Types of water heaters: the problem of choosing
A significant part of the Russian population lives without heating and central water supply. But the way out is always there, because without washing water you can not wash, wash, or wash dishes. The way out was found long ago - the boiler is on fire, today turned into a compact water heater, which only connects to a source of energy and with its help to join a civilized life.
Any home appliance designed to heat water must be provided with an energy source. In areas of total gasification, this source can be gas, other citizens have to spend electricity. Water in the heater can pick up the desired temperature during consumption( only during periods of use) or maintained at the desired temperature mode in the storage tank. We get four options.
- Water flow heater .A device familiar to many Russians even in Soviet times and proudly called the "gas column".The scheme of such a column in modern design is quite simple: a gas burner and an automation system that provides timely ignition and shutdown of the device. The model range is extensive: piezo, electronic, with a modulation burner;power from 17 to 30 kW.The main disadvantages are: a) connection of a flow-through water heater by their own hands is not recommended even by manufacturers: b) no gas - there will not be any connection.
- Flowing electric .The analogue of the previous one, only the heating elements of different designs and capacities serve as heating elements. The connection of this instantaneous water heater to the mains must be preceded by serious calculations. Judge for yourself: the power consumption of the device from 6 to 27 kW( devices of this class in a standard outlet can not be plugged);the water pressure should be sufficient for heat exchange, otherwise the heating elements will simply burn as in an empty electric kettle. An important advantage: compactness and ease of placement.
- Electric accumulation .Alternative to a flow-through version, which allows to keep a reserve volume of water( from 10 to 200 liters) at a specified temperature in the storage tank. The connection diagram of the storage water heater at the dacha is understandable and it can be realized with your own hands if they grow from the right place. A significant disadvantage of such devices is the time of the initial heating. For 10 liters this is 25 minutes, for 80 liters already 4 hours at a feed rate of up to 2.5 kW.
- Gas accumulation .The principle of operation is similar, although the Russians do not hurry to connect these water boilers even from the best producers. Given the high price, many new models with forced and natural traction are unclaimed. The reason - doubts in the operation of imported automation in the conditions of our electricity networks. How to properly connect the gas storage water heater in the apartment know a few masters, and what is a gas explosion on TV saw everything.
Calculation and installation of a water heater
The connection of a water heater of any type, flow or accumulation, must be preceded by two steps:
- evaluation of the consumption of hot water in the expected living conditions and taking into account all family members;
- choice of energy carrier( electricity, gas) and matching their supply capacity with your requests.
If you do not go into complicated calculation formulas, then the choice of execution, volume and other technical characteristics of the device for water heating can be carried out according to the following logical chain. Average consumption per bath 200 l, shower -100, washbasin for one - 10, dishwashing - 30 l. Figures are conditional, but if you insert the specifics, they will give an idea of the collective demand of the family for hot water supply in each season.
The choice of the schematic and the scope of the device depends on the conditions in which it will be used. It is obvious that it is very difficult to connect a 200 l heater in a city apartment, but in a summer cottage such a tank can be placed in the attic or in the basement and it will be very useful.
Connecting a 5 kW electric water heater in a country house can be done by yourself, but to install its gas counterpart at 30 kW in an urban apartment it is better to call specialists .
How to properly connect a water heater video
Do not try to do the impossible. There are doubts about your knowledge and skills, contact the professionals. First, look at the short video instruction in the next tab before starting the article on installing the simplest water heater and evaluate your willingness to perform all these actions yourself.
You do not frighten these plumbing and electrical work. Then boldly go to the store, buy a device suitable for all the criteria and with the words "I know how to properly connect a water heater" get to work.