In ancient times, when people did not yet know about metal, tile, corrugated board and other roofing materials, the roofs of the houses were covered with straw or reeds. It would seem that in this age of advanced technology the use of such material makes absolutely no sense, unless someone wants to formalize their house, guided by the principles of unity with nature.
However, recently a roof made of reeds has gained immense popularity literally all over the world. It turns out that reed as a kind of finishing material has a lot of interesting advantages, and today the "House of Dreams" will tell in detail about them to its readers.
Reeds - properties of finishing material
For the production of reed roof specialists use stems of a plant about a year old. The process of collecting, drying and storing reeds is quite long and energy-consuming, but the unique properties of the plant fully justify the efforts expended. From the point of view of construction and operation, reed as a kind of finishing material has the following positive characteristics:
- Environmentally friendly .The stems of this plant, belonging to the family of sedge, are distinguished by a unique structure. By their properties and strength they resemble wood, but unlike other natural products, the stalks of lake reeds do not absorb the negative influence of the environment. That is, even if bulrush grows in an unfavorable ecological area, it remains clean. In addition, during preparation for roofing, the reeds are not treated with additional carcinogens and chemicals.
- High resistance to weather conditions .Reeds grow best near water bodies and in wetlands. But also this plant is not afraid of the scorching sun or frost. Consequently, reeds can be classified as the most weatherproof coatings. If any other organic material for the roof is inevitably deformed due to the influence of precipitation, then for reeds, the conditions of increased humidity are natural.
- Unique microclimate .The reed roof creates a unique microclimate in the room. First, the stems of the plant fill the air with useful molecules and essential oils, which have a beneficial effect on the airways and nervous system of a person. And, secondly, they ensure the stability of the temperature regime in the room under any weather conditions. In summer, the house with a reed roof is cool, and in winter - warm. In addition, the special structure of the cane stems gives this material a high noise insulation.
- Flexibility and strength .Stems of reeds are very strong and durable. With proper installation, the roof of this plant can last more than 50 years. But, despite its strength, the reed is incredibly flexible, which opens us a huge space for building and architectural experiments.
However, the main advantage of roofing from reeds is manifested in aesthetics and extensive design possibilities. This material is excellent for both the design of residential houses, and for decorating garden buildings - arbors, summer kitchens, etc.
Buildings with a reed roof always look original and stylish, but most importantly - they perfectly harmonize with the environment, turning into an authentic object of landscape design.
Roof of a reed and fire resistance
Listing the advantages of a roof from reeds, one can not but specify that this organic material has one very significant drawback -fire resistance. It's no secret that dry reeds can catch fire from just one spark. To reduce the possible danger, using stalks of reeds to decorate the roofs of houses and garden objects, specialists often cover the material with flame retardants.
But then another problem arises: since flame retardant is a rather harmful component, it completely destroys the ecological purity of reeds.
Fortunately, builders from Western Europe have managed to find a compromise between safety and environmental friendliness. In order to increase the fire resistance of a reed roof, while not treating the material with chemical components, they use a special way of laying that blocks the flow of air to the roof, thereby reducing the risk of accidental ignition. For this purpose, before installation, the roofing structure in the lower part is covered with plywood sheets.
Principles of installing a reed roof
Another advantage of a reed roof is that it can be made by hand. To reed stems were suitable for use as a flooring, to begin with, they must be collected, dried, cut and tied into bundles or bundles. Of course, it's easier to purchase already connected blocks that can be mounted directly on the roof.
Reed installation is carried out on pre-prepared plywood sheets and crates. To hold the roofing material under a slope, fasteners and wire are screwed into the crate before it is laid. Reed blocks are stacked from the bottom to the top in an overlap. After laying each layer, a wire or hemp rope is pulled through the blocks, which give the structure additional strength.
When laying a roof out of reeds, it is important to monitor the uniformity of the covering. Ideally, on the roof should not be seen places of fixing the blocks. For greater aesthetics, after laying a reed roof, its stems are trimmed and leveled, so that the roof acquires a one-piece, complete appearance.
If desired, cane can be used as insulation of the roof. In this case, the reed blocks are mounted over the standard construction and fixed with special screws.
A roof made of reeds is an eco-friendly, original and reliable way of decorating a home. However, choosing this option of the roof, remember that any organic material needs proper care. To reed roof served you as long as possible, from time to time you will have to remove from its surface grown grass and moss, as well as clean contaminated stems.