How to cover the ceiling with tiles

How to glue a tile on the ceiling How to glue a tile on the ceiling.

Despite all the variety of finishing materials offered by modern manufacturers, ceiling tiles are still among the leaders of sales, which is largely facilitated by its economic accessibility. Repair with its use can be carried out independently, if you know certain secrets.

To glue the ceiling with tiles You will need:
- ceiling tiles;
- deep penetration primer;
- glue or liquid nails.

1 Before gluing the ceiling tile, it is necessary to carry out certain preparatory work. Surface for finishing should be smooth and smooth. If a significant difference was allowed between the slabs, then for the tile it will be necessary to create an additional frame from pieces of foam plastic, otherwise it will look exactly and stay on the ceiling, it simply will not. Ideally, if there is no whitewash on the ceiling, as this greatly simplifies the work. In the case where there is a thin layer, you can try to get by using a deep penetration primer. To do this, evenly distribute it throughout the surface of the ceiling and wait until it dries.

2 If there are several old layers of whitewash on the ceiling, it will have to be washed off or scraped away, otherwise the tile will not hold even on the strongest glue. In order to save the ceiling from the old whitewash, it must be well moistened with water. For this, you can use a roller or a spray with a spray gun. When the surface becomes wet, the whitewash will be easily scraped off with a wide spatula. The cleaned surface must also be primed, and then you can start working.

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3 On the instructions attached to the ceiling tile, it is written that it needs to be glued from the center of the room, drawing two perpendicular lines on the ceiling and using the center of their intersection as a place for fixing the first tile. This method allows the most even distribution of the tile throughout the entire ceiling area, but it is also the most expensive, as there is a lot of waste left from the tile.

4 A simpler version of the tile distribution is based on a single line drawn through the center of the room from the window to the opposite wall. To ensure that the tile does not move from the line, it is possible to create an additional stiffening rib by gluing the first row of tiles close to the rack or bar held along the drawn line.

5 When the preliminary work is done, take the first tile and apply glue on it in the corners and in the center. After that, firmly press it to the ceiling with one of the sides of the applied line and hold in places of contact of the adhesive for a few seconds. The better the glue, the faster the tile will fix. Do the procedure with the second tile. When working, pay attention that the direction of gluing the tiles coincides with the pattern and the arrow on its underside.

6 Stick the following tiles on either side of the first two guides until you finish the first row. The two outer tiles will have to be cut to the size of the room, using a stationery knife for this.

7 Next start again from the center line. In the area of ​​fixing the chandelier on the tiles, you will have to make a small cutout to skip the fastening itself. Continue to work until the end of the room, the ceiling finishing with tiles is completed by fixing the plastic skirting around the perimeter of the room. Pasting the tile on the ceiling in principle is not difficult, but you need to fix and everything will go like clockwork.

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