This problem occupies many tenants of apartment buildings. In most cases, that w / w visor over the balcony, which was originally installed, does not protect against precipitation or sliding snow. About what types of roofs for balconies of the last floor exist and how to independently mount a suitable structure, and will be discussed in this article.
It should be noted that any "samostroy" outside the apartment, the local administration or service company can protest and demand dismantling for a number of reasons. One of the most common - a negative impact on the overall appearance of the building. And this is supported by the relevant regulatory enactments.
The conclusion is simple - to avoid any conflicts with the authorities, it is advisable to focus on the last floors of your and neighboring houses. It is possible that no one will pay attention to the mounted roof of the balcony. What if? Given our weak legal literacy, it's unlikely that anything will prove. Moreover, when the claims are justified.
Options for roof structures
When choosing a specific engineering solution, you need to take into account the specifics of operation and further design of the balcony. First of all - its glazing is provided or not.
This name is similar to the roofs due to the lack of vertical supports( racks).In some cases - the console, which increase the strength of the design is not much. Simply put, it's nothing more than a light polycarbonate canopy, a visor that is "fastened" to the wall of the house above the balcony along one line. For the last floor, despite the cost-effectiveness of such a solution - not an option. The main reason is in the unreliability of the structure. It is unlikely that she will be able to withstand the weight of a large layer of snow.
Independent roof on the top floor can be mounted except in two cases: in the absence of snowy winters and over small balconies, with a small discharge( such still occur in some houses of old construction).But here too there is a nuance - what about the sail of the whole structure? It turns out that this factor - an additional restriction for the balcony, if the wind rose in the location of the building in this respect is unfavorable. For example, in microdistricts, where a "corridor" forms between the houses facing the houses.
- Plus - easy installation at minimum cost.
- Less is a limited choice of materials.
It is possible to distinguish 2 modifications of such a balcony roof - with additional supports that are diagonally attached to the wall, and with vertical posts.
The latter option will cost a little more, so it is chosen for balconies that are planned to glaze.
- Plus - a balcony with such a roof can be turned into a full-fledged room. For example, warming, arrange( hold a light and so on).The dependent roof is suitable for all balconies, regardless of their size.
- Minus - the installation technology is somewhat more complicated, and the costs will be greater.
This is a general categorization of roofs. There are many variants of actual execution, as each owner focuses mainly on the cost of materials and the opportunity to work with them. And independently - to cut out, strengthen.
All the features of a house or a balcony can not be taken into account, therefore the author considers it more useful to give only general remarks on the choice of materials and the main technological stages of roof installation. A reader who is able to do all the work himself, a few practical tips will be enough. And then - his personal choice.
What materials to use for the balcony roof
Advantages are obvious - cheapness of blanks and simplicity of processing. No other tool, other than household, will be needed. But taking into account the fact that the structure is installed outside the building, the influence of moisture, ultraviolet radiation and temperature jumps can not be discounted. It is this all the merits of the material that brings to naught. If the wood-based blanks are used, then only as a continuous roofing for the roof of the balcony roof. But here it is necessary to take into account the factor of dampness. The most suitable option - plywood moisture resistant. If you put the chipboard, WWS, then the plates should be painted with the appropriate composition( not water-based).And take into account the overall weight of the structure.
Metal profile
As it is intended to connect individual samples, fixing them on a base, then fixing the roofing material, the optimal option is a pipe. Only not with a round profile, but with a section in the form of a square or a rectangle.
Steel is characterized by considerable weight. Its strength is known, so it is suitable in any case. If there is a choice, the pipes from the "dural" are much better. Low weight and non-compliance with corrosion are indisputable advantages. But at the same time you need to focus on the method of assembling the skeleton of the roof of the balcony. The whole construction of such light pipes can not be welded - only screw( bolted) connections.
In every respect the best material for the roof of the balcony. Acceptable price, light weight, simplicity of cutting. But you need to take into account that this is the balcony of the last floor. Therefore, you only need to choose cellular polycarbonate. If for a roof to use sheets monolithic, moreover and for a balcony with glass, on it will be with excess and light, and heat. Restriction for polycarbonate in only one - if you need high-quality insulation of the room, with the laying of thermal insulation material on the ceiling, it is better to choose something else.
The only drawback when used as a roof covering is a poor sound absorption. To listen will be literally everything - the knock of raindrops, the birds, who sat down on the roof. In terms of cost of 1 m2 of products such a roof will cost inexpensively. Given the small size, you can choose a metal profile of any category - H, NS, C.
With respect to the roof above the balcony, in some cases, you can consider other options - bitumen shingles, ondulin, slate or otherwise.
Features of mounting
Under what scheme to assemble a frame for the roof above the balcony - it's the master's business. In place of a person who is not the first time engaged in the installation of a structure, it is not difficult to understand. But there are a number of features that should be noted.
Roof slope
You need to focus on the architecture of the house. If its roof is pitched, then it is made above the balcony at the same angle. And if straight, then the slope is chosen independently. Optimal ratio is 1 to 2.5 - the height of the peak to its width( projection).This provides less sail of the roof and good conditions for the spontaneous descent of the snow crust.
Attachment to the wall
With any type of canopy, it is necessary to securely fix the load bearing parts of the structure. Taking into account the specifics of operation, only one option is recommended - with the help of anchors. And regardless of the material from which the house is built - reinforced concrete or brick. Any other fasteners with pre-installation of dowels in this case is not suitable.
See step-by-step video on roof installation on the balcony:
Roof insulation
It is done if it is dependent. Than and how? There are many options. Since in most cases the ceiling on the balcony is sewed with lining or PVC panels, the most suitable material is the sheets of penoplex. Minvata to some extent absorbs moisture, and on the last floor it should not be used.
A good owner and scheme will competently make up, and the appropriate tool will be selected. The author hopes that several illustrations will facilitate the choice of the most suitable engineering solution.
Success in building a roof over a balcony!