Everyone faces this problem, who at least once decided to start some meaningful repairs. In fact it is necessary to take out mountains of an old tile, the ragged cloth of wall-paper, window frames and much that else. What to do with all this and where to remove construction waste in order to stay within the law? Especially in urban conditions.
What is construction waste - the definition of
First you need to understand what is the difference between construction and household garbage? The fact is that there is no single answer to this question. Government Decision No. 155( dated 10.02.1997) states that waste generated as a result of ". .. current repair of a dwelling. .. " is a household waste. But utilities in different ways interpret the volumes of such "post-repair" waste. Yes, and at the expense of repair concepts are also different. Often, what one has to take out of an apartment during and after it is treated just like construction debris.
Lawyers also treat legislation with discrepancies in wording. However, the general trend is that this garbage should still be referred to as the "construction" one. If from the dwelling is taken, for example, one sack with pieces of plaster and scraps of wallpaper, then this "does not count."And if there are several such bags, we can already talk about large-sized items."Out-of-office" citizens in almost all cases are obliged to export themselves.
Options for solving the problem with construction waste
If the repair is big, capitalizing, it makes sense to conclude an agreement with the management company and pay for it as an additional service. But this method is suitable, for example, for new buildings, when many residents experience such difficulties. The decision is adopted at the general meeting. CC sets additional capacity, and its contents are exported for disposal. And this is done not by the company itself, but by the organization with which the company concludes a subcontract.
And if the export is "bothering" only one apartment? Where and how do you take out the garbage yourself? You can solve this problem by signing a contract with a specialized organization directly. It will provide people and transportation. She will decide where. The owner of the house will only have to pay.
Another option - should be in the background to ask the contact phone number of the organization, which "manages" dumps in this locality. In most cases, construction debris is taken, although for this it is usually necessary to pay( for a ticket).
You can solve the issue and "closer".If the garbage is a broken brick( or plaster), then it can be happily taken in any garage or dacha cooperative to fill the pits on the roads. And for the money to find a car - no problem. True, you'll have to download it yourself.
Before deciding this issue cardinally, it should be clarified in its Criminal Code, whether it has concluded a contract for the export of large-sized garbage with the special economy. The fact is that many companies have such contracts. One day a week comes a car specially designed for these purposes. In this case, everything that you need to take out during repairs from the apartment, you need to carefully pack( in bags, plastic or canvas) and lay on the side of the garbage containers. It will be legal, and no one will make a claim.