Quality floor insulation in the house - recommendations on materials and technology

floor Compared with the apartment options for floor insulation for a private house is much larger. The main thing is to correctly choose not only the methodology for holding all events, but also the necessary materials. After all, this flooring is not only comfort, but also money saving, as energy consumption is reduced significantly, heaters are less intensively used and their life is being developed.

As you know, only competent planning provides the expected final result. We proceed from the fact that the house is already in operation.

Things to consider

  • The climate of the region, the characteristics of the ground and the location of the building on the ground.
  • On which floor the floor will be removed.
  • The presence( or absence) of the basement.
  • Type of foundation.
  • Type of materials used in the construction process;on what technology the building is erected, the floors are equipped.

It is clear that a single recommendation for the insulation of the floors, given the above, can not be. However, regardless of the specifics of the structure, there are activities that are always held. There is no point in dwelling in detail on various technologies - there are more than enough of them. Therefore it is more expedient to understand what kind of insulation and when to use it better, as well as with the separate nuances of their installation.

But first we will indicate the types of work that are not always mandatory, but are recommended. The decision on the need to conduct them is based on the characteristics of the floor, the material of thermal insulation and the microclimate in the room.

Basics preparation

The operating procedure can be different. In principle, this stage is in full - not for all insulation materials. Much depends also on the manner in which the "finish" finish was arranged. If the room is constantly cold and damp, then everything also needs to be done from scratch.

Surface cleaning

floor primer1 How to do - it is solved on the spot. It is necessary to understand that the meaning is not only in the garbage collection under the floor covering. The basis should be washed, scraped so that you can see on it the slightest shell, crack. Visual inspection is the first thing. What is the use of wasting time and money on insulation, if there are divergent interlace seams on the surface, chips, deep cracks?

Yes, and the presence of fungus, mold can not be left without attention( how to get rid of them, read here)."Point", preventive repair is always cheaper than the capital repair. Naturally - all defects are subject to elimination.


Any material in principle is prone to destruction - it's all about the intensity of this process. Therefore, the compositions that protect against fire( fire retardants - for wood), from mold and fungus( antiseptics), from the absorption of liquids( waterproofing solutions, mastics) are used. The cost of such funds is much less than the costs that require any repair of the basis. They sometimes significantly( in time) "push" such an unpleasant event.


This surface treatment has several objectives at the same time:

  • to ensure a reliable bonding of the adhesive composition to the substrate( for example, for insulation with expanded polystyrene boards);
  • "nail" the remains of dust on the surface, otherwise the glue will be lumped with the lumps;
  • reinforce the upper part of the base, since the soil is partially absorbed into its structure;
  • further reduce moisture permeability, as the composition fills and seals the pores of the material.

Those who are neglected by this stage end up losing a lot. Now you can go to some nuances of warming.

floor insulant

House with a basement room

To keep the floor warm, warming starts from the bottom. In fact, the basement is a separate, DEEPENATE room, which has its walls, floor and ceiling. It is with them that you should start. Finishing the cellar ceiling often eliminates the need to open the floor covering in the rooms of the 1st floor, since it is usually enough and such "underground" insulation.

Recommendation of

  • In the basement it is necessary to provide reliable ventilation - read about it here. If it is not natural enough, then the forced one is mounted. The lack of "traction" in many ways contributes to the emergence of dampness in the premises of the lower floor.
  • External insulation of the foundation is recommended to be done if the internal one was not sufficiently effective, as it is more labor-intensive and not always feasible.

Basement missing

The work is done on the ground or on the slab( if the foundation is tiled).In the first case, filling with gravel with claydite is done and a quality screed is being set up. Next - surface preparation. It is also necessary to worry about the installation of a reliable system for draining moisture from the house( drainage).

Consider the main types of products that are used to insulate floors.



This type of foam has good strength, and if deformed, it is insignificant. And you need to choose the material extruded - it is more durable. But the installation of this product is done only on a flat surface - plates, screed, otherwise the layer of insulation will "play".

There are two ways of laying. In the first case, first a heater, then a waterproofing, in the second - on the contrary, and on top - a screed with reinforcement, under the "finish" finish. Mounting plates is done by gluing, so the need for specialist services is eliminated.

insulation with expanded clay

Expanded claydite

The material is free-flowing, so it can be stacked anywhere - between lags, over the entire surface of the concrete.

Styrofoam recommendation If it is necessary to achieve maximum layer compaction, you need to purchase products with different pellet sizes. In addition, it is advisable to equip such "backfill" with layers, each of them carefully ramming, and then "shed" with cement mortar to reduce mobility.

Foamed glass

Preliminary on the ground, a screed is arranged. On it, the blocks are mounted, fastened together, and from above - another screed. In rooms with excess moisture, waterproofing is laid under it.

Slag granulated

It needs to be used with caution."Fresh" product in poor-quality processing can contain toxins. Used, as a rule, when laying directly on the ground( if the basement is not).Then - waterproofing and screed under the finish.


Also a budget method of insulation. But it must be taken into account that it fits only between the lags, since it is easily deformed. In addition, it absorbs moisture, so the quality of waterproofing should be given increased attention.



Plates( mats) should be coated with waterproofing material on both sides.

OSB boards

This is a compressed mixture of wood chips and sawdust. This insulation not only reduces heat loss, but also level the base. In principle, for "finish" finishing you can use linoleum, carpet, floorboards and a number of other materials.

Device - using a log or on a rigid substrate( concrete).In the first case, it is possible to pour additional claydite under the plates. This material is distinguished by its strength, combined with some plasticity. The manufacturing technology provides for special impregnation, so the material does not rot, but does not absorb moisture.


There are other ways of warming the floors - gipsovoloknom, double decking, a system of "warm floor", bulk compositions, linoleum and a number of others.

Useful advices for

  • In different sources it is recommended to use as a waterproofing coating ruberoid. But for some reason, few people pay attention to the fact that, even under the most ideal operating conditions of the year, after 4 years it will have to be changed. Therefore, it is better to stop the choice of membranes or foil p / e.
  • The insulation of the floor will be incomplete if you do not pay attention to the plinth. It is in these places, because of their loosely adhering to the floor and walls, the heat "leaves".It is impossible to seal the joints "tightly", since it is necessary to take into account the temperature deformation of the coating. But in addition, glue tape, for example, or "zapenit" in some cases will not hurt.
  • In the process of erecting walls, an isolation( horizontal) waterproofing is always arranged. It is desirable that the corresponding layer in the room not only located with it on the same level, but also reliably docked. The task is to achieve a single "canvas", without gaps and bad joints.

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