Many homeowners believe that the presence of waterproofing completely closes the issue of protecting the basement and the foundation from the impact of groundwater. And some of them are absolutely right, but only on the condition that their house is on sandy grounds.
However, this option is only a happy exception, since most of our country's households are located on loamy and clay soils, where the level of groundwater is quite high. If the site is in the lowland, the puddles on it will stand even in the summer, so that without drainage around your house you can not do.
Types of drainage systems
Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the type of drainage. Drainage systems that can be installed near the house can be of three types:
- Open systems, drainage in which is carried out by pulling open trenches about half a meter in width and depth. The advantage of such systems is that such a drainage is fairly easy to perform on its own. However, open trenches, dug on the site, look unattractive and create the danger of falling in them.
- Backfill systems consisting of trenches with a depth of 0.5 to 1.5 m, covered with broken brick, large rubble, butes and covered with turf. The advantage of this system is its high durability. The disadvantage is the impossibility of maintenance during operation.
- Closed systems, where dehumidification is carried out using pipes lying on a bed of crushed stone, buried in a trench about two meters deep. This method, which has received the greatest distribution, does not have the drawbacks characteristic of the two previous versions. Let us dwell on it in more detail.
The order of drainage arrangement
In order to independently equip drainage near the house, it is necessary to have a shovel, wheelbarrow, metal hacksaw, manual ramming and building level, laser or bubble.
Drainage around the house is beginning to be equipped with the fact that tearing trenches, surrounding the foundation. Their width should be about half a meter, and they should lay 10-20 cm below the basement. The angles of the trench must be rounded so that the pipes can be laid correctly.
From an annular trench dug around the foundation, it is necessary to dig another trench to the lowest point of the site. At this point, you should dig a hole and install a plastic well in it. The drainage trench should be digged with a slope of at least 1 cm per meter of its length in order that the drainage occurs by gravity.
Fill the bottom of the trench with a layer of sand about 5 cm thick, preserving the slope in it and carefully compacting this layer. On the bottom and walls of the ditch along its entire length lay geotextile. Where his canvases are joined, there must be a overlap of at least 15-20 cm. Then pour a layer of crushed stone about 10 cm thick and lay a perforated pipe on it, fixing it if necessary at the docking points with a special tape.
In the two most remote corners of the house, it is necessary to install manholes in which pipes are mated using fittings. During operation, these wells may be needed to remove blockages and determine the water level.
The laid pipe should be covered with a layer of rubble 40 cm thick, wrap this layer of geotextile from the sides of the trench to separate the rubble and the covering soil to prevent silting of the rubble. On top, lay the drain pipe of storm sewer. Since this pipe, docked with livnevkoj, should not have a perforation, then water from it will not enter the trench.
Both pipes, thus laid in a trench, should go into the drainage well, from which there is a discharge into the roadside ditch. Trench the trench with soil and cover with prepared turf.