What should you consider when planning the landscaping of the balcony and the loggia?
If you want to create a really nice green corner, you need to remember that for plants the living conditions on the loggia vary significantly with the microclimate of the garden or room. Landscaping the walls from the outside of the house, even in rooms protected by glass, is significantly different from the placement of flowers in the room. So, for example, in the summer on a glazed balcony located on the sunny side, the temperature can reach 50 ° C, and drafts are often formed here, especially on the upper floors. But do not despair, with a reasonable selection of plants, taking into account all the specifics of their location, you can achieve remarkable results on any balcony.
So, when choosing the scheme of gardening and selecting the most spectacular plants, you should consider the following factors:
- room size;
- illuminance;
- temperature spread;
- access to moisture( organization of drip irrigation, drainage and the like).
Let's talk more about the impact of these parameters on the success of gardening of non-residential premises.
As a rule, planting a balcony or loggia is an attempt to create a corner of wildlife in small rooms, which imposes some restrictions on the selection of plants and makes them fantasy in their location. You can organize a beautiful little garden even on the smallest balcony. For example, on standard loggias, alas, not large in size, low bright garden annuals or houseplants placed not in bulky containers or boxes, but in small hanging pots or pots, will look advantageous. You can also think over the availability of racks for vertical landscaping. A simple, but spectacular version - one beautiful tree in a tub.
Balcony gardening is the effect of light, temperature and water
The presence of sufficient light is one of the most important factors of plant development. In order for your loggia to have a blossoming view throughout the season, it is necessary to select plants in accordance with the lighting of the room. With excessive shading, many photophilous plants do not bloom, and some, for example, fuchsia or tuber begonia - on the contrary - practically do not form flowers in the bright sun. If you really want to make a blossoming loggia facing north, you should select the most shade-tolerant greens or additionally organize artificial lighting.
To achieve success in your endeavor, you must always control the temperature. Too high - dries the soil, which can cause deterioration in appearance and even death of flowers. Lower temperatures also have a harmful effect on many plants, because they are afraid of even minor frosts. Some of them should be planted on the balcony only at the onset of heat in the spring, and in the early autumn before the onset of frosts enter into the house.
Drafts, especially in combination with high air temperatures, cause large losses of moisture, and can break stems in tall plants. Therefore, on the upper floors and open verandas, it is preferable to use stable, low-growth and drought resistant plants, for example, marigolds, aheratum, daisies.
Balcony gardening can not be successful if the irrigation organization is incorrect. Many plants( petunia, salvia) are almost entirely composed of water and with a lack of moisture in the soil they quickly fade and die. Often, flowers growing in glazed rooms or on open verandas require even more moisture than indoor or garden plants, as high temperatures and active air circulation dry the soil faster. In addition, balcony greens grow in containers or boxes, where the earth dries out faster than the open ground.
Successful landscaping of the veranda, balcony or loggia puts forward high demands on the soil. The soil must be nutritious, hygroscopic and drained.
Features of landscaping of terraces and verandas
Landscaping of a terrace or an open veranda suggests some differences from creating a living corner on the balcony. There is more room for imagination here, of course. You can allow a lot - to place interesting furniture, pillows, place much more flowers and greens. But plants should still choose the most durable and shade-tolerant. In a tight space they can easily be touched, and the level of illumination under the roof is much lower than in the shade on the street.
It is important to choose the correct composition of containers, pots and other landing vessels. Effectively look plants in wooden tubs, in various ceramic vessels. Even less decorative plastic on the terrace can easily be draped, for example. Here you can land not only traditional flying machines, which, of course, will revive this room and make it elegant. The veranda or terrace will look much more solid if you add a couple of coniferous plants, a few medium-sized shrubs, perennials( naturally, if there is space).
In addition to installing outdoor containers on the veranda, you can hang baskets, beautifully arrange balcony boxes, plant climbing plants that beautifully braid the walls from the outside.