When carrying out repairs in their apartment a significant number of hosts gives a preference for gypsum boards. This technology allows you to get perfectly flat planes, create multi-level original compositions, place open luminaires and hidden lighting points, give the ceiling a truly unique design look.
However, all this will be achieved only if very thorough preparatory and painting works are done. On the plane of the ceiling, even minor defects of and errors, including traces of poor-quality painting, are always noticeable. The materials must be given the highest requirements, and the question of which paint dye gipsokartonny ceiling, becomes one of the most important .
The variety of such materials in the stores is very high, but you should not immediately buy the first paint that comes, focusing only on the its price from the desire to save money. It is necessary to pass a small "educational program" on the main characteristics and parameters of choice.
Basic decorative and performance qualities of paints
Contents of the article
- 1 Basic decorative and performance qualities of
- 2 paints What kind of paint is best for use in drywall
- 2.1 Video: some tips for choosing a paint for ceilings
- 2.2 Oil paints
- 2.3 Alkyd paints
- 2.4 Silicate paints
- 2.5 Water-soluble or emulsion paints
- 2.6 Video: advantages of acrylic water-based paint "Dulux"
Neisbitten the buyer, going to the store for paint, often keeps in mind only the preferred its color, forgetting or not knowing that this material is peculiar to a number of other, no less important qualities.
- In the first place, you can still put decorative qualities, because, in principle, this is the main function of the paint in the apartment - giving a ceiling aesthetic appearance.
It is clear that the classical, the most familiar for the ceiling is white, although here a variety of options are possible. The variety of shades produced by manufacturers is quite large, but most masters in the still prefer to use the base color, producing the necessary tinting as needed with the help of special color additives.
- Depending on its component composition, the paint may have a different degree of gloss surface. So, there is a division into high-gloss highly shiny paint, glossy, semi-matched and matte .
- Glossy paint may seem more profitable in terms of surface care - with the it is much easier to remove the settled dust or accidental stains. It is more resistant to abrasion, to the use of detergents, i.e. lighter lends itself to wet cleaning. However, with all this glossy coating will definitely show all the flaws and of the putty , and the painting works - the game of the reflected light will make visible even seemingly quite minor flaws.
- Matte paint like no other is suitable for the ceiling surface. Such a coating will visually expand the room, well hide both defects, and even small level differences. But from the operational side of it indicators are worse - soiled places will be much harder to clean. Nevertheless, , in most cases for ceiling works, still choose the matte variety of paints.
- Semi-matte occupies the middle position, evenly combining the advantages and disadvantages of that and the other paint.
- Paint can be ordinary, "smooth" or have textured inclusions, giving the painted surface special decorative microrelief properties. As a rule, textured paint for ceilings is used quite rarely, it is more suitable for walls.
- Regardless of the shine, the paint can be washable, ie resistant to repeated wet cleaning , or not meeting these requirements. Of course, washable materials are much more expensive, and they are more suitable for use in those rooms where the ceiling area is small, but the concentration of possible vapors is maximum, for example, kitchen or bathroom. Conventional paints are not so expensive, and sometimes it is more economical to use them, from time to time conducting "refreshing" repairs.
- ceiling. An important parameter is the hiding power of the paint - its the ability to impart a selected shade to the surface even on a contrasting base. The spreading rate is determined by the number of layers applied on the , which will be sufficient for an absolutely flat background.
Two-layer application is sufficient for quality paints, although in advertisements one can also find mention of one layer( the masters treat this with skepticism).If there is no experience of using an unknown paint, it is better to buy a small amount for the beginning and to conduct an experiment on a small fragment of the ceiling surface or just the remaining piece of drywall - so you can determine the of its with the required quantity.
- When painting works an important factor becomes the consistency of the paint, its viscosity and adhesion to the finished surface. Too liquid paint will make work on the ceiling extremely difficult, the will cause the to lead to a large number of losses without uniformity of application. On the other hand, it is difficult to work with excessively viscous material, and the quality of painting will also be low. However, thick paint is easy to bring to the required state of the solvent( often - ordinary water), but if you get too liquid, things are worse.
- There is also the concept of thixotropy - usually this characteristic is indicated on the banks with paint that possess this property. It consists in changing the density( liquefaction) with mechanical stirring and the rapid collection of viscosity at rest. Such paints give very little streaks when applied, but their cost is quite high.
- An essential criterion in the choice of material is the rate of its drying. This predetermines the performance of painting works - the shorter the time, the faster it is possible to superimpose the next layer or move on to the subsequent stages of the overall finish of the ceiling. Usually the passport documentation for the paint indicates the average time of its drying under normal conditions of temperature and humidity in the room.
- For gypsum plasterboard ceilings of the apartment's rooms, the ability of the paint to "breathe" is extremely important, that is, to carry out the free vapor exchange .Otherwise, the condensate will accumulate on the surface of the ceiling, that the will lead the and to the untidiness of its views, and to the serious household inconveniences.
- And, finally, the coloring component itself, the solvent and the additional ingredients of the material must be absolutely safe for human and animal health and not present any environmental threat. Simultaneously, the paint should prevent the formation and spread of colonies of microorganisms( bacteria, mold, fungus).The painted ceiling must have pronounced fireproof qualities.
Which paint is best used for drywall ceiling
Now you should consider the existing paint from the standpoint of their chemical and component composition. There are many varieties of them, and you need to know, which does not take into account when you enter the store, and which is quite applicable for use on plasterboard ceilings.
Video: some tips on choosing a paint for ceilings
Oil paints
This type is perhaps the oldest of all the others. The solvent of such paints is a mineral or vegetable oil( drying oil), which during drying from exposure of oxygen air dries leaving the film coating.
Advantages of such materials a little - it's cheap and good covering ability. They dry very long, the vapor permeability is very weak, the layer layer is rapidly destroyed under the action of ultraviolet, and already after a couple of years usually begins to peel off, losing its attractive appearance.
However, , "update" the surface after oil paint is not easy - requires a complete surface cleaning, since no other oil already will not lie down. Conclusion categorical - for gypsum plasterboard ceilings to use such a paint should not be.
Alkyd paints
In many ways, they are similar in performance to oil. The main difference between and is in the type of solvent used. Usually these are volatile organic compounds - turpentine, white spirit, gasoline and , .in the composition also includes alkyd resins, coloring pigments and special additives, which increase the plasticity of the material and accelerate the process of its drying.
The painted surface is received on the resistant film, which can successfully withstand many external influences - temperature, humidity, ultraviolet. However, with time, inevitable fading and yellowing occurs. The paint in the of a particular grade is a vapor-permeable , but still this its indicator is far from ideal in a residential environment. In addition, the paint is unsafe in terms of inflammability.
Alkyd paints can be glossy( enamel) and matte, they are well suited to wet cleaning, resistant to abrasion, after complete hardening become harmless to the environment and human. However, it is possible to use them on the plasterboard ceiling solely for reasons of cheapness and good coverage of .They are more likely to be suitable for painting wood or metal parts and structures, like the inside and outside the house, but it is better to buy a more acceptable option for the ceiling.
Silicate paints
Relate to the category of mineral dyes, created on the basis of silicate - "liquid glass", sodium or potassium. This paint creates on the surface of an extremely durable layer, which at the same time has the highest vapor permeability compared to all other paint materials .
The composition of silicate paints includes alkaline components, which makes and unsafe for painting works - skin and mucous membranes are always used. After solidification the composition becomes harmless.
Features of the chemical composition predetermines the use to give a shade of exclusively alkaline pigments, and this significantly limits the range of color options. However, since white color for gipsokartonnogo ceiling is often optimal, then this defect is not significant.
Silicate paints are especially good for rooms with high humidity, and from for has a pronounced vapor permeability, and due to the antiseptic effect - on such a surface there will never arise any microflora colonies, even without using anyno matter what special grounds.
The drawbacks of such a paint are also considerable. Firstly, , weak elasticity - it is not capable of covering small surface defects - even very thin cracks will be released. Such paint will never well fall on the ceiling, which was previously trimmed with synthetic compounds on an organic basis. It will not be possible to use its and then, when there are any polymer parts on the surface to be painted - it simply does not crystallize on them. And still one important warning - if the ceiling has at least once been painted with silicate with paint, attempts of to repaint with its other material will be unsuccessful.
Water-soluble or emulsion paints
Of all paints for interior painting works, water-soluble paints are the most acceptable option. As follows from the name itself, the solvent for them is ordinary water in which all other components are in the emulsion or dispersed state:
- The film-forming base is the binding components of various type , which after evaporation of water create a tightly adhering layer on the surface withhigh adhesion, holding all other ingredients.
- Pigments are special dyes that give the material the right shade.
- Fillers - significantly improve the physical and protective qualities of the paint layer . In various types of paint, talc, marble or quartz dust, other mineral or organic components can be used.
- Special additives - serve to optimize adhesion processes, uniform flow of paint according to surface, water evaporation and polymerization of binders.
Water-soluble paints are divided into several varieties:
1. On a polyvinyl acetate base( PVA).In the common parlance they are often called simply " water-emulsion" .They are among the most inexpensive of water-soluble, which causes their very wide popularity.
Paint is practically odorless, has good adhesion, is easily washed off the hands and of tools. As a rule, it is only available in white color, but it's very simple that lends itself to pigmentation of to the desired shade.
The water-based paint is absolutely harmless, non-toxic and does not emit any fumes even with thermal impact, so it is perfect for covering plasterboard ceilings in living rooms. On it easily fall almost all other paint materials, that is, repainted the surface over time not represented t t ore.
The main drawback of water based is its poor resistance to abrasion and to water and even after complete polymerization. Wet cleaning such a ceiling is better not to expose - on it can be visible to the eye of the divorce. For this reason, its is best used for ceilings only in rooms with a normal humidity level.
2. Butadiene-styrene paints are somewhat similar to PVA, but favorably differ from them by their resistance to abrasive load and good water resistance - it becomes possible to more carefully care for the surface of the ceiling. However, all these advantages are negated by the main drawback - this paint is extremely vulnerable to light - under the action of ultraviolet rays it quickly loses its original color.
Butadiene-styrene paint can be used for drywall, but only in those areas where there is no direct light exposure - hallways, pantry , utility rooms and .
3. Latex waterborne paints have synthetic rubber( latex) resin as a binder. They create on the surface a high-strength film , very resistant to both water and mechanical stress. However, , film is completely vapor-permeable , and the condensate on of its surface should not be formed, unless, of course, "overdo" with the number of layers applied .Resistance to light exposure is not bad, though, inferior to acrylic paintwork.
The coating ability of latex paint is very good, and even one applied layer is able to tighten cracks up to a millimeter wide, and in two "approaches" it will be enough to create a smooth surface with some silky effect. For gypsum cardboard ceiling - an excellent solution, however, not the itself is the cheapest .
When working with latex paints, should take measures to protect the skin - after the polymerization of the composition, it is very difficult to rub off the hands.
4. Acrylic paints stand out against the backdrop of all waterborne with a variety of shades - acrylate resins are not afraid of pigmentation. However, as already mentioned, for the ceiling the white shade is considered optimal - and it is really white in acrylic performance.
For physical qualities, they are almost as good as latex, the ultraviolet is generally not afraid of .Polotok under a layer of such paint can be regularly wiped with a damp cloth without any damage to the surface. Somewhat worse, they expressed the property of tightening irregularities - acrylic paint is able to completely close the hair gap to 0.5 mm. However, the application of the second layer should completely smooth out such a defect.
Paint of this type is considered universal - it is suitable for all types of interior finishing works. Excellent it will show itself and on gypsum cardboard ceiling.
, the on is currently considered to be moderate, therefore, in terms of the criterion " price - quality ", acrylic painting of the plasterboard ceiling is probably the best option.
5. And, finally, , silicone paints, which are considered the most modern, combining the advantages of all other varieties. They have a pronounced water-repellent effect, practically are not contaminated - the dust settles on them poorly. Care for the ceiling, covered with silicone paint, will not present any difficulty - they are extremely resistant to abrasion.
The spreading power of this paint is beyond praise, it can tighten the cracks even up to 2 mm wide. Despite the apparent density of the film , has good vapor permeability, and the ceiling remains "breathable".The paint is completely harmless in both liquid and polymerized form . its application does not require any increased security measures. On the durability of the coating with the preservation of the original form, it is also an absolute leader.
The only serious is considered to be a shortage of high cost of such materials, therefore they are rarely used for painting large surfaces of the ceiling.
When choosing a paint for gipsokartonnogo ceiling, in addition to the type of paint and varnish and the listed qualities, you should pay attention to the reputation of the manufacturer, preferring well-known brands that accompany their products with a brand guarantee of quality. Unreasonable savings in such a matter can be disastrous.
So, without any doubt, you can buy the paint of the Finnish company Tikkurila, German Caparol, JOBI or Dufa, Russian Eurolux or Admiral, British Dulux and Johnstone's, Polish Sniezkaand a number of others. It is clear that the purchase should be made only in a specialized store, so that forgery is excluded.
Video: advantages of acrylic water-based paint "Dulux"
And another one important note - do not forget to look at the expiration date of the goods. Paint, of course, is not a food product, but exceeding the shelf life also affects the of its quality and usability.