Finishing the attic floor - turning the attic into a living room

In winter and in summer comfort in the room

First thing you need to know how to properly insulate the attic floor? Its coverage should not only protect the room from the effects of atmospheric precipitation, but also prevent its cooling. Materials for insulation should be chosen taking into account the negative effect of moisture. In this regard, in its base, it is necessary to place a vapor barrier layer, and between it and heat insulation make an air layer.

Often used for heat insulation foam polystyrene plate, as it perfectly copes with the function of keeping heat. However, the material has a high degree of moisture absorption and fire hazard. Another popular material is glass wool. It also absorbs moisture and eventually loses its strength. Mineral wool - an excellent insulation, not absorbing moisture and durable enough. In addition, the mineral wool is not susceptible to mechanical and thermal effects.

Note! When deciding how to insulate the attic floor, take into account whether you plan to live in it all year round or only seasonally. From this will depend on the necessary layer of insulation and its characteristics.

We embody ideas in reality

The design of the attic floor should ideally be designed during the construction phase. However, often attic lofts are converted, so the interior of the attic floor has to be thought out, based on the existing layout.

Due to the placement of windows, sloping walls, other elements and various features, this floor can be made unique and unrepeatable. However, there are situations when the same factors make the room very uncomfortable for planning. Inclined windows can be used to highlight certain areas in the attic: for example, put a table under one of them and make a working area.

Color selection is of great importance. This floor often does not have good daylight, so using dark shades in the design will make it even more somber. Pale same tone, on the contrary, will make the room more light and warm. With the help of a well-chosen color, you can emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the attic. Furniture is desirable to choose not bulky and functional, since the useful area here is rather limited.

Tip! You can use mirrors, as they will visually expand the space and make it lighter.

Finishing the attic floor - what material to choose?

Having made the insulation and choosing the design, you should start the design of the attic floor. Materials for decoration can be very diverse, but most often used:

  • Tree;
  • chipboard;
  • Drywall;
  • Plastic panels.

So, a tree is a material that has been used for more than one century for interior decoration and, it would seem, is an ideal option. However, it is not recommended to use it for the attic, since in summer it causes overheating of the room, and in winter, on the contrary, rapid cooling. Alternative can be considered material chipboard. It does not have the indicated shortcomings, but its ecological purity is doubtful, since it contains formaldehydes, which are dangerous to human health.

Note! In cases where the area of ​​the under roof is small, the thickness of the finishing material must be taken into account. If it is too thick, then it takes a lot of useful space of the attic.

Modern materials, perfectly suited for these purposes, are plasterboard and plastic panels. Both are easy to assemble, which further contributes to their popularity. The first is used as a coating, which will subsequently be applied to paint, wallpaper or putty. And the latter are the material for the final finishing and further processing does not require. In addition, there is a huge selection of colors and textures of panels, which allows them to be selected for any design.

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