How to significantly save water on the meter - effective tips for every day

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water Installation of cold and hot water meters has led to a somewhat different look at the problem of water consumption. Monthly "payments" are few people happy with their numbers, so the issue of minimizing the cost of utilities is far from idle, especially for "ordinary" families who can not boast of high incomes. How to achieve water savings on the meter?

Who is inclined to adventures and "roundabout maneuvers," this article can not be read - it will not describe the techniques associated with magnets or winding readings. We will consider how you can reduce the "water consumption" in a private house( apartment) on perfectly legal grounds, and without any interference with the comfort of living and without prejudice in matters of hygiene.

Methods for reducing water consumption

Sanitary engineering

Before( or after) installing the meter, the state of all devices and lines must be given special attention. As a rule, we do not get our hands on, it's just laziness, but in any home there are places where there is at least some leakage, albeit insignificant. If we take into account that now not only the liquid goes to the sewage system( to the ground), but also our money, it is not a sin to spend a little.

For reference - losses per unit of sanitary ware per year are approximately as follows:

  • faulty drain tank - about 65 000 l;
  • flowing crane - about 75 000 liters.

mixer To this can be added and joints of pipes laid on the site. The total amount, given the tariff, is impressive. Only for 1 crane( at 20 rubles / m3) - about one and a half thousand. But after all, there are several of them in the apartment, and many have a bad owner.


To reduce water consumption, it is advisable to install the lever mixer instead of the usual valves, working on the principle of unscrewed / twisted. Such a crane blocks the highway instantly. If we take into account that we use the mixers daily, many times, then the calculation of savings will result in a considerable amount only on this.


As already mentioned, the lever-type model is more preferable. We spend a lot of time on choosing the acceptable temperature of hot water, and constantly turn both cranes, wasting it. Such mixers can reduce the flow by about 8 l / min.


the It's not just that the old one is constantly "leaking".There are devices with two modes of operation - full drain and economical. From the ethical point of view, one should not go into details( the reader has already guessed when it is needed), but water saving of about 20-25 liters per day is ensured. In a year - about 7 500 liters.


Sometimes leakage in the toilet is imperceptible. To make sure that the shut-off valve of the tank is working properly, it is enough to add dye( slightly) to the water. If after some time a shade appears on the bottom of the bowl, the leakage is evident. How to solve the problem with a leaky tank - read here.

Shower instead of bath

shower The advantages are obvious, especially for those who like to take water treatments several times a day, even in the mornings, before work. First, it saves a lot of time. Secondly, the water flow will decrease significantly."Through" the shower it will take about 80 liters per 5-minute procedure. This 8 buckets of 10 liters, which is clearly not enough to fill the bath standard size even half. Such foresight will save about 1,700 rubles per year.


If you install a shower head with smaller holes, then the flow can be reduced by 1/3 - 1/2.On sale there are products with aerators that mix water with air. And for the massage is good, and water savings - in 2,5 - 3 times, and without reducing the effectiveness of the procedure.

Install a boiler

In each region, tariffs for en / resources are set by local authorities. In some cases, a storage water heater will also help to save water. It makes no sense for small household needs to use DHW if hot water can be taken from the boiler's capacity. It is necessary to compare the costs of its heating( the cost of a flooded liquid + energy consumption) and for the use of a backbone. In this case, it is advisable to install an electricity meter with separate counting at day and night rates, and to heat water after 22.00 or early in the morning.

What else to pay attention to

  • all Everyone who is used to watching himself, brushes his teeth, and not only in the mornings. The question is - how much water flows in vain, while we "work" with a brush, rinse your mouth? Conclusion - the tap should only be opened if necessary. If you calculate the savings for the year, then it will not be funny.
  • It is necessary to organize a proper washing of the dishes. Usually the faucet in the sink is always open regardless of what we are currently doing( the approximate flow rate is up to 5 l / min).To this can be added and inexpediency of too intensive use of detergent compositions, as well as water for rinsing dishes will need more. Think about choosing a dishwasher - it will save both water and your time.
  • Often housewives have to wash fruits or vegetables. It is much more economical to do this in a container, and not under running water.
  • The same applies to defrosting birds, fish or meat. In any house there are basins, pans, for filling which a lot of water is not needed.
  • In terms of cost effectiveness, one "big" wash using a washing machine is better than a few "small" ones.

The article lists the most effective savings options that will allow you to save significant funds without using measures to strictly limit daily needs, but only reducing unnecessary water costs.

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