How easy is it to calculate the electricity for a month?

Calculating the amount of electricity

The question of how to calculate the electricity for a month becomes particularly relevant. Let's return to the decision, payment of the electric power in territory of the general using was carried out earlier, but it paid without the knowledge. The availability of this type of payment is absolutely logical, because the lighting of elevators, attics, streets, cellars must also be paid and somebody must pay this payment. Obvious is that the owners of apartment buildings adjacent to these common areas will pay.

The main problem with paying for this supply of electricity is the way the owners share costs.

We provide you with a list of actions for calculating the payment for electricity in your home.

The first option. If you have an individual electricity meter, then the calculation of the cost of paying for your electricity supply services will be carried out according to this formula, by multiplying the number of consumed energy of your apartment by the meter by the electricity tariff of your region.


V - consumed energy for the settlement period( residential and non-residential premises), indicators are determined by the meter( individual or total - apartment).

T - price for the resource according to Russian legislation.

Example: 450 x 3 = 1350 rubles, where 450 is the amount of electricity on the counter for May 2014, and 3 is the price of your region, which is 3 rubles.for one kW.

The second option is how to calculate the electricity for a month of general housing needs and if you do not have a household electricity meter.

Electricity for common house needs will be paid according to the calculation formulas.

Formula No.1 - calculation of the volume of power supply


V - the number of resources used for the settlement period in the house, taking into account residential and non-residential premises for common needs.

T - the tariff of communal resources established by the Russian legislation.

Formula # 2 - the amount of payment


N - the standard of consumed electricity, which was provided for the general needs of the apartment building in accordance with RF Government Decree No. 306 of May 23, 2006

Si - the area of ​​the apartment of the residential building taking into account residential and non-residential premises.

Sob - the total area of ​​all residential apartments of a large house.

Sои - the total area of ​​the property of the house.

For example: 2 x 500 x 45/5000 = 27 rubles.

2 - is the electricity standard for common services for your region. Measured in kW per 1 sq.m.

500 is your apartment.m. of the total area of ​​premises, which are included in the property of the owners of the house.

5000 is a square.m. area of ​​residential apartments in your home.

45 - sq. M.m. of the total area of ​​your apartment.

The third option: if you have a household electricity meter, how to calculate the electricity for a month for community services will help you two formulas. Also, calculations are made using a two-rate counter.

Formula No.1 - calculation of the amount of electricity


V - the amount of electricity that is consumed for a certain period of the apartment building, which applies to both residential and non-residential premises.

T - the electricity tariff set by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Formula number 2


- the volume of electricity, which was used for the billing period according to the public house utility meter.

- the amount of the resource that was used for the settlement period in non-residential premises.

as-easy-count-electricity-per-month-8 - the volume of the resource that was used for the settlement period in the residential premises, which is not equipped with an individual or common counter.

as-easy-count-electricity-per-month-I - the amount of resource that was used in residential premises that are equipped with individual or common hot water meters.

as-easy-count-electricity-per-month-10 - the amount of resource that was used for the billing period for heating and hot water supply( if there is no centralized one).

as-easy-count-electricity-per-month-11 - the total area of ​​the residential apartment and non-residential premises in the house.

as-easy-count-electricity-per-month-12 - the total area of ​​all residential apartments and non-residential buildings in the house.

Payment and calculation of the amount of utilities is not the most pleasant procedure, but is a must. We wish you a summer residence in your mathematical calculus and have patience!

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