Wall insulation: which is better to choose

The catastrophic shortage of energy resources and their high cost led to the development of various types of energy-saving technologies. In its desire to save the world's population reached incredible heights, and the slogan "Shine as best as you can!" Was taken literally by virtually all reasonable representatives of the human race.

One of the most common ways to reduce the use of natural resources is the warming of the walls. For this, different materials and technologies are used, which we'll talk about today on the pages of the "Dream House" website, having thoroughly studied all their types and principles of use, and also choosing the best insulation for walls.

Types of insulation for walls

Types of insulation for walls

Conditionally all types of insulation for walls, allowing to perform high-quality thermal insulation of the structure, can be divided into internal and external materials. They differ from each other ability to vapor permeability - if for internal insulation of walls it is possible to apply exclusively vapor-permeable heaters, here for external works with success both those and others are used.

Materials for external insulation of walls

External insulation for the walls of the house differ from internal and other requirements - as a rule, the process of thermal insulation of buildings is combined with the decorative finishing of the facade. And this in some cases requires sufficient strength of the material. The polystyrene, polystyrene, basalt slabs and varieties of warm plaster can best meet all these needs. But about everything in order, and start with a foam.

  • Polyfoam or polystyrene .This outdoor insulation for walls can be called the most common - its characteristics allow not only to complete the insulation of the house, but also to decorate the facade with decorative plaster. Heat insulation of walls with polystyrene is by far the cheapest. As a rule, polystyrene with a thickness of at least 50 mm is used for heat and sound insulation of houses - in terms of its thermal conductivity, this protection of the building is equated with brickwork with a thickness of one and a half bricks. Polyfoam or polystyrene is glued to the walls of the house, is additionally fixed with umbrellas, then reinforced with a net and plastered with a thin layer. After the reinforcement layer dries, decorative plaster is applied to the surface of the walls.
Insulation of walls with polystyrene outside the house

Heat insulation of walls with polystyrene outside the house

  • Basalt insulation for walls .Unlike foam plastic, a basalt plate can be used for both external and internal insulation. Basalt insulation for walls has low thermal conductivity and high density. It can be mounted in different ways - in one case it is glued( like foam) with subsequent reinforcement and finishing with decorative plaster, otherwise it is laid behind a ventilated facade, for example, under siding. If it is a question of using a basalt plate as an internal insulation for walls, then it is laid for gypsum plasterboard sheathing.
Basalt insulation for walls

Basalt insulation for walls

  • Warm plaster .Among the positive qualities of this material for the insulation of walls can be noted high surface strength, which, unlike previous materials, it is very difficult to damage anything. In fact, the material for insulated plaster is nothing more than a conventional cement-sand or lime mortar with the addition of all kinds of natural and polymer fillers that reduce the thermal conductivity of the original composition. The thermal conductivity of walls finished with such a solution directly depends on the fillers used and their quantity - in some cases the result is simply excellent. A thin layer of 1-1.5 cm thick can replace a fifty-millimeter foam.
Warm plaster for walls outside

Warm plaster for walls from outside

Material for internal wall insulation

As mentioned above, only vapor permeable materials should be used indoors. These include mineral insulation for walls and natural( for example, cork wallpaper).

  • Mineral wool .This material is the most common and is used for internal insulation of walls almost everywhere. The disadvantage of this method of thermal insulation of rooms is the need to create plasterboard or plastic sheathing, which, as a rule, takes the lion's share of space from the premises. Its high technical characteristics mineral wool has shown as a heater for the walls of the frame house - in this case it is embedded inside the wall and does not steal any space.

Mineral wool can be produced in two versions - it is made either in the form of separate slabs of relatively small size, or in rolls. Their purpose is the same, but different types of mineral wool are used, depending on the installation conditions in different ways. For example, a roll warmer for walls is convenient to use for warming large areas, and the same material, made in the form of slabs, is great for working with small rooms. By and large, there is no difference between them - the same roll can be cut into the necessary parts with an ordinary knife.

Warming of walls with mineral wool photo

Warming of walls with mineral wool photo

  • Cork wallpaper .Their advantage lies not only in environmental friendliness, but also in versatility - they also serve as a heater for walls, and decorative finishing. Although the manufacturers claim that the cork is an excellent insulation, yet due to the thin layer the heat-insulating properties of this material leave much to be desired.
Cork wallpaper for walls

Wall-papers for walls

Alternative insulation of walls

Construction of new houses is already done taking into account energy-saving technologies and in additional insulation such houses, as a rule, do not need.

It is possible to make warm walls under construction in many ways, but the most common option is to install a brick wall with a heater.

A kind of puff cake is created - outside the building is laid decorative brick, followed by a layer of foam or basalt insulation, and outside the structure of the brickwork is made of poor quality. Subsequently, it plastered, shpaklyuetsya and covered with decorative material. A distinctive feature of such warming of walls is the absence of the need for decorative decoration of the facade.

insulation between bricks

Insulation between bricks

Among similar methods of creating warm walls, their erection from foam blocks is encountered. In shape and design, they resemble a cinder block, the cavities of which are reinforced and filled with concrete. In this way, strong, high-strength and, at the same time, warm walls of the house are obtained.

Foam plastic blocks for construction

Blocks from polystyrene for construction

Well, in conclusion of this topic, which will allow you to choose the best insulation, I want to focus on the so-called liquid insulation for walls. These include liquid foam and the same ceramic insulation. In principle, these technologies are quite effective, but they are not suitable for self-insulation at home - they require special equipment for their application.

Liquid insulation for walls

Liquid insulation for walls

In general, however, but to buy a quality insulation for walls for today is not difficult. It is much more difficult to correctly determine its choice and not to be mistaken with heat-insulating qualities. And most importantly, if you are going to perform self-insulation, then pay attention to the convenience and simplicity in working with this material.

Author of the article Vladimir Belov

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