If we are talking about the porch, then this design can be called not a canopy( as it by definition is characterized by considerable dimensions and massiveness), but a visor. Consequently, all parameters are much smaller - both in size and weight. And considering that cellular polycarbonate is in all respects a good and convenient material - ease of processing and bending, strength, low cost and the like - it is best suited for arranging a light protective structure( canopy or canopy) over your porch with your hands.
Before choosing the materials( for the frame) and drawing up the visor drawing, you should determine some points.
The fact that the visor should naturally fit into the overall design of the building is understandable without explanation. But where it will be located, it matters. If there is one engineering solution above the main entrance, in the back yard - another, it is possible and easier.
Features of the climate
First of all, how much snow falls in the winter? From this depends not only the necessary strength of the visor, but also its optimal shape. And it can be varied.
- single-edged
- double-skinned
- hip( probably the most preferable option, since one side of the porch is completely covered).
- arched
As for strength, there are 2 main solutions:
- with wall mount
- same + supports( for example, such options).
Its capabilities
For example, is there a welding machine and skills in using it? The same goes for the pipe bender, the "Bulgarian" and so on. It depends on this, with what materials, other than polycarbonate, it will be easier to work.
Now it is clear that specific advice, for example, on the diameter and length of screws, the thickness of plastic sheets, the material for the frame to give does not make any sense. But the general recommendations to the thinker and who knows how to work with their own hands the reader will be useful. Since with the coating initially we have already decided - polycarbonate - then the speech, in fact, will go about the most load-bearing frame( frame).
General requirements
Optimal dimensions of the visor. Too large - additional load on the frame and increased consumption of materials. Unjustifiably small - a guarantee that there will always be water or snow on the porch. The visor should only slightly exceed the dimensions of the perimeter of the platform and the steps of the , as it will not protect the oblique rain anyway. Usually orientated on the doorway - the visor should be wider by about one and a half meters.
Steepness of skates. Recommended at least 150º .This is a sufficient bias in terms of "sail", and to ensure the spontaneous descent of snow from the cover.
Wood frame
Drawbacks are known - short service life, the need for constant processing and care( impregnation, paint, varnishes), considerable weight. And not for all houses this design will work, except for wooden or brick buildings.
If this decision is taken, the cant be desirable to purchase 50 x 50, boards - to "15" , and necessarily from coniferous. The best is larch. The tree is unique in its own way, as it becomes stronger only when it absorbs moisture. It is not for nothing that experienced builders use larch for laying the lower crown of timber or log houses.
If there is a possibility and desire, then you can assemble such a frame:
The figure explains everything clearly.
Metal frame
There are so many options that there is no way to list everything. Here are the most common engineering solutions:
Not all of them, unfortunately, can be realized by any of us. For example, such a visor is more than attractive and practical.
But to mount it, you need to know what art forging is. And besides the skill, to have also the necessary equipment( bugle) and the corresponding accessories( tools).
What to use
- For pitched canopies, a corner( enough "twenty") is best.
- The design of the arched or hipped type, considering that the sheets will have to bend along the radius, it is advisable to mount from the pipes.
It remains to add that the sufficient thickness of polycarbonate sheets for a small visor is about 6 mm, for a larger one - from 8 to 12 mm.