Insulation for walls of the house outside under siding materials and installation

Insulation for walls of the house from the outside under the siding: choose the material and the method of installation

Penoizol excellent for insulation of walls under siding


  • 1 Types of materials and their characteristics
    • 1.1 Foam - easy to install and inexpensive insulation for the walls of the house
    • 1.2 Warming houses outside the mineral wool under the siding
    • 1.3 Subtleties of insulation outside the house Penoplex
  • 2 Insulation for walls of the house from the outside under the siding: installation steps

Types of materials and their characteristics

There is an opinion that the insulation need only brick and prefabricated houses. However, wooden housesUsually do not have enough for all the merits of the material, the thickness of a standard timber to significantly save on heating. As the insulation for the walls of the house exterior siding can be used under four main types of materials:

  • Styrofoam;
  • mineral wool;
  • ecowool;
  • penoplex.

Each of these materials has its own advantages and disadvantages, and mounting features.

Examples of installation of insulation and siding on a wooden house

Examples of installation of insulation and siding on a wooden house

Foam - easy to install and inexpensive insulation for the walls of the house

If used as insulation for the walls of the house outside of the foam, it is possible to significantly save money. This material is both easy and hard, so it can simply be glued to the wall with construction adhesive. Another option fixing foam panels - Belleville dowels.

Unfortunately, lightness and easy to install the useful properties of the foam as insulation finishes. And the question of economy sometimes very controversial, because mineral wool is getting cheaper every day. Ventilation characteristics of the material, too, leaves much to be desired. If you use it as insulation for the walls outside, keep in mind that you have to organize an additional mechanical ventilation to remove excess moisture from the home.

The circuit arrangement of insulation under siding using foam and magafleksa

The circuit arrangement of insulation under siding using foam and magafleksa

It is often said that the foam as insulation works as an excellent soundproofing. This is not quite true. He isolates the wall from the outside noise is not better than other insulation materials, moreover, if secure it too tightly, it will act as a reinforcing membrane sounds.

Useful advice! Use foam as insulation for homes is not very rational, but to isolate the utilities or the floor it will fit perfectly. In such cases, the place will have its low thermal conductivity and minimal water absorption.

Vinyl siding with insulation - sectional view

Vinyl siding with insulation - sectional view

Panel lifetime of foam - 10-15 years, as well as all polymers. After the expiration of this period, it may simply be destroyed and you will have to mount a fresh layer of insulation to the walls of the house from the outside under the siding.

As can be seen from all of the above, the foam has a number of useful features for thermal insulation of various communications, but is poorly suited for thermal insulation of residential premises.

Siding mounted on the crate, which can be placed inside the heat insulator

Siding mounted on the crate, which can be placed inside the heat insulator

Warming houses outside the mineral wool under the siding

Mineral wool as ecowool is a versatile material for thermal insulation of buildings and is perfect for wood, block or brick walls. Mineral wool and ecowool - materials that are very similar in their characteristics and properties, so below we regarded their common traits.

If you are interested in price insulation for the walls of the house outside the mineral wool can do little more expensive than foam, but this is compensated by its excellent performance. It combines very well with veneer siding made of plastic or metal. If you are using wooden crate under siding or iron frame, remember that you do not roll, mineral wool and semi-rigid boards. The optimum size slabs for cladding - meter by half a meter. This is due to the fact that mineral wool or rolls ecowool difficult to fix, but over time it can slide along the wall, opening its parts.

Mineral wool insulation suitable for wood, concrete and brick walls

Mineral wool insulation suitable for wood, concrete and brick walls

Mineral wool - a material that is strong enough dusty. To avoid this, you can further protect slab insulation film. It will serve two functions: do not miss the air small particles wool and well permeable to water vapor, which, in any case, will penetrate the walls of the house.

If we consider the question of what heater the best for the walls of a wooden house outside under the siding on indicators of ecological material, here leads ecowool. It is made from cellulose, but with the use of specific additives that increase the level of fire resistance and corrosion resistance.

The circuit arrangement of wall insulation using mineral wool

The circuit arrangement of wall insulation using mineral wool

In Cellulose Fiber, however, has one major drawback - it is only available in a format that requires use to install it on the walls of the special equipment. As yet there is no commercially available panels that can be mounted on the wall with construction adhesive or dowels. But, if you look at the photo finish siding of houses with the help of Cellulose Fiber, you will see that it is very tight to the walls, do not swim with the times and is not deformed.

The parameters of sound and thermal insulation of mineral wool and ecowool identical. The loose structure, they perfectly hold back the sound waves and do not let the heat out of the house. While insulating brick house outside the mineral wool under the siding you get rid of the noise problem from the street, even if you live near a highway or in a busy spot of the city.

Ecowool has good sound and heat insulating properties

Ecowool has good sound and heat insulating properties

Useful advice!If you compare the price of such heaters for the walls of the house from the outside under the siding as ecowool with foam or mineral wool, it is worth take into account the cost of the application. In ecowool it high enough.

If you need to familiarize yourself with a video wall on the outside with mineral wool insulation under the siding with his own hands, it can easily be found on the Internet. Videos featuring experts will help to better understand the nuances of the heater assembly.

Lathing simultaneously serves as a support for the insulation and installation frame for siding

Lathing simultaneously serves as a support for the insulation and installation frame for siding

Subtleties of insulation outside the house Penoplex

Penoplex - is a relatively new material, which is in performance can give odds to all of the above materials. He is not only high levels of teploizlyatsii, but also versatility in application. If you are wondering what the thickness of the insulation penoplex to 30 degrees of frost. is optimal, then the answer will surprise you. Due to the high efficiency of extruded polystyrene, which consists of this special type of foam, for reliable insulating walls need a very thin layer of material. In addition, it has a low water vapor permeability and water absorption, so you can not be afraid that the wall would "sweat."

Related article:

uteplenie-sten-penopleksom-tehnologiya-obshivki-4Wall insulation Penoplex. The technology of the outer and inner lining. Wall covering. The preparatory phase of the work, adhesives, mounting plates at the glue and nails, reinforcement of insulation.

Another advantage Penoplex - is a high level of resistance to corrosion. Also, it is absolutely harmless to human health. In addition, it is very easy to install. The disadvantages of the material are the high combustibility, so if you plan on warming of houses outside Penoplex, it is best to take care of the increased fire safety measures.

Wall insulation Penoplex own hands

Wall insulation Penoplex own hands

At the moment there are 4 types of Penoplex:

  • roof - used to insulate different types of roofs;
  • comfort - the universal type that is most commonly used for insulation of private houses;
  • base - applied in acted upon designs may be used for insulation of the foundation plinth without;
  • Wall - can be applied to external or Internal insulation of walls.

There are also special types of superdense Penoplex, which are used in the industry.

At warming Penoplex very helpful video: how to insulate the house from the outside Penoplex their own hands under the siding.

House warming under the siding, using energy-efficient substrate Polar Fold

House warming under the siding, using energy-efficient substrate Polar Fold

Insulation for walls of the house from the outside under the siding: installation steps

Regardless of whether you need to deal with insulation under the siding outside bar-shaped house, a brick or block, you must adhere to certain rules of installation.

  • step 1. Insulated surface must be prepared. From the walls of all the old paneling and dismantled shutters, gutters and other structures must be removed, which may interfere with the installation of insulation. Unless you use a framework under sading profile, the coating in any case will be smooth, so there is no need to align the walls;
Steps 1 and 2: preparation of walls and construction of wooden crates

Steps 1 and 2: preparation of walls and construction of wooden crates

Useful advice!If the walls of your home are old and have a lot of cracks and defects, installing insulation to the walls of the house outside under the siding, you can also increase the insulating properties of the building and improve its appearance view.

  • Step 2. Install furring under siding with insulation - this is a very important stage of the installation. It can be made from metal frames or wooden bars. The first option is more expensive, however, and will last longer. The thickness of the batten and the distance between its elements depends on the size of the heater. Wooden crate is recommended to cover the additional flame retardant to increase the level of fire safety of the building. Horizontal siding must be secured in an upright position, and the vertical - horizontal. design accuracy is controlled by the level of construction;
Step 4: Select the appropriate type of siding for the subsequent lining them the building facade

Step 4: Select the appropriate type of siding for subsequent lining them the building facade

Regardless of the type of material, insulation under the siding home will allow you to save on heating and improve the appearance of the building. Purchase insulation for walls of the house from the outside - it is a very important point, so should pre-acquainted with the features and performance of each of the materials.

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