with polystyrene

Thermal insulation of walls with polystyrene with their own hands

Now a little about the glue that provides the fixation of the foam to the wall. As a connecting element between the foam and the wall surface, a special glue is used - if it is a Cerasit, then this company produces glue with the short name CM83.I ask not to be confused with SM85 - the first is used for gluing foam, and the second one for reinforcing it. This glue, like all other dry mixes, dissolves in water and is thoroughly mixed with a construction mixer. At the expense of density, I want to say one thing - the thicker the glue, the less chance for the foam plates to crawl along the wall. Strongly thick glue, of course, is also bad, so you have to find the optimal proportions yourself - it's not hard, after the second knead you will know exactly what glue is needed.

External insulation of walls with polystyrene photo

External insulation of walls with foam plastic photo

On foam the glue is applied by so-called "bloopers", pieces of four from each edge of a sheet of foam and a couple of pieces in the middle. After that, the sheet is applied to the wall and with the help of a level or a flat strip is pressed until the stretched horizontally the thread will not evenly touch the foam at all its points. Freshly adhered foam is left to dry for a day.

As practice shows, one glue for reliable fixing of foam plastic to the wall, unfortunately, is not enough - that's why the so-called umbrellas are additionally used. It's something like a dowel, with a very big bonnet. Each sheet should be fastened in five places - four corners and a middle. Drill the necessary holes and hammer the umbrellas. We hammer so that the hats were slightly drowned in the foam, and the formed depressions in the area of ​​the hammered umbrellas are leveled with the help of glue.

technology of insulation of walls with foam plastic outside

Technology of insulation of walls with polystyrene from outside

Here we have already reached the reinforcement of foam plastic - this process is also not very complicated. You will need a kapron acid-resistant mesh and CM85, if it's a Cerasit glue. Under the top of the wall, a bit of reinforcement glue is applied, after which a grid is pressed into it by a spatula. This process is identical to the putty. Although there are a few nuances - if you do not want to see the cracks in the junction of the mesh on the already finished surface, the mesh should be glued overlapping at about 10-15cm. At the corners, the grid should be bent so that it goes to the next wall for 20-30cm.

Warming the facade of the house with polystyrene

Thermal insulation of the facade of the house with polystyrene by hand

Well, the final stage of insulation of walls with foam plastic from outside is their plaster. It is carried out with the same glue as the reinforcement of the foam. Here you can go in two ways: the first is applying a firming plaster glue by puttying, and the second is plaster by all rules using a half-rub. In principle, both methods are good in their own way - as they say, to whom it is more convenient and who is used to how to work. The difference between these methods is that to achieve an even surface with a spatula you will need to apply two layers of glue, and with a half-rub, only one.

How to insulate the house from the outside with polystyrene foam

How to insulate the house from the outside with foam

Here, in principle, and the whole process of insulation of facades with foam plastic. We can say that the walls are insulated and ready to apply various kinds of decorative coatings. It can be "bark beetle", pebble decorative plaster or some other coating. It is important to remember only that before their application the plastered foam should be opened with a paint - a primer like Cerasit CT16.

Save your money and time by choosing wall insulation with EPS with your hands , besides, it will allow you to feel comfortable all winter.

Author Sergey Golikov

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