What means of moles at the cottage to choose?

Ineffective methods of combating moles

Most people use mostly folk remedies from moles. The most common of these is a metal stick stuck into the ground with a metal jar at the top. The essence of this method is that with any movement of air, the bank makes terrible sounds. True, this clash will frighten off all the people in the district, and shrews only partially.

Ineffective methods of combating moles

Also often in mink animals put rags soaked in kerosene. His pungent smell can scare off a mole. However, the animal can dig a mink with a rag and dig a few new ones.

A common but not effective remedy is sulfur smoke from drafts. Perhaps this method will frighten and drive out the small diggers, but at the same time, it will also destroy all the shoots of cultivated plants nearby.

Ineffective methods of combating moles

We also refer to useless methods the planting of leguminous plants along the perimeter of the garden and throwing calcium carbide into the holes.

Effective means for moles at the dacha

All methods of fighting can be divided into the following categories:

  1. Warning.
  2. Repelling.
  3. Set traps and traps.
  4. Hunting.
  5. Destruction.

It is much more humane and correct to use the first two methods, but in some cases, they are not effective.

Effective means of moles at the cottage

True method of repelling does not always work, very often shrews do not react to sounds. You can scare off the smell, but for this it must be very strong. And with a strong smell you will scare away not only moles, but also neighbors.

In the people it is believed that the flower hazel grouse will help get rid of them. The essence is that the hazel hen of the imperial has a very unpleasant smelling bulb, and the flower does not emit a bad smell. Flowers hazel grouses are effective only when the latter are stuck in them directly nose. In this case, hazel grouses should be planted throughout the site.

Effective means of moles at the cottage

The best tool for shrews

The best option for combating moles on the site is to prevent their occurrence. To prevent the penetration of animals to the site, it is necessary in the spring to dig into the ground a small, metallic, galvanized mesh. You can also put plastic mesh.

At present this is the only effective method that prevents moles from appearing on the site. True, the grid should be dug deep - 1.5 - 2 m deep. On the surface it is enough to leave 10-15 cm of net and attach it to the fence. Such protection will provide complete security to your garden, and the animals will not suffer. True, when installing the grid, you need to be careful - if you get a shovel not there, there will be a hole in which the pest can easily enter.

The best remedy for shrews

Reviews of the mole grid confirm its effectiveness. It is better to use metal nets, the animals will not be able to gnaw them. However, this material has the property of rusting and corroding, so the grid will have to be changed every few years.

When fighting moles, do not use the means that can harm these animals. They can be poisoned with the help of earthworms, which are cut into pieces and sprinkled with poison. Worms are placed in special holes in the ground and buried.

The best remedy for shrews

Also set traps and use self-sights. Traps set directly in the earthen courses. However, moles are more useful than harmful animals, so it is better to give preference to humane methods of struggle.

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