Country toilet with own hands

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Without such a structure, as a toilet, on a suburban area can not do. The toilet toilet with their own hands is easy to make, if you make some effort and effort. The most time-consuming stage in the process of erecting a secluded site will be excavation, but this work can be done. The aesthetic side of the - is a secondary issue, the most important thing is the - correctly set up a cesspool and create the a reliable foundation for the above-ground structure.

Country toilet with own hands

The toilet toilet with their own hands

It should be noted that some owners of suburban areas do not build a toilet by the rules and bypass the usual bucket, substituted for the toilet seat. But, one way or another, waste life must be somewhere to do, so without a capital hole all can not do without. Therefore, is better to do all the work once correctly and not to return to this issue for many years. It is especially important to make a capital structure in the event that tenants spend at a summer residence a considerable part of the year.

In the case of , if does not want to spoil the design of the territory of the site by installing an ordinary toilet, you can hide it in the far corner behind the house, or come up with a design for it that will organically fit the building into the landscape.

Site Selection t ualeta and its design

Article Contents

  • 1 choice of toilet seats and its design
  • 2 What will it take to build a toilet
  • 3 device sump
  • 4 Construction Modular summer cottages toilet
    • 4.1 Video: manufacturing house - "attics" for suburban toilet
    • 4.2 Video: several options for the installation of a country toilet
  • 5 Biotoilet
  • 6 Biological products for toilets

The toilet is usually installed closer to the far edge of the plot, and this is understandable, thatto at least a slight smell, but will be present in this room or near it. But sometimes use another option, arranging a cesspool near the house, and to place the toilet take away an empty corner of the house, leading a wide sewer into the pit. This design is mainly used in cases where water is drawn into the house, and there is a plan to install an insulated tank for waste collection.

In any case, , should be adhered to, established by the sanitary and epidemiological services standards. They must be observed in order to protect themselves, neighbors and the environment from undesirable consequences, such as infectious diseases or soil contamination.

  • If a pit is set up, the of its needs the to place the on the distance, not less than 30 m from the water sources, and the depth of the its should not reach ground water.
  • If a septic tank is to be installed, it is located no closer than 15 m from the house.
  • If you plan to use isolated , which will be cleaned as the is filled with the washer, the of its can be installed anywhere, since the waste will not enter the ground.

Isolated capacity - is yet and output in cases where groundwater does not go too deep and the device of a sump dug in the ground is impossible.

Usually the pit of the simplest dacha toilet has an area of ​​the order of one square meter. If the hole breaks off, its diameter should be equal, approximately 1 m .The depth of of its is 1.5 - 2 m , depending on the depth of groundwater.

Once the has identified the location for the pit, you can proceed with the design of the toilet.

  • The first thing to take into account - is the weight of the design - it will largely be predetermined by the material, which is planned to use for construction. The house itself should not be too heavy , because over time the ground under its weight can start to sag and eventually the building is deformed and damaged.

Wooden blocks and boards, or thin metal - galvanized profiles and corrugated board are good for construction.

If it is decided to build a toilet booth from logs or bricks, then will have to think about a well reinforced foundation. But to build such heavy buildings is completely useless, since they all will not even be warmer than light buildings. It is better, if it is necessary, to thermally insulate the room with heaters that have a low weight, for example, foam. Such a construction will be both light , and warm , not purged in the cold season, and it will not be excessively hot in the summer.

  • Once you have defined the material, you can go to the size of the booth.

Usually the standard toilet has a width of 1 m , height - 2, 3 m , and the room length - 1,3 ÷ 1, 5 m .However, these dimensions are by no means a dogma and may well vary. In any case, , the room should be comfortable to find in him to any family member in position and standing, and sitting.

What is required for the construction of the toilet

After identifying with the design and placement of the toilet, they acquire the necessary materials for its construction. A wooden or metal "house" can be bought already ready. If you decide to build it yourself, you will need the following materials:

  • Boards and wooden blocks.
  • Fasteners - nails and screws.
  • Metal corners for reinforcing wooden frame construction.
  • Door handle, hook or latch to close the door.
  • Material for roofing - slate or corrugated board.
  • Plastic or wooden toilet seat with lid.
  • When is required - foamed for I insulated the booth, and the material for the internal insulation is walls, chipboard, thin board or plywood.

For the device of a cesspool it is necessary to demand:

  • Cement , rubble, sand.
  • Armature for strengthening the foundation of the house.
  • Metal netting for covering the pit and metal staples or pins for fixing this mesh to the ground.

Another option, instead of the mesh and of its plastering with concrete, can become a brick that is encased in the walls of the pit.

In addition, for the device pit is often used concrete rings that have holes in the walls. Many summer residents prefer old rubber tires of large sizes.

Installation of concrete rings with perforated walls

Installation of concrete rings with perforated walls

Another one, the most environmentally friendly option, can be the finished capacity - septic tank .They produce different sizes , so you can choose the one you need, depending on the number of family members and the length of the residence period at the dacha.

Insulated plastic containers for toilets

Insulated polymeric containers for toilets

Naturally, when building a summer cottage you can not do without tools , so you should have:

  • A hand drill that can help with excavation.
  • Shovel and bayonet shovel, with a length and a short handle.
  • If the soil on the site is rocky, you may need a puncher.
  • Hammer and Screwdriver .
  • Grinder - "Bulgarian" with discs on stone and metal.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Marking tools - ruler, tape measure, gon, building level, pencil or marker.
cottage The first to build a toilet on the site, and then build the rest!

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the step-by-step technology of building a cottage house, which we tried to set out in this article - a link.

In addition, we advise you to read about the construction of a gazebo with your own hands, the construction of a cabins.

Device of the pit

Of course, they always start with marking and digging pits. It will have a square or round shape, depending on the chosen design.

1. If a two-chamber plastic septic tank is to be installed, the pit is routed in such a way that the inlet pipe is directly in the toilet cubicle, since a toilet seat will be installed on it. The neck of the second chamber should remain outside the premises of the - , it is needed for regular evacuation of accumulated fecal masses.

One of the types of double chamber septic tanks for a country toilet

One of the types of double chamber septic tanks for the country toilet

The tanks are of different shapes, and the size and shape of the pit will depend on this. The size of the excavation should be done on 20 - 30 cm more than the available capacity , because around the it needs to be well ground.

Septic can be more compact

The septic can be a more compact

2. If the walls of the pit are to be finished with concrete or brick, its can be made round or square.

Pit of square shape

Square pit

  • After digging a well of the required depth, on its day it is necessary to arrange drainage from large rubble, stones, chips of
  • bricks. Then, its walls are covered with a metal net-grid with cells 50 × 50 mm. The net is fixed by driving into the groove nt from the steel wire or pins.
  • To make the walls stronger, you can additionally reinforce the walls of a metal with an grating with large cells 100 × 100 mm.
  • Further, by a method of throwing, a concrete mortar is applied to the walls, which is left to dry completely. The total thickness of the concrete layer should be about 50 ÷ 80 mm.
  • After setting the first scuffed layer, the walls are plastered with to the same level with the same concrete solution. The plastered pit is left to dry.
  • Overlap a pit or a finished reinforced concrete slab, or manufactured locally. It will serve as a foundation for the toilet and a platform around it.
  • On the pit lay boards, which should extend beyond the its limits by 700 ÷ 800 mm and be recessed into the ground to one level with the ground. The boards must be treated with antiseptic agents. This wooden substrate under the foundation can be replaced by concrete columns.
Laying of support boards for foundation pouring

Laying of support boards for pouring the foundation

  • Two holes are left on the surface for installing the toilet seat and for the sump hole, which should later cover with the cover .A formwork is installed around future holes.
  • Polyethylene dense film is spread over the entire area of ​​the future foundation.
  • is equipped with an reinforcement on top of , which consists of a formwork along the entire perimeter of the future foundation.
Formwork, waterproofing, reinforcement of the future foundation

Formwork, waterproofing, reinforcement of the future foundation

  • The height of the formwork of the holes should be the same as that of the entire foundation. Formwork boards and will serve as beacons when leveling the surface.
  • The concrete mix is ​​mixed, poured into the area, leveled and left to dry. For the durability and strength of the external concrete layer, after the initial setting, it is possible to conduct " iron " on a wet surface with dry cement.
The resulting plate and blocked the cesspool, and will become the basis for the lodge

The resulting plate and blocked the cesspool, and will become the base for the toilet cottage

  • On the ready site after its full maturation can be install booth for the toilet. On the hole, designed for pumping accumulated waste, you need to arrange a hatch. It can be purchased at the store or manufactured independently. The cover of the hatch should be easy open and close .

3. Another one option can be a round hole with laid in it car tires. But it should be noted that this type of cesspools is not suitable for permanent use. Such a toilet can only be used in country cottages when tenants come only occasionally, for example, on weekends, otherwise will often have to pump out the collected waste.

Cesspool of old tires

Cesspool from old car tires

  • For a cesspool device of this type, a round trench is 150 to 200 mm longer than the diameter of the existing tires.
  • The bottom of the foundation pit is laid drainage layer drain thickness of 15 - 20 cm.
  • Then exactly in the middle of the pit, tires are laid on to another to the surface of the ground.
  • Around the tires, as they are laid down, the drainage from the of the crushed stone and sand is poured and tamped. This process ss pr is taken to the very top.
  • When the tires are fully laid, a shallow ribbon foundation can be arranged around the pit. To do this, along the perimeter of the future toilet, a trench depth of about 500 mm is digging, into which concrete will be poured.
  • The bottom of the trench is rammed and is covered with a layer of sand in 50 ÷ 70 mm, which is also tamped and is covered with a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness.
  • Waterproofing made of dense polyethylene.
  • Further can be acted in two ways:

- weld and install reinforcing grill , mount the formwork in height 100 ÷ 150 mm above ground level and then pour concrete solution;

- lay out the foundation of the brick, and then plaster it with cement.

  • After the solution has solidified from the cement foundation, formwork is removed, and the brick is leveled from above.
  • On its surface is laid roofing material, which separates the concrete surface from the wooden.
  • On the foundation or the finished construction of the toilet is installed, or it is built independently.
The toilet toilet can be installed on a pile or columnar foundation

The toilet toilet can be installed on the pile or column foundation

For the convenience of the construction process, the base nt sleep is fixed to the wooden frame-frame made of high-strength bars, and on the will be mounted other elements of the structure, depending on the chosenmodels of construction.

4. It is impossible not to mention and more one way of arrangement of a cesspool - with the help of metal barrels with the cut off bottom. They are installed one on another and in the same way as in the previous case. Around the resultant tube, gravel mixture or mixture sand with rubble is compacted.

Cesspit from metal barrels - obviously will not last long

Cesspool of metal barrels - obviously will not last long

It would seem that the method is simple in execution, but it has many more shortcomings than merits. Metal drums under aggressive influence both from the inside and outside, from the side of the ground, very quickly corrode , and will serve such a toilet for a very short time.

Construction of the house of the cottage toilet

When both the pit and the site for installing the toilet room are ready, you can proceed to the installation of the house according to a pre-designed scheme.

Toilet lodges can have a variety of shapes, for example, even in the form of a fairy-tale hut. The uninitiated will not immediately determine what kind of room this is so perfectly fit into the landscape design of the site. Such a construction can be done by own hands, knowing the scheme of its assembly.

The photo shows an option partially made of logs , which give this structure a decorative effect, mask the purpose of the building itself.

Original Teremok - not at once and you will understand that this toilet

Original Teremok - not at once and you will understand that this is WC

The diagram shows the basis for building a log cabin, only boards instead of logs are used. You can clearly see how the walls are assembled and the roof slopes rise. The internal space is allocated and is chosen as the location of the toilet seat.

Примерная схема "теремка"

Exemplary diagram of the "tower"

The next stage of the will be the crate roof, roofing and wall cladding with the material - selected for this this can be wood and metal.

This house can be either installed on a cesspool, or used as a room for a biotoilet.

Sewerage in the house

Building a toilet?do not forget about the sewerage

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the material on the construction of sewerage in the house with your own hands. In addition, most likely it will be useful for you how to build a barn.

Read the construction of the shed - here.

Video: making a house - "tower" for the country toilet

Another variation nt st toilet rink, which is called "hut".In this case, the house is built in the form of a triangle, and its side walls are simultaneously a roof. The form is simple enough, therefore it will not be difficult to erect a building.

Туалет - "шалаш"

Toilet - "hut"


This design is not only easy to build, it is also easy to use - , it is stable in the base and quite spacious inside.

Монтаж туалета - "шалаша"

Assembling the toilet - "hut"

In the figure shown all the internal structure of the house, the installation site of the toilet seat and the way roofs . The front and rear wall covering has been started. House-"hut" can be put on the equipped cesspool, as in the this case, but can also be used as a premise for the dry closet.

Even the most traditional toilet house can be decorated in different ways

Even the most traditional toilet house can be decorated in different ways.

This form of the house can be called traditional, as most its can be found on the sites. But even such an uncomplicated design can be decorated according to your preference.

For example, the toilet in this homestead was decided to be made under a Japanese house. This is indicated by hieroglyphs written on a tablet suspended on chains, a Japanese lantern at the entrance and even an additional roof. In addition, the interior design of the room is also in a general style.

This attitude to the design of the site suggests that even from a structure such as a toilet, you can make a small work of art, if you make a little effort.

The scheme of the most common type of toilet house

Diagram of the most common type of toilet house

The approximate scheme for building such a toilet is represented by on the drawing. On it is clearly visible the device of a cesspool, the installation from above of it of a building of a toilet and a hatch for clearing. The design is simple enough in the device, and to erect its is simple. But for it to be reliable , it is necessary to achieve rigidity ligaments of all the details among themselves.

The inner space of the toilet, arranged above the cesspit , during the construction of the walls can look like this. That is, on the base are installed bars of the base, on which the framework of the future structure is fixed.

Above the pit a belt is fastened from a thick beam, to which the remaining details of the structure are mounted

Above the pit a belt is fastened from a thick beam to which the remaining parts of the building are mounted

Next, the walls are trimmed and the roof is installed. Only after this you can floor the floor and install the toilet seat.

Putting toilet after work is finished

Toilet room after completion of work

After the final finishing of the toilet from the inside, the room can have such a neat and cozy appearance.

If desired, and features you can come up with another design of the dacha toilet, but to do all the interior decoration you need from warm materials. It is not recommended to use ceramic tiles for decoration, as it is a very cold kind of material, and in addition, in winter, the tile becomes still and very slippery.

Video: several variants of the device for the country toilet

Dry closet

If there is no way to build a country toilet or simply there is no desire to communicate with the construction works, then you can use the toilet. This option will also save you from digging pits and, possibly, from installing the house.

Biotoilet is an excellent solution for country conditions

Dry closet is the perfect solution for villa conditions.

. - is a stand-alone toilet that does not require a separate room or connection to the drain

. The biotoilete consists of two compartment chambers, the upper part of which acts as a toilet bowl and the other serves for biologicalwaste processing. In the second, lower chamber there are active substances, which decompose feces and turn them into a homogeneous mass, which has no smell. The action of bioactive liquid for the decomposition of waste is enough for ten days, then the chamber is cleaned, pouring the contents into the central sewage system or into the soil. The method of disposal will depend on what active substances will be used in the biotoilete. These substances are t t rex types: composting, chemical and microorganic. Each of them is suitable for of a certain type of bio-toilet.

  • For composting toilets, peat is used as an active substance. It has a high absorbency - so, one kilogram of peat absorbs ten liters of liquid. Obtained as a result of active processes, an odorless compost excellent will suit for fertilizing beds.

Usually complete with such a biotoilet go t t ventilation hoses that remove unpleasant smells during processing.

  • The biotoilet, whose work is based on on the application of chemicals, has an indicator, which indicates that the container needs cleaning. Waste, processed in this way, merges into the sewage system, in order to protect the environment. For such models special substances with non-freezing properties are produced.
  • The third kind of this useful device is a bio-toilet, in which microorganisms are engaged in waste processing, turning them into compost. The resulting material is environmentally friendly and harmless for soil and animals, so it should not be recycled t ore.

If desired, the bio-toilet can be installed in the most common room built by oneself, which is located in the courtyard, and for the winter period - bring it into the house, taking a convenient angle for these needs.

Biological tools for toilets

To help landlord owners who have toilets with cesspools on their territory, special tools are developed, similar to those used in toilets.

One of the biological means for toilets and cesspools

One of the biological tools for toilets and cesspools

They also contain chemical, peat or bacterial concentrates that will rid the toilet of unpleasant odors, and will gradually process the entire contents of cesspools or septic tanks. Such formulations are produced in various forms of -, such as tablets, powders or liquid solutions.

Before using the product it is necessary to study the instruction, as the composition is poured or poured in parts. How to properly use such substances, you can find out from the information on the package, since each tool is dosed in different ways. A similar substance is used, as a rule, very sparingly. For example, one package or jar of some tv xv packages per year for the cesspit volume of 3,5 ÷ 4 tons.

So, there are a lot of ways to solve the problem of a cottage toilet - you can always choose one or the other option.

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