Even the smartest front door will look unpresentable, if the slopes around the it will be sloppy. They are designed to serve as a beautiful frame, complement and allocate the main element of the - front door. To determine how to trim the slopes of the front door, you need to pay attention to the its style, design and color scheme. Slopes framing the entrance inside the apartment must correspond not only to the decorative parameters of the door, but also to the design of the hallway.
In addition to purely decorative function, these elements around the door should also serve as additional effective insulation, as their plane closes the joints between the door frame and the wall.
How can I trim the slopes?
Contents of the article
- 1 How can you trim off the slopes?
- 2 Slope finishing tools and materials
- 3 Sloping technology for the front door
- 3.1 Finishing of the plaster coatings with
- 3.2 Video: finishing the slopes of the door with plaster mixtures
- 3.3 Finishing the door slopes with plasterboard
- 3.4 Video: finishing the door slopes with gypsum board - ceiling part
- 3.5 Video: continuation of the roller for the finish of plasterboard slopes
- 3.6 Finishing of slopes with panels or lining
- 3.7 Features of vinyl slopes
The slope of in can be made from different materials, or you can simply bring existing slopes in order.
1. If the door is reliable and strong, but it's not outstanding in design, you can simply level the slopes with plaster, strengthening their corners. Such work is usually carried out both on the side of the entrance, and in the hallway.
Plastered slopes will look enough neatly - their can be painted in a color close to the shade of the door itself or in tone to the wallpaper in the hallway.
2. In the case when the walls are thick enough and the slopes are wide, you can use for such a material that is familiar to all, like drywall. It will make the walls warmer and reliably will close the joints between the door box and the wall, giving the slopes a neat appearance.
drywall can be wallpapered or painted with if desired. The advantage of this material is that you do not have to painfully level the plaster with the rule, and then clean the wall.
3. You can make slopes from natural wood if it is suitable for finishing the door. The tree has always been popular and has never gone out of fashion, it perfectly matches almost any interior, and its toning can easily be changed with the help of modern or folk remedies.
wood is reliable will last for many years, without changing its natural decorative properties. In extreme cases, it can be painted under the color of the hallway.
4. An alternative to wood can be laminated lining based on Fiberboard .
can become a practical replacement for a wood. Since the board is produced in different colors and imitates the textural drawings of a wide variety of wood species, its can be matched to any design of the hallway. However, it is not recommended to trim this material with slopes from the outside of the door, since it will not last long there.
5. Another with one option of finishing can be finished PVC panels. They are produced in different widths and in a rich range of colors. The production and sale of such parts are dealt with by profile firms, in which the craftsmen working and installing panels are working.
This version of the finish looks respectable and aesthetic. They will serve the PVC panels for a long time, but they should also be installed with on the side of the apartment, and on the side should be used for finishing the first or second method described above.
If you have confidence in your abilities, then the finished parts of the slopes can be installed and independently.
Another one option for using polymers to finish the inside of the door may be a plastic lining. Its is also easy to match the color of the hallway walls, as a wide range of this material is on sale.
6. They cover the slopes and - chipboard panels, they are mainly used for very thick walls. However, it should be noted that at the present time such a method of finishing becomes not very popular, as a large number of other materials capable of ease have been substituted for these heavy in panel mounting.
However, if the was found at this material of the required dimensions, it can be used to decorate the slopes of the doors on the side of the apartment.
It should be noted that there are other materials that can be used to clean up the planes around the door, but the above options - are the most popular.
Tools and building materials for finishing slopes
For finishing the slopes you will need materials and tools that will help to carry out all work accurately.
1. For plastering work you will need:
- primer and finishing putty for surface preparation .
- plaster mix or traditional cement mortar .
- perforated metal corner for corner alignment .
- mesh-serpyanka, stationery knife and screws will be needed if the slopes are made from drywall .
- abrasive paper large - and fine-grained .
- wide and medium trowel .
- shortened rule for leveling the surface of slopes .
- capacity for mixing mortar, drill with special mixing nozzle
- plummet and level .
2. For the installation of panels made of different materials, it is necessary to prepare:
- ready-made panels for installation on slopes or material for them .
- decorative corners and trim for closing joints of panels .
- beams with a cross-section of 15 × 30 or 20 × 30 mm, if an lining is to be installed.
- dowels for fixing panels or beams to the wall .
- small carnations and special holders for the lining .
- drill with percussion function or perforator if there are concrete walls in the house .
- self-tapping screws .
- measuring tools .
- hacksaw or jigsaw, screwdriver , knife, hammer and other .
Prepare the in the as necessary, you can proceed to surface preparation and installation.
Slope finishing technology in in of the walking door
Each type of slope finishing works has its own peculiarities:
- Many of the presented materials are assembled using the same technology.
- Some of the finishing technologies are notable for their simplicity, and with the right approach to work they can be executed independently.
- Others can be used for independent use only if the owner has the necessary skills in working with building mixtures and tools.
All events for the installation of slopes begin after the door is installed and all cracks between the door frame and the wall are sealed. In addition, removes all splintered parts of the old coating from the slopes and scrays the crumbling areas. When these works are carried out, they begin finishing in the chosen way.
Finishing plastering with plastering
If the decision is made to level and plaster the slopes, the process goes to the of the following sequence :
- First cleaned surface should be well primed, preferably in two layers, but the second time the primer is applied only after the first layer dries.
- Next, the reveals the evenness of the corners of the slopes. If deviations from the norm are determined, this fact should be taken into account when installing the reinforcing corners. They can align angles that have small deviations from the vertical.
- Then it is necessary to expose the perforated corners at the corners of the slopes to the plumb and level. It is best to put them on the final putty , sold in finished form. Its with a spatula is applied to the corners of the slopes - the composition serves to glue the corner and the gives the the ability to align it to ideally vertical or horizontal position. Surplus solutions, which appear through the holes of the corner, you must immediately remove the spatula. After removing the corners to the ideal, the solution under the corners is left to dry.
- If the surface of the slope is uneven, then before you install perforated corners on the corners, you can specify the direction from the door jamb by fixing along it a narrow strip of gypsum board with a width of 8 - 10 mm. This material is fixed to the wall with the help of putty .If on the is gypsum-based, then its freezing occurs quickly enough.
- The edge of the gypsum board strip and the installed reinforcement corner will become the points that need to be connected with mortar and level with plaster.
- Next, after drying the wall correcting elements, dilute the filler in the proportions indicated on the package to a pasty consistency.
- . Using a trowel, the finished composition is tossed onto the wall of the starting from the floor. After scribbling the required amount, approximately per meter in height, the filler is leveled with the rule. The lights in this case are fixed on the corner of the perforated corner and the strip of drywall, fixed along the door frame.
- The mortar is then thrown onto the next section and also leveled, and so to the top of the of the opening.
- Ceiling part opening puttyat will be more difficult. On it putty is applied with a wide spatula and smooth with a short rule. Then putty is applied to the wall on with the correct opening , and it closes the upper part of the metal corner.
- Treated putty the slopes leave to dry. The time of this process depends on the thickness of the layer and the composition of putty .
- After drying of this layer, it is necessary to check the quality of the surface, to remove possible minor defects - to chop off or to clean the incoming irregularities. Then the slopes should be brought out with the finishing putty to an ideal evenness.
- Further, after drying of the filler layer, it is covered with a primer.
The resulting surface can be painted, wallpapered or trimmed with decorative plaster.
Video: finishing the slopes of the door with plaster mixes
Finishing the door slopes with plasterboard
With gypsum cardboard it is easier and more pleasant to work with than laying slopes with plaster. Nevertheless, , in this case also , will have to work with the finish putty , which will play the role of adhesive for drywall sheets, but it is better to use instead of for this purpose using special gypsum-based adhesive, which is manufactured specifically for working with GVL .
If the space is limited, then drywall approaches as well as possible for the design of slopes. Carry out this process in the following order:
- For the beginning, all slope surfaces are measured separately .
- The received data are transferred to sheets of GVL, and elements are cut out from them, which will be fixed to the walls.
- The assembly of the finished parts begins with the ceiling part .To do this, glue is applied to the gypsum board by several slides, and then this nt cr is pressed against the installation site and fixed in this position by pre-prepared supports.
- glued. Then the cut-out walls cut out from the GVL.On the prepared elements, the is also stacked with small slides of glue, and whether the pr is squeezed to the wall and adjusted to the level. Drywall sheets can be fixed to the wall with dowels, making for them through, but not too wide holes with an electric drill or perforator.
- screws. On the corners of slopes in the same way, as well as when plastered, putty fixes metal perforated corners.
- Then all joints are smeared with with putty, leveled, and after drying - carefully cleaned.
- Further, the entire surface of the slope is covered with a primer.
- To achieve an ideal surface, a thin( no more than 1 mm) layer of finishing putty is applied. It will completely hide all the irregularities, joints and holes from the dowels.
- After complete hardening of the filler layer and, if necessary, grinding with fine-grained sandpaper, it is possible to proceed with the decorative design of the slopes. They can be painted, glued or covered with decorative plaster.
Attach gypsum cardboard in another way, if you want to level the surface, covering a significant thickness from the wall.
- guides. To this end, slabs of the desired cross-section or metal profiles, corners or U-shaped shapes are fixed to the slope surface by creating the crate , which will help align the wall, giving it the necessary direction. This method of fastening has the advantage that an insulating material can be additionally laid between the fixed on the guide wall.
- This entire structure is then closed with plasterboard, which is screwed to the bars with self-tapping screws. The process goes on in the same way as in the first variant.
Video: finishing of doorways with gypsum plasterboard - ceiling part
Video: continuation of roller for finishing of plasterboard slopes
Finishing of slopes with panels or lining
For finishing slopes with materials produced as rigid panels - Fibreboard, lining of various types, MDF and others, a similar technology is used to fix them to the wall. This method is attractive in that with the help of panels it is possible to align angles that have large deviations from the norm.
The installation works for such materials are carried out as follows:
- Primed surfaces of slopes are marked to fix bars or metal profiles on them, on which the finishing material will be fixed in the future. These auxiliary elements are placed at a distance from each other in 30 - 40 cm if they are installed across the of the slope. In this case, if the lining is used for finishing, it will be fixed parallel to the door frame. If you want the panels to be located across the surface, then the bruso to to reps along the cant and closer to the corner of the slope. For a wide surface, apply not two but three or even four bars.
- You can hold crate and as shown in the picture - such a variation nt pr are named for securing the lining parallel to the door.
- After installing , it is recommended to install - insulating material between brushes, this can be mineral wool, polystyrene or one of the other modern heaters.
- Next, the crate is used to erect the selected facing material. The whole flat panels are installed end to end with each other, the lining is connected with the "groove-spike" attachment.
- Plastic and laminated lining fixed to the bars from the side of the lock slot with the help of special metal holders that protrude on the lower shelf of the groove with their protrusion and attach to the guide small nails or screws.
- The large panels are screwed to the crate with self-tapping screws, whose heads must be "drowned" by 1.5 - 2 mm into the thickness of the material. These holes are later closed using putty on wood with the addition of a dye of the corresponding shade.
- When finished with the installation of panels, the appearance of the slopes should be ennobled with corners selected according to the color of the lining. The corners are glued on external vertical and horizontal corners and at the junction of the door frame and the finishing material.
Features of vinyl slopes
The most modern way to transform slopes is to install vinyl panels. They can be purchased in specialized firms that deal with both manufacture and installation of this finishing material. If door door has a non-standard form of slopes, then they are made to order, after the measurement parameters. The surface of the slopes can imitate many natural materials, so they can be selected literally for any interior of the hallway and the color of the entrance door.
The most important advantages of panels in their installation are its speed and the absence of a large amount of debris and dirt during operation. It is impossible not to say and about the aesthetic qualities of this finish - it is cut exactly according to the size of the slopes and has no joints and seams on the planes. The only connections that can not be discarded - are the joints of horizontal and vertical planes. The material looks very presentable and neat.
For the installation of such slopes, a universal adhesive is used which has the properties to firmly bond various materials such as wood and concrete, brick and chipboard, vinyl and plaster surface - almost everything used in construction and finishing. In addition, they are often attached to the mounting polyurethane foam.
Such adhesives are applied to the inner surface of the finishing panels, and they are pressed against the slopes around the door. In the , this does not need to drill holes in the cladding material and walls, which can also be called the undisputed advantage of such installation technology.
Doing work step by step and adhering to the technology, it is quite possible to perform the work on the decoration of doorways. Even without having the opportunity to purchase material for finishing, many owners of apartments enjoy what is on hand, for example, chipboard from serving furniture. However, the most affordable lightweight in installation( except for ready-made vinyl panels) is considered an option with the use of drywall. It opens up wide possibilities of finishing decoration in almost any existing way.