How to make fixatives for the armature yourself - materials and work procedure

There are several types of fasteners for fittings - "triangles", "stools" and a number of others. The price of products at retail is about 80 - 90 rubles. But how to get out of the situation, if at the right time they are not( for example, not enough)?Or the estimated number of latches is such that it is cheaper to make them yourself? From what and how - the topic of this article.

Anyone who is interested in the independent manufacture of fixatives, explain what it is, do not need.


But it's possible that not everyone knows( and someone forgot) that the configuration of these embedded parts is chosen depending on the plane in which concrete mortar is poured, so it is useful to remind the most common types of fixatives.

  • Horizontally oriented formwork. In such cases, it is advisable to use support devices for reinforcing bars such as "stand", "chair" and their modifications.
  • Vertical fill. For such designs, an asterisk is used.

Basic requirements for fixers for

fittings Without knowledge of this, it makes no sense to engage in the self-manufacturing of fixators, if only because it will not be possible to correctly select the source material.

  • Increased strength.
  • Absolute identity in size.
  • Inertia to liquids, aggressive chemicals / compounds, low temperatures and its sharp jumps.

From what it is possible to make clamps by own hands

From scraps of pipe

Looks fixative so:

From rod

Such adaptation in construction is called "frog".On the expediency of its use instead of fixators, disputes do not subside, but many experts agree that in private housing it is sometimes more effective.

Basically, these parts are used for laying the upper in a row reinforcing bars. But if the foundation tape is shallow and the loading after loading concrete is assumed to be relatively small, then, as an option, it is suitable.


Of rod and metal rings

In fact, this is a kind of "frog".In the rings, a solution is poured and the part is embroidered in the form of the letter "P".

 Do not blindly rely on the material from which the base parts of industrial manufacture are made. Basically it is plastic, but not any, but a special one that meets all of the above requirements. Is it possible to independently determine all the properties of the plastic available at hand?

What should not be used for fixing

Wood and products based on it. Different pegs, "chopiki", pieces of multi-ply plywood, chipboard used for laying under the reinforcement is not recommended. The main reasons are two - low strength and intensive absorption of moisture.


Pruning of plastic bottles and the like. When loading concrete mass, such supports will simply flatten.

Brick. The explanation is simple - it absorbs liquids and gradually breaks down.


Useful advices for

  • It is optimal to arrange the clamps according to the principle of a chessboard, with an interval of 0.5 - 0.9 m, depending on the features of the frame( dimensions, cross-section of the rod).
  • If the strip foundation does not have the so-called "footing", then the minimum height of the lower retainers is 70 mm.
  • In order not to install self-made supports on the sides of the tape, you can use embedded boards instead. After the reinforcement is leveled, they are removed from the formwork.

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