Underbody assembly for underfloor heating

Underbody assembly for underfloor heating

The warm floors are hygiene, safety and comfort in the house.

They are economical, they can automatically adjust the temperature of the heating, but despite this they need thermoregulation, for which they use a knot for a warm floor.

After all, the heating system, which is usually connected to the system of warm floors, heats up to 60-80 ° C, whereas the normal temperature of heating the warm floor should not be more than 35-40 degrees.

Otherwise - from overheating of the surface of the warm floor, the flooring and furniture will begin to crack, and the room will be stuffy and not very comfortable.

Standard mixing unit for underfloor heating consists of:

  • built-in thermostatic valve manifold;
  • thermostatic head with remote sensor;
  • circulating pump;
  • temperature limiter;
  • regulating valve;
  • built-in thermometer.

Mixing units are of two types: three-way and two-way valves.

The three-way valve mixes hot water with chilled water inside it, which comes back from the underfloor heating system.

But such valves have too high throughput, which can completely open and let hot water into the system.

Such sharp temperature jumps are undesirable, since a rupture of pipes can occur from increased pressure.

System of admixtures

Three-way manifolds, despite their shortcomings, are indispensable for systems with climate control and for installing warm floors in rooms with a large area.

In small spaces it is advisable to install two-way mixing units for systems of warm water floor.

Such a mixer immediately mixes hot water with cold water, which comes back from the system of the warm floor.

Thus, water constantly circulates, preventing the warm floor from overheating.

The mixing unit is installed in a special manifold before the installation of the underfloor heating system.

The assembly of the mixing units can be either right-hand or left-handed. If the type of the sub-mix node spoils the general interior, it can be hidden.

Buying and setting up

When buying a mixing unit for a warm floor, be aware that they are of several types.

For example, only one customer can be connected to an individual collector, and an individual-group sub-assembly is designed to connect a high-power consumer.

There are also mixing units in the domestic market, to which several consumers with small capacity can connect, there are main mixing nodes with high power, there are different models of nodes with different number of outputs - from 2 to 12.


It follows thatto acquire a collector is not difficult, the main thing is to choose the right knot for a warm floor.

The price of the mixing unit sometimes bites, which depends on the manufacturer, the "filling" of the collector, the type of equipment and its capabilities.

But on sale it is possible to find and quite inexpensive models or to make a knot of the mix itself.

Despite the high cost, it is best to install the factory sub-assembly for the warm floor. You can buy it in plumbing shops or in construction markets.

If in your city there is no commercially available mixing units for underfloor heating, then they can be ordered from specialized companies.

Before purchasing a manifold, determine the number of connections.

For example, you need a plug-in unit for 8 connections, and there are only 6 connection points available for sale.

In this case, you have to separately buy additional combs and use them to connect the two missing loops.

Do not forget to look at the assembly of the mixing unit before purchase, where there must be a flow sensor or flowmeter, fasteners, drain and drain valves.

If necessary, we purchase additional equipment: room temperature sensors, servo drives and modules of admixture.

Some ask how to set up a knot of the under-floor for a warm floor? Adjustment and installation of mixing units must be carried out according to the instructions, which are surely attached to the product.

As mentioned above, the design of the mixing unit consists of a three-way or two-way mixing valve, a temperature sensor, a circulation pump and a check valve.

When installing the mixing unit, first a circular pump and a temperature sensor are installed on the inlet pipe.

Next - a mixing valve is connected to the warm pipe of the heating system. The non-return valve is mounted on the outlet pipe.


The outlet of the check valve is connected to the cold pipe of the heating system and is taken to the mixing valve.

Make a test run of the underfloor heating system and check the temperature level.

If the temperature is insufficient or too high, then increase or decrease the flow capacity of the valve, or adjust the temperature sensor to the desired temperature.

We make mixing knives by our own hands

Many home craftsmen think why buy an expensive mixing unit, if its design is so simple that they can easily be made by yourself. Here everything is not so simple.

If you do not have plumbing skills and have never dealt with heating systems, but are still seriously tuned, then the best kneading knots for the warm floor are best done with an accurate step-by-step instruction that can be found on the Internet.

You will need a thermostatic valve, as well as connecting fittings( union nuts, check valve, tees, thermometers, nipples, pump, ball valves, etc.) to assemble the mixing unit.

The standard sub-assembly for the underfloor heating is made by hand from thermometers installed in the supply and return valves.

Example of mixing unit

They control the temperature of the coolant during return and delivery. A circulating pump is necessary to maintain water circulation in the pipes of the system.

The manual air vent is used to remove air from the system. To adjust the heating temperature, a bypass is installed. Another valve is needed to fill the water drain.

If the water pressure in the system exceeds the allowable rate, this valve will prevent pipe rupture.

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