How to level the walls on the beacons with plaster

Application of plaster is necessary for leveling surfaces, to give them the required flatness.
But getting a required surface without skills is difficult for a beginner.
The use of certain technological methods facilitates plastering works, allows them to perform even inexperienced plastering.

What should a beginner know about plastering?
To facilitate plastering with their own hands, special tools are used, called beacons.
In addition, you need to learn how to choose the right plaster mixes.

Some tips for choosing plaster mixtures

When choosing finishing materials, try to stop at one manufacturer. This will avoid incompatibility of materials and subsequent appearance of various defects.

In the Russian market of building materials, plaster mixtures based on gypsum and cement are present.
Gypsum plaster mixtures are preferable, since it is possible to apply a plaster layer up to 5 cm, which does not cause cracks.
The gypsum mixture is not subject to shrinkage, having high plasticity.

Due to its high adhesion and low weight, the gypsum plaster mixture is an ideal material for leveling the ceiling.
Unlike cement mix, gypsum has an increased sound and heat insulation, and is able to "breathe".
The gypsum mixture is considered the best plaster material for leveling smooth concrete bases without a reinforcing mesh.

The best stucco plaster mix is ​​the material produced by the German company Knauf. But the cost of these mixtures makes you look for plaster materials produced by Russian manufacturers.
Here are a few Russian manufacturers that produce high-quality finishing materials, including dry mixes.
By the way, dry mixes are preferable to ready-made ones, since they allow the master to choose the proper consistency himself.
These include: dry mixes of the company "Starateli", the material of the firm "TD Stroymontazh MS", ready-made mixtures of the firm Rusean, and, of course, the Mansurov mixes of the joint-stock company "MKU".
Recently in the Russian market there were inexpensive mixtures of European quality of the young construction company Kreps.

Any work begins with the preparatory stage

. Before plastering the surface, it should be properly prepared.
Wall is cleaned of dirt, dust, grease stains, paint and other debris.
Several primer layers are applied to the cleaned and dried surface. Primer should choose the same manufacturer as the purchased plaster mixture. Preference is given to acrylic primers, which are easily applied with a wide brush or roller.

The primed and dried surface is ready for plastering.

Plastering on beacons

Aligning walls by beacons greatly simplifies the process and improves the quality of work, although it requires more preparatory time.
There are several options for leveling the walls on the beacons.
Special metallic zinc-plated profiles are used as beacons.
The beams for leveling walls are made from a plaster layer applied to the surface and planned by the rule.
As beacons can be used swirling screws, whose hats are leveled by the rule of the level and mortgaged with a solution and subsequent alignment.

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For beginners, it is recommended to use a metal zinc-plated profile as beacons.

To install the beacon profile on the surface, vertical lines are drawn, several piles of solution are applied on the line and a profile carefully leveled in level is applied. When the solution hardens, the profile is further strengthened by the solution.
Beacons are set in steps that are shorter than the length of your existing rule. If the rule has a length of 1.5 m, then the step of installing the beacons should be selected no more than 1 m. The disadvantage of a metal beacon can be its rusting if it is installed in a room with high humidity.
It's better to stop at lighthouses, famous manufacturers such as Knauf made of good galvanized metal and decent thickness and rigidity. Beware of nastolok.

Often as a beacon use a plaster solution.

On the drawn vertical lines a plaster solution is thrown, greater thickness in the place where the wall has depressions, and less in convex places. To the line of the solution, a rule with a level is applied and leveled. The rule removes excess parts of the solution. The step of setting such beacons is selected based on the length of the rule. Align the walls of the beacons with plaster

Specialists prefer beacons that do not require special installation. Such beacons can be installed by applying a metal U-shaped profile for fixing gipsokartonnyh sheets. It is better to take a profile, the width of which is not more than 20 mm, so that it easily enters the rule.
Make the workpiece out of the profile along the length equal to the height of the wall. Strictly vertical lines are placed on the wall. The plaster is poured onto the line, a profile is applied, into which the rule with the level is inserted. The required level is carefully taped and the excess solution is removed. After preliminary hardening of the solution, the profile with the rule is removed, the profile is cleaned of the remaining solution and is prepared for the installation of a new beacon.
Such a process significantly reduces the preparation time of the surface for plastering. It is indispensable in rooms with high humidity.

The alignment of the walls on the beacons with their own hands is to throw on the surface of the prepared mixture and align it with the rule.
The rule should be pulled from the bottom up, moving constantly from left to right.
Before applying the rule to the solution, be sure to moisten it with water using a damp washcloth.

The plaster solution should have a consistency of liquid sour cream for surfaces with small deviations from the vertical, and thick sour cream for walls with large gaps.
Dilute as much solution as you can for 20 minutes. This is the lifetime of the gypsum solution.

For aligning walls without beacons, you need not only experience, but also the ability to handle the rule.
The method is to level the surface using a rule.
The advantage of this method is its high productivity and material savings.
The disadvantage is that it is impossible to obtain a high flatness surface.

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