How to install and connect a hidden - open wiring switch

Contents of

  • 1 Electrical light switches are small devices that are used everyday in the home and in the industry to control various light sources. There are many different types of switches that differ in appearance and in degree of moisture and dust protection. These properties are indicated on the surface of each unit of electrical equipment with the help of 2 digits and 2 latin letters IP.For example, for a closed room, switches with a degree of protection IP 20, for a shower room - models IP44, for a street - accordingly IP65 and the subsequent ones will approach.
  • 2 How to install and connect the open wiring switch
  • 3 How to install and connect the

concealed wiring switch Electrical light switches are small devices that are used everyday in the home and in the workplace to control various light sources. There are many different types of switches that differ in appearance and in degree of moisture and dust protection. These properties are indicated on the surface of each unit of electrical equipment with the help of 2 digits and 2 latin letters IP.For example, for a closed room, switches with a degree of protection IP 20, for a shower room - models IP44, for a street - accordingly IP65 and the subsequent ones will approach.


Sometimes, instead of a standard keyswitch, a device with a function of a smooth change in illumination intensity( dimmer) is used. On its front panel instead of a key is a round handle or 2 touch buttons: "less" and "more".The scope of such a device is limited - it only works in conjunction with an incandescent lamp.


Timer is a kind of electronic device, equipped with a built-in time meter, which allows you to control lighting automatically. The grounds for the use of timers are quite diverse: from providing optimal lighting for domestic plants to creating the illusion of "presence" of the owners of the house when they are actually absent, in order to avoid breaking into apartments thieves - "housekeepers."

Remote switches

These are electronic devices that can be controlled from a distance using a special control panel. Have a sensitivity to any infrared remote control( from TVs, music centers and other equipment).They are used mainly by people with disabilities, which greatly facilitates their life.


In order to control electrical lighting from two or more points, in rooms with a large area and in the presence of several doorways, cross or pass-through switches are widely used. The diagram below shows one of the options for connecting such switches for a room with 2 inputs and outputs. Now we look at the circuit diagram of the circuit breaker.

Connection of two pass-through switches photo Connection of two pass-through switches.

You can control lighting from any of them. Pass-through switches do not have a key with a strictly fixed "on-off" position, unlike conventional ones. It can constantly change, which often leads the user into bewilderment.

Connection scheme for one cross-over and two-pass devices( control from 3 points)

Connecting two pass-through and one cross-switch - photo Connection of two pass-through and one cross-switch.

The cross switch( No. 2 in the figure) is a two-way through switch. When it is simultaneously used with a conventional pass-through switch, it becomes possible to control the lighting of a spacious room, from 3 or more points, which is most convenient when there are several inputs and outputs.

Installation of two cross and two-pass devices( control with 4 or more positions)

Connection of two pass-through and two cross switches photo Connection of two pass-through and two cross switches.

Indicator switches

Switches equipped with an indicator are relatively convenient in the dark. Thanks to them, users do not need to search for the treasured key in complete darkness. Indicator switch - like a kind of beacon in the night.

Conditional classification by price groups

Electrical outlets and switches can be classified into three price groups.

A. Economy class

This group includes inexpensive domestic devices manufactured for the mass consumer, in the production of which materials of rather doubtful quality are used. The devices manufactured in China are produced from higher quality raw materials and have a more presentable appearance. However, the quality of assembly is not encouraging for both. In conditions of active operation, their service life is not long.

V. Sockets and switches of the middle price group

These are more reliable and high-quality products made of the best quality materials and modern technologies. The buyer is attracted to the appearance of the product, but somewhat deters the price.

S. Sockets and switches of high price category

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Product from the category of "elite".From products of the "middle" class differs, by and large, only appearance. As raw materials are often used natural leather and precious wood, semiprecious stones.

How to install and connect an open circuit breaker

A. Switches with an open wiring

These switches have two components: an internal mechanism and an insulating cover. They are located directly on the surface of the wall, using a juniper.

Outdoor wiring switch photo Open wiring switch.

The work on the installation of the device begins with the installation of a receptacle, which is a dielectric pad. With the help of dowels, screws, screws or screws( depending on the type of surface), the platform is rigidly attached to the wall. After this, the switch mechanism is directly connected to the sub-socket, through special openings in it. Finally, the ends of the wires are attached to the terminals.

How to install the open wiring switch How to install the light switch of open wiring.

On the insulating lid, the device manufacturer pre-designed and perforated a special hole, a kind of window for the input of the wire. The lid, in addition to the insulation that gives the switch a proper aesthetic appearance, is installed in place and fixed with latches or screws. At the end of the work put on the keys( key).

! !! Attention : the entire process of installing the circuit breaker must be carried out in the conditions of complete de-energizing!

How to install and connect the hidden switch

B. Switches with concealed wiring

The installation of switches of this type is carried out using a junior box that looks like a shallow glass( photo).

Installation of hidden switches is made in special podrozetniki photo Installation of the concealed wiring switches is carried out in special podrozetnikah.

In the wall, with a special tool( crown), a depression is made. In the plasterboard wall, a simple circular hole the size of a jar is cut out. Firmly fix the device in the recess will help paws-clamps. For more details, see the installation of concealed wiring under plaster, shtroblenie and laying the wire.

If the switch needs to be placed in a brick, plaster or concrete wall, then a gypsum-based construction mixture is required to secure the device. Podrosetniki should "settle" in the wall smoothly, without any distortions, which will ensure their uninterrupted operation for a long time.

Installation of podzroetnikov photo

The next stage of work - hollowing out in the surface of the wall, towards the juniper, grooves( strobes).Shtroba should be deep enough to disguise the supply wire. The cable should be placed in the furrow in such a way that the length of the wire ends remains at least 10 cm at the output of the wire. This is what is needed to further connect the cord to the switch terminals. One of the ends of the wire is attached to the junket with special screws( if the wall is made of plasterboard), or with the help of metal spacers that are part of the mechanism design( the only way to install an old metal junk).

Approach and connect the wire photo Supply and connection of wires.

Installation of old type

How to install an old type as an old type.

Tighten the screws that extend the spacers using a screwdriver. At expansion the mechanism of the switch is rigidly fixed by spacers. To ensure reliable fastening, it is necessary to fulfill the following condition: the front stops of the device must overlap the edges of the juniper;be a bit wider than them. At the end of the work, the top is placed and the keys are installed. The installation is finished.

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