Individual construction has become for our fellow citizens the most effective way to solve their housing problem once and for all. Fortunately, free land in the country is more than enough, and with its registration in the ownership of problems, as a rule, does not arise. Most often it is obtained( purchased) precisely in order to build a house for the residence of their family. But how to start building your own home, so that later there is no friction with local authorities and supervisory structures?
Let's consider the general algorithm of actions of the builder. At the same time, we note at once that some of the provisions set forth below may differ slightly from the real state of affairs, since administrations of all levels are given the right to make their own additions to all-Russian normative documents, based on the specifics of the region. Thus, this issue is regulated by local authorities, which take appropriate decisions that are mandatory for execution in this administrative territory.
But the general list of organizational arrangements remains unchanged, and it should be known.
Obtaining building permit
This question can be clarified in the local administration, and the confirmation that this building is allowed to build a private house must be made in writing. Otherwise, there is a possibility that by decision of the judicial authorities the building will be demolished. Unfortunately, there are many examples. To whom specifically to turn, which documents to submit - you can learn all this from the article.
Preparatory activities of
- It is necessary to clarify in all resource-supplying organizations the possibility of connecting engineering communications of the house to common highways. This will help to properly draw up the project, providing not only all the necessary "stuffing" of the structure, but also options for arranging autonomous systems. To this end, the relevant services need to request technical specifications.
- Carrying out a geodetic survey. First, it is necessary to study the composition of the soil. Secondly, the location of underground water layers. Based on the research results, the type of foundation is determined, the possibility of settling the basement, the number of storeys of the building, and much more. This will also help to choose the optimal source type( well or well) for an autonomous water supply system.
- Project development. The thinking person will never build a "peephole".This will lead not only to the fact that the operation of such a building will create a bunch of problems - with the selection and purchase of building materials there will be confusion. And if we are talking about an apartment building, and even a few floors, then this work should be entrusted to specialists.
Separately it is worth considering the following issues:
Definitions of material for the construction of .As a rule, in each situation there are at least two equivalent options. How to solve this issue, so that the quality was at an altitude, and the money "did not bite," we described in detail here.
Who will build? Still nobody managed to independently construct a residential house "on a turn-key basis".Even if the foundation, walls and roof are erected with their own hands, then installation of engineering communications without involving specialists will not work. Here you need not only specialized technical knowledge, but also relevant equipment( tools) and work experience.
When ordering the project, it should be clarified whether there are units in the given organization that are engaged in the installation of engineering systems( and what?).Practice shows that much less inconvenience arises if the development of the project and the execution of technological operations at the site are handled by specialists of one "department".Even if something goes wrong, you can always point out that the documentation was prepared by "your people".In such cases, all alterations are made at the expense of the Contractor, and not the owner, without additional proceedings.
also considers site planning very important. After all, if you order only a house project, then everything else is at the discretion of the builder. The difficulty is that there are certain norms and requirements for the location of objects. For example, at what distance should the building be protected from the fence, roads, buildings in adjacent territories, at what minimum distance is the well equipped? There are many nuances, and not every developer is aware of it. But the designers are obliged to know all this and take into account.
A few remarks
Before deciding on the feasibility of building a residential building, it is desirable to pay attention to a number of points. The fact is that if all this is not taken into account, then there can be great difficulties, for example, if you want to sell the structure.
The prospect of living
There may be a situation where the issue of resettlement will arise. This happens very rarely, but it's worth noting. For example, in a few years it will be found out that according to such a general plan through the site there will be, for example, a federal highway, a trumpet - options can be enough.
In this case, by law, the authorities are obliged to pay full compensation to the owner and provide either another site or other ready-made housing even before the start of the work. But, firstly, practice shows that of the two sides - the owner of the house and the state - the latter is never a loser. Secondly, how many life difficulties this entire gimp add, it is not necessary to mention.
By the way, it is on this often "caught" inattentive buyer of land. Dishonest sellers, knowing in advance that the plan for the development of the territory he will be involved in the overall infrastructure, try to sell it as soon as possible, often voicing a very attractive price.
Therefore, it will be useful to make inquiries in the relevant structures( for urban planning and architecture).This issue is especially relevant for land allotments located on the outskirts of settlements or in rural areas. By the way, any taxpayer has the right to familiarize himself with the General Plan for the development of this administrative unit.
Officials give permission for construction, not paying particular attention to this aspect - they will not have to live on this site. A developer should clarify whether there is not nearby:
- harmful production;
- urban or other landfills.
By the way, it is also important that it is planned to build an industrial site next to the house( if yes, which one?), The highway, the local airfield and the like( again to the question of the General Plan).
Change of "landscape"
If the site is "virgin", then it will be necessary to coordinate its actions with the administration and the "forest" inspection. Unauthorized cutting of plantings entails responsibility under the law.