How to decorate old doors

Interior doors protect the premises from noise and dust penetration, allow you to hide and be alone with yourself. This is an important piece of interior, without which it is impossible to do without. What if you got an apartment with old interior doors? Let's try to update the old wooden doors.

Why do people increasingly resort to updating doors than to full replacement? Consider the main reasons:

  • a large selection of doors, regardless of price, pushes the buyer to the idea that all products are very similar. Similar doors are available at relatives, neighbors or in the office. Therefore, few people want to buy exactly the same doors to their dwelling, because we all want the interior of our dwelling to be individual;
  • even the oldest and unsightly door can always be replaced with a new one, only who will want to mess with the replacement of the door. This is not only extra money, but also a small repair in a dwelling, and this is already a small natural disaster. Imagine how quickly the work will be done: together with the replacement of the old door, it will be necessary to remove the old door frame, install a new one, cover up all the cracks, and maybe even have to replace the wallpaper, since rarely it is possible to replace the door so neatly so as not to spoil the wallpaper;
  • the old door can always be updated to your liking, so that it is in harmony with the furniture and walls. The small business done by own hands is already a great pride.

Now you realize that it's much easier to update the old door yourself than to buy and install a new one. Time will be spent, maybe as much, but you will not need to change the box, and all the work can be done right there on the spot. Of course, if you are planning to make a special decor of the door leaf, then it is desirable to remove the door from the hinges, everyone will cope with this work. By the way, if you have a couple of interesting ideas, but the idea of ​​"how to decorate an old door" is hindered by a newcomer who never held construction tools in his hands, we assure you that a great desire and a bit of skill will help you easily cope with the tasks.

How to decorate an old door. Photo of interesting ideas:


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How to decorate old doors

Let's look at several options for updating the door leaf with us, in order to improve and favorably emphasize the interior of the room.

How to upgrade an old door:

  1. Banal door painting is the quickest and easiest way to upgrade an old door. First, remove the fabric from the hinges to prepare the work surface. These recommendations will help you prepare the door not only for painting. So, after you have removed the door from the hinges, put it on the table or on the floor. Carefully examine from two sides, if you notice cracks or scratches, the door leads, it is best to remove the old paint. To start, unscrew the existing hardware( an old pen, a lock or a latch).Most likely we will no longer need this, as the new elements will look much better on the renovated door than the old door handle. Now you can proceed to the most important thing - removing the old paint. To do this, we use a building hair dryer to heat the surface. Once the paint is soft, use a small spatula to remove the old coating. If you have coped with this work, then you will have to tinker a bit to smooth out all the cracks and scratches. To do this, you need to use a special shpaklevkoy on wood( buy a small store in the building store).Put putty with a spatula so that it fills the groove, but does not protrude on the surface, so that there are no tubercles. As soon as the putty dries, use a fine emery cloth to grind the surfaces to be treated. Next, we need to treat the entire surface with a drying oil or stain to refresh the clean tree and give the surface the desired shade. You can use a colorless stain to protect the tree from moisture penetration. Wait until drying oil and only then can proceed to the main thing - the decor of the door. Now some recommendations on the choice of paint - it is best to work with acrylic paint, it dries quickly, it is beautifully laid down, a wide range of colors is on sale. So pick the right shade - this is no longer a problem. You will also need a brush or roller, you can certainly use a spray gun, then the paint will lie perfectly. Do not despair, if you do not have such a device, using a paint roller, you can also paint the door neatly. Prepare a container for paint, all elements of the decor need to be protected with a paint tape, if there are glasses - they need to be removed. Painting a wooden door is better along the fibers, so that the paint fills all the grooves. If you want to refresh wooden doors and do without paint, then you can use a transparent varnish. It must be applied in several stages, between each layer to take a break and wait for the first layer to dry.


  1. The next idea is more complicated, since we suggest painting the door using several colors of paint. It's a little troublesome, but the door will not be so boring and monotonous. On the door leaf you can create a beautiful geometric pattern of triangles, rhombuses or squares. Drawing is completely your imagination. Before starting the work, the door must be cleaned of the old paint and covered with a colorless varnish. Wait for a while, until the coating dries, then the next coat of paint will lie more evenly. So, for work we need a few shades of paint and 2-3 rolls of paint tape to draw the zones and do not climb onto the already painted surface with a different paint color. A little tip: to save money, buy a jar of white paint and bags of dye. Now you have the opportunity to experiment with color. When choosing a pattern, remember the laws of geometry and do not overload the canvas. Also need to adhere to a certain style, so that the renovated door is in harmony with the interior. For the style of "country" is better to make 1 wide strip in the middle of the door( light shade), for the interior in the classical style, bright, pastel shades of paint, divided into small segments horizontally.


  1. Chic and severity - so you can characterize the selection of individual elements on the door leaf in bright colors. For example, it looks beautiful white door with black moldings. If you find such a combination of colors trite, boldly experiment with contrasting shades. Excellent looks the door, painted in such colors: sky blue with a delicate yellow, green and white or red with blue. Not a problem, if there are no clearly marked moldings on the door, they can be made on their own - nailing wooden slim little planks on the door. Only at first it is desirable to paint them in the right color, and then fasten with small studs. Then you will have to go through the brush again on the surface to refresh the inserts. Another unusual solution - on a completely flat door leaf, you can highlight bright areas and build frames of wooden bars, painted in white. Pretty cool pink door with white inserts looks.


  1. Working with stencils is very exciting. Even if you have never held a brush and can not draw, with the help of stencils you can make a beautiful and stylish door. Ready stencils can be purchased at a store( construction or specialized).First, the door leaf should be prepared, remove the old paint, and then paint in the base color( paint light shades or vice versa, dark).After the paint has completely dried, it's time to start working with the stencils. Secure the stencil with a paint tape in several places so that it fits snugly against the canvas and get to work. You can arm with a brush or use a small roller. Apply the paint in several layers to make the pattern clear.


  1. Why not try to draw a pattern on the door yourself? Art painting is a great idea for decorating old doors with your own hands. Here it is necessary to pass preliminary some lessons of art skill to be able to work with brushes. After creating a drawing template( with a pencil on paper), you can start drawing the main lines. Hand painting looks good, especially if the drawing you come up with yourself.


  1. To decorate the door to the nursery will be able even the child himself, if you give him a brush and paint. Only need to agree in advance with the child and show him the field for creativity. Children's drawings can be beautifully beat, draw a frame or choose a gentle paint color for the general background of the door.


  1. Just work with paint - it's boring, and you did not dare to hand-paint the door leaf yet. Then you can suggest making an unusual texture of the door leaf again with the help of ordinary acrylic paint and improvised appliances. Suppose, if you take a rigid brush and hold a bristle over a freshly painted door, then an interesting surface will turn out, using the same principle, you can use an old washcloth, steel wool. And even better - go to the store for creativity and buy ready-made paint with imitation of natural stone, denim, wood or canvas.


  1. For those who do not want to bother with brushes and paints, you can offer a faster option - paste on the door leaf wallpaper. A small piece of paper with a printed pattern will help revive the room. When selecting materials, pay attention to wallpaper, designed specifically for gluing wood surfaces. It is very important that the figure harmoniously looked in the interior and was completed. Standard photo wallpapers are available for sale in a wide range( size 220x86 cm), these wallpapers are suitable only for doors without inserts and moldings. Before you begin to upgrade the door, you need to treat the door leaf, preferably sanded and apply a solvent to degrease the surface. For gluing a paper cloth, you can use wallpaper glue, but the PVA glue tested for years will best cope with the task. From the minuses of this type of door decor is worth noting fragility, paper wears out quickly, and a bright pattern can quickly get bored. But there are pluses - at any time you can shoot wallpapers and paste new ones. The work will only take a couple of hours.


  1. On the question "How to decorate old interior doors", most of our grandparents will advise you to use the usual wallpaper. So earlier hid the shortcomings of poor-quality door leaf and tried to update the old doors. Now this method has not lost popularity, on the contrary, according to designers, the wallpaper sticker on the door is considered an interesting solution. For example, in countries such as Canada and Sweden, you can find doors with wallpaper in almost every apartment building. To the canvas did not look sad, you can bring the zest with the help of moldings. If this idea seems too boring to you, try applying a piece of cork wallpaper, and you will see how your old door will change. To keep the cork tree longer attractiveness, you can cover such wallpaper with a colorless varnish.


  1. As the idea to refresh the old door with wallpaper is an option short-lived, you can take a cloth instead of paper. This door will look very original, and you have the opportunity to choose the fabric to your taste, starting from the texture and finishing with the drawing. When you finish the door with a cloth, you need to be prepared for the fact that not every fabric is suitable for this idea. The edges of the fabric will have to be processed so that the threads do not get out and look at a small area, whether there is any glue on the surface. This decoration does not always look appropriate, if you choose the wrong pattern and the door does not fit into the overall interior of the room. By the way, for needlewomen there is an excellent idea - to decorate the door from different pieces of fabric( the "Patchwork" technique).


  1. In step with the times - we revive the old door for the room where the student or student lives. You can decorate the canvas with a poster, posters, paste old notes or a map of the world. The principle of operation is the same: first the surface preparation, then the gluing. And also, to refresh the old door and bring in the flavor will help conventional vinyl stickers. They can be bought in specialized stores or ordered from an online store. The cost is low, even a schoolboy can paste, and the service life is longer than for simple paper wallpapers.


  1. We move from simple to complex - updating the door in the technique of "Decoupage".If you are a plodding person and you have an interesting idea of ​​decorating a door with pieces of paper, then you can arm yourself with the necessary materials and get to work. You will need a sheet for decoupage with a pattern or napkins / cards with patterns, glue, brush, scissors, glitter, varnish and acrylic paint. Briefly describe the technique of decoupage: cut the scissors with the fragment you like, apply a separate pattern to the prepared surface, go through the surface of the paper with a brush and glue( some masters recommend using a special glue or diluting PVA glue with water).It is necessary to try to paste the picture so that the paper does not wrinkle and there were no air bubbles. With a contour or glitter pencil draw strips and all small details to liven up the picture. After all the elements are pasted, the surface is opened with a varnish and we wait until it has dried.


  1. Technique for decorating the surface with mosaic. More suitable for decorating the front door of metal. For work, you can use pieces of ceramic tiles or buy a special mosaic, glass mosaic is suitable, and from a lighter material - wooden fragments or plastic. Individual elements are fixed on a strong adhesive( "liquid nails" or "Moment") on a previously prepared surface. Before you start, you need to carefully think through and draw on paper the exact layout of the elements.


And this video will inspire you to transform the usual door to the upcoming New Year holidays:

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