Who has his site, knows very well how many problems have to be solved when it becomes necessary to fertilize the land. Everyone acts in his own way, depending on the possibilities. Some people find it easier to bring manure to the territory, and then scatter it. But all this takes time, besides, given the number of "walkers"( you can not bring many bags on your personal car), and also the N-th amount of gasoline.
If you buy from those who offer fertilizers with delivery to the site, such sellers because of a couple of buckets will not do this, but where to download it in volumes from a half-batch, it is still unknown. The compost hole is an excellent option, especially since it can simultaneously solve 2 tasks: to organize partial utilization of household waste( for many gardeners this is another TA problem) and to get a good fertilizer directly on the spot, and without any financial investments.
There are 2 methods of organizing the process of compost production, which can be conventionally called "cyclic" and "promising".What's the point, it becomes clear below. In the meantime, it should be noted that one of the main questions is the right choice of location, since anywhere you can not establish a "pit".This word in quotes is not taken by chance, since most constructions for compost preparation are not such in the full sense of the word.
What to take into account
Compliance with sanitary standards .This implies a certain( minimum) distance of the pit from:
- water sources( 20 m, if it is not an artesian well);
- fences and roads( 10 m);
- of neighboring buildings( 10 m).
These averaged parameters, so they are desirable to clarify, as local authorities can make their own adjustments. Yes, and with the opinion of neighbors can not be ignored.
Terrain .Compost "pit" is placed at the lowest part to exclude the separation of components over the territory( for example, when it is flooded, with long, heavy precipitation).The dominant wind direction is .It is clear that the neighbors are unlikely to applaud such an "innovation", if all the smells will constantly go to them.
Illumination of the .The process of ripening the "product" under the action of the sun's rays slows down, so it is necessary to choose either a shaded area, or organize it artificially.
What can be used to load compost pit
- overripe, even decayed berries, fruits, vegetables;
- cereals;
- dry branches, leaves, sawdust, weed grass, needles and the like;
- paper and its varieties( for example, cardboard);
- ash( although it is better to just scatter on the site, as it is in itself - an organic fertilizer).
Do not dispose of
- bone;
- any kinds of plastics, including old packages;
- rubber;
- matter( made of man-made fibers);
- metals;
- plants treated with pesticides;
- remains of food.
Technology compost pit
Technique of construction of the pit with their own hands so much that it is not necessary to list everything. Each owner does, according to local conditions. The main thing is to understand the meaning.
Option 1
Less common if compost is used no earlier than 1.5 to 2 years. A real pit( like a well, but not so deep) is digging in the ground, the walls of which are strengthened to exclude the collapse of the earth. The peculiarity is that the product is prepared for a long time and the process will proceed naturally, without human intervention
Therefore, it is necessary to ensure for this all the conditions. First of all, from the bottom at a distance of 12 to 25 cm, the "skin" of the walls is not made, and the bottom itself is not overlapped. This will enable the "workers" - worms and microorganisms - to penetrate into the pit unhindered.
If possible, then such a long-term project is better implemented outside the territory. For example, in the nearest forest belt. There will be enough moisture and shade.
Option 2
This pit is placed on the site. This method of composting is more convenient, as the process goes on continuously and the "product" is unloaded as needed. What to use as a formwork for such a design is not so important. It can be a board made of boards, a plastic barrel and so on. Figures give a complete idea of how to make such a compost hole.
It's also necessary to access worms inside. Therefore, the soil loosens, and the whole structure is slightly buried( about 20 - 30 cm).Walls should not be made solid, as natural air circulation should be ensured.
There is one more way of preparation of fertilizer - a compost pile or a bump. The most simple technology, but about hygiene in this case it is not necessary to speak. On the territory of the site is chosen, on which the "substrate" - gravel, dry or sand is settled. Waste is placed on top, and the process "went".But the time until the compost is completely ready will take at least a year 2, and in addition, such a heap will have to be regularly "shoveled", and for the winter also insulated.
The options are more than enough - and in size, and materials, and by design features. If the meaning is clear, then it is not so difficult to make a pit for compost alone.