What shape can the attic roofs take?

Mansard roofs in all their diversity

Interestingly, the roof, under which there can be a dwelling, is not always just a gable. Simply, as a rule, careful owners mansard roof is preferred because it is simpler, less labor and easier to insulate it than, for example, hip. What is the difference? First of all, the pediment - it has a gable, and the hip roof of this architectural detail does not provide, instead of it - 2 triangular slopes. Therefore, they differ in form.

Widely used roof mansard half-wool, it has two opposite sides with a kink, which has a trapezoid shape in the lower part, and in the upper part - a triangular one. And one part( any) has a slope, and the other is oriented vertically. About the mansard roof video was shot repeatedly, many homeowners, having built a house and placing under non-standard roof living quarters, try to capture the result of their work for history. But we recommend that you pay more attention to diagrams and drawings, they are much more important than video recordings. The fact is that the combination of rafters requires in some cases not only the wit of the master, but also the observance of certain rules.

Roofs of the attic of the optimal form

Those who dream of a cozy bedroom or an equally comfortable study under the roof, do not think at all that the attic means a fair loss of useful space, which could be used more efficiently with a full second floor. However, there is a living space under the roof and benefits, in particular - the same coziness. Moreover, there are forms of mansard roofs, which allow minimizing the loss of valuable space.

Gable roof does not apply to such, the most used area in it begins on an invisible line, where the height to the sloping ceiling is not less than 1.6 meters. But the broken roof skylight is almost a full-fledged second floor inside the rafter system, in the lower part of the ramp have a very slight slope angle. With a high roof, at least 5 meters to the ridge, you can make a mansard two-level or two-tier, thereby gaining more living space.

Other rather convenient options are used less often due to the complexity of the implementation. In particular, the multi-cloak roofs of the attic make it almost impossible to make one's own hand, there are too many junction points that require high accuracy.

Such roofs can be seen on fairly spacious houses, which consist of a main body and side wings, that is, the building has a T-shape. A simpler version is L-shaped, but it also requires the participation of an experienced master. Very interesting is the combined option, when the attic is perfectly combined with a full second floor on one level. This is possible just in case the building consists of several wings or has a veranda, or an attached garage. Above the one-story annex is an attic, adjacent to the second floor.

Attic roof at glazing stage

Locate the standard window at an angle and you will see how the field of view is reduced. That's why to the glazing of the attic you need to approach not only creatively, but also armed with previously made calculations. The basic rule is that the area of ​​windows should be at least 10% of the total area of ​​the room, including inconvenient sections of .Accordingly, if you have a gable roof with a decent level of slope, the windows should be the higher, the greater the slope of the skates.

Different types of mansard roofs require windows of the appropriate types. That is, it is necessary to take into account even the profile of the roof, whether it is flat or wavy, the frames should be provided with a suitable waterproofing. The roof of the attic type with an antiaircraft lantern will provide illumination of all corners of the room, however this option is suitable only for one-room attic, or for separate rooms it is necessary to make separate lanterns.

It is possible, in general, to glaze a large part of the roof, however, it should be borne in mind that it is the rooms under the roof that are subject to the greatest heat loss, due to which, when laying the thermal insulation, close attention should be paid to the joints of frames with the roof frame. However, some types of mansard roofs allow using almost full glazing, as a result of which the room can be used as a winter garden or a greenhouse. In particular, such forms of the roof include a vaulted, folded and spherical. The latter is not supported by the entire vault, but by several points, between which semicircular lanterns are inserted for the entire length of the wall.

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