How to choose the right ironing board for the house - we will consider all the nuances

1 To ensure that the ironing process does not turn into a real test of the patience and endurance of the hostess, one good iron will not be enough. We also need an ironing board, which would be convenient in all respects. How to assess what to look for when selecting, we will understand this article.


Table top. It's better to buy a metal board - both because of weight, and because of the longevity. As a rule, aluminum or "stainless steel".The product of plywood is cheaper, but it is much more massive, and taking into account external factors( temperature, evaporation during ironing) after a while it will simply "lead".Align such a glued "assembly" is no longer possible.

Feet. Preferably aluminum because of their light weight. To ensure that the board does not leave scratches or traces of metal on the floor, they must have special nozzles( tips, nozzles) made of plastic or rubber.

Dimensions and configuration

how to choose Working surface. Now you can find different in shape, length and width of the board. If for the classics typical parameters( in "cm") 110 x 30 or 120 x 38, then products in the "modern" style are somewhat larger. As a rule, 148 x 45 and 140 x 40. It should be noted that the hostess has to work with different things - children's, adults. Therefore, it is worth choosing the best option - an ironing board, in which one edge narrows.

Feet. It should be noted how far they go beyond the countertop in the working position. Here you need to be guided by the optimal combination of compactness of the product( folded) and its stability during use.

The height of the is a moment of no small importance. At many modern models this parameter "is adjusted".But practically it is realized in different ways: smooth adjustment( the best variant) or step-by-step. In the latter case, there are several fixed height values ​​(from 2 to 4), on which the table top can be raised / lowered.

It is better to purchase a model with legs adjustable smoothly.


select_grass Stationary. Such boards are "hard" attached to any basis. For example, to the wall, and if necessary unfold. As an option - built into a specially installed for them cabinet, which is very practical, because the product will not be all the time in sight. But in this case, the hostess will be "tied" to one place, which is somewhat inconvenient.

You can install such boards inside a wardrobe or wall. This is great for small rooms( small apartments), but you will have to buy furniture or order, or design and build with your own hands, although not everyone can do it.

Mobile. This is a more familiar, portable version. You can arrange ironing anywhere. The only problem is where to clean it up?

chest of drawers "Integrated". The name, of course, is purely conditional, but the essence reflects accurately. It is a chest of drawers, the top cover of which is an ironing board.

Carrying case

Its coloring and material of manufacture - on a choice to the mistress;here advice is not needed. And yet there is one. At some manufacturers the surface of a cover has impregnations which serve for clearing of a working part of an iron. If it is also removable, then it can always be brought into the proper form - to wash.

Additional "services"

Stands - under the iron. How is it located, is it convenient to work? There is also a special device for ironing narrow things( trousers, sleeves and so on).It is better, if it is removable, then it will be possible to put it only if necessary.

ironing board Shelves, brackets. Allow immediately to "store" the ironed things( hang out shirts) without leaving the scene.

Now any device, accessory has at least some "bells and whistles."Manufacturers seem to be competing, and we do not cease to be surprised. That's just what's so unusual can be in a simple ironing board? Who are interested in all sorts of innovations, detailed information if desired, will find, especially since almost every day there is another "surprise".

From the point of view of the expediency of use it is worth noting the presence of a steaming steam generator. With its help, you can organize steaming, drying things, facilitate the ironing of "difficult" fabrics. This functionality is really useful. Well, everything else - at the discretion of the reader.

board It is necessary to pay attention to how all movable parts are connected. If they are on rivets, it is better to "pass by".Such a design will eventually loosen, and just tighten the fasteners like a nut, it does not work out - it will be necessary to disassemble and rivet anew. And if the legs are made of aluminum, then this is not so easy.

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