Winter time is not considered to be the best period for construction work. But there are situations when conservation of construction can lead to significant destruction. In winter it is most difficult to perform brick laying, but even this task is quite feasible.
Brick masonry in winter should be carried out taking into account some rules, due to which construction work can be carried out in its entirety, even at temperatures up to -50 ° C.
Brick masonry problems in winter
When laying brick in frost, it is most difficult to ensure the required strength. When the air temperature is below zero, the water in the fixing solution freezes, thereby stopping the necessary process of cement hydration. If the water does not have time to turn into ice, but at the same time it gets into the warm regions from the cold regions, this will cause the surface of the bricks to cover with ice. After some time, the ice, which is located inside the masonry, and on the surface of the bricks, will melt, but the adhesion of mortar and bricks will significantly decrease. After complete thawing, the strength of the masonry will be reduced by about a quarter of the required standards. In addition, when water in the solution turns into ice, and then thaws, loose spaces form in the masonry, which can cause the structure to collapse after a while.
How to prepare mortar for laying bricks
Despite the existing disadvantages, brick laying in frosts can be no less strong than in the warm season. However, this requires a special solution.
In solution for laying bricks in winter construction must include antifreeze additives, which will ensure a decrease in temperature. It is recommended to use a brand not less than 50, where the necessary additives are already included. Most importantly, follow the process of solidification of the solution. To do this, small nests with plugs are made in the masonry, so that it is possible to measure the temperature both inside and outside with a thermometer.
The optimum laying for winter time can be made by artificial heating or by freezing. In some cases, at very low temperatures, additional moths need to be installed above the masonry itself.
Taking into account the work, it must be taken into account that all antifreeze additives are poisonous to humans. Work with them is possible only in overalls, goggles and tight gloves.
For the same reason, any mixture containing chemical additives is allowed to be used only for erection of retaining walls and foundations. Brick laying in winter conditions with the use of chemical mixtures is strictly prohibited for the erection of residential premises.
Methods of laying bricks in winter
Brick laying in minus weather is most often carried out in the following ways:
- Electric heating
As this method is labor-intensive and energy-intensive, it is recommended to use it only when building small sections of walls. During the laying of walls in the finished solution, horizontally placed electrodes, through which later will be carried out electricity. When heated, the electrodes will also heat the masonry seams, which, accordingly, will eliminate the formation of ice. However, for effective electric heating, it is extremely important that the seams are completely filled.
- Construction of a greenhouse
This method is very effective, but it is quite laborious. Its essence lies in the fact that around the future wall or part of the wall is installed a frame of racks. The frame is covered with a polyethylene film or with similar materials. To provide heat to the future structure and mortar for masonry, any heat source, such as an oven, generator, electric heater, etc., must be installed inside the frame.
In order to build the winter brickwork of brick in accordance with all the required standards, it is necessary to heat the plant for several days. Since it is almost impossible to erect a whole frame over an entire house or at least over one wall, this method is suitable only for the construction of individual elements.
- Freezing method
Masonry brickwork in winter is most effective if the work is done by the freezing method. The essence of the method of freezing is based on the fact that a special cement mortar for winter laying of bricks can seize again after some time after thawing.
For masonry using the freezing method, it is possible to use only a warmed-up mortar and completely cleaned from intentional bricks. If the ice on the bricks has already formed, it is more convenient to eliminate it with the help of an injection torch. In addition, it is recommended to use the highest grade of solution for this method.
? The solution has the property to cool down quickly, which is why ice forms in it. Therefore, it is necessary to use up to a maximum of half an hour for it to be heated. To avoid freezing, dilute the solution in small portions.
Also the answer to the question - is it possible to lay a brick in the winter, depends on the quality of the work. During winter masonry it is necessary to watch with particular care the fullness of the seams, especially the vertical ones.
Finishing works of
After the construction of a brick wall to a level not higher than one storey, it is necessary to install prefabricated floors. If the masonry is carried out by the method of freezing, the height of the erected structure in the winter time should not exceed 15 m.
In addition, it is extremely important to trace the masonry with the arrival of a thaw. In order to provide additional stability and strength to the brickwork in the spring, it is necessary that the distance between it and the transverse walls does not exceed 20 m. In addition to all of the above, the walls on the south side must be hung with pergamon or moisturized.
Undoubtedly, laying a brick in the winter is a laborious and serious process, but if the construction took place at the beginning of the winter, it should not be postponed for 3-4 months. If the sequence of works and methods of their implementation are observed, the winter laying will be no less solid than the summer laying.