Warming of the house of foam blocks with traditional materials

What is the insulation of the house from the foam blocks

How do you imagine a cozy house? Undoubtedly, as a place where it is easy to breathe and, nevertheless, the heat even in the most severe frosts. And how can you achieve heat, except with a reliable thermal insulation? Only here the insulation of the house from the foam blocks is different.

As mentioned above, the thermal insulation must be breathable, otherwise the rooms will always be stuffy and require forced ventilation. And this means additional electricity consumption or drafts, if ventilation is provided in the simplest way - open windows.

Therefore, we start picky to choose materials for wall covering. Expanded polystyrene is not suitable, it is completely vapor-proof, however, if you have an excellent ventilation system, why not use this reliable heater.

But mineral wool is ideally combined with foam blocks for the simple reason that it, bypassing steam, perfectly delays heat inside the house and does not create bridges for access of the cold outside. However, it should be borne in mind that the usual mortar can provide these bridges. So, if you want a reliable thermal insulation, use glue and when laying foam blocks, and when installing insulation.

Insulation of a house made of aerated concrete - what is the complexity of

Many experts do not hide that manufacturers fairly embellish the characteristics of aerated concrete, because of this, those who use this material for the construction of country houses, often have problems with insulation. It seems that everything is correctly done, and in the winter in the rooms it's cold. The thing is that the thermal conductivity of aerated concrete is greatly underestimated, and if we proceed from the thermo-insulating properties declared by the manufacturers, the wall thickness should be within 380 millimeters.

However, in fact, taking into account the heat loss on the reinforcing belts required due to the brittleness of the material during the construction of the second floor, and also taking into account the cold bridges in the joints of the masonry, the wall thickness should be at least 640 millimeters. And this is in the best case, and according to the SNiP, it is even more than a meter.

These calculations, of course, do not take into account the insulation of the house from aerated concrete. However, even with a thermal insulation of 380 millimeters for walls is not enough, therefore insulation is best done using the integrated scheme .In total, there are two such schemes: external thermal insulation and internal, both of which are quite effective separately. But not in the case of aerated concrete.

It should also take into account what was said about foam blocks, namely the use of "breathable" insulation, such as mineral wool or fiberglass. As an internal insulation in addition to mineral wool foam can be used.

How to insulate foam blocks and aerated concrete?

Unfortunately, due to the porosity of the materials in question, conventional nails or screws for aerated concrete and similar building blocks do not fit the .How to fix thermal insulation panels? Either use chemical anchors, or cheaper screwed dowels.

There are other options, for example, simply to put a heater on the glue, after all, aerated concrete blocks should ideally be glued, and not fixed with a solution of cement with sand. In any case, the insulation panels should be laid as tightly as possible, without gaps, by gluing the joints, as any gap will become a loophole for the cold.

For aerated concrete special dowels are produced, as well as mechanical anchors that do not even require drilling, they are simply hammered into the wall.

For interior decoration, it is possible to use EPS or, otherwise, extruded polystyrene foam. Yes, he does not breathe at all, yes, earlier we did not recommend such materials because of the absence of vapor permeability. But there is such a thing as the dew point, which in different heaters is expressed in its own way. So, at the extruded polystyrene foam the dew point falls on the thickness of the thermal insulator, that is, it is hidden deep in its structure.

And taking into account the normal ventilation of the room and the relatively low humidity in it, you can not be afraid of condensation in the winter with sufficient wall thickness. Blocks brand D500 half a meter thick you will be enough to protect yourself from winter frosts.

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