The reasons for the appearance of highlights on the ceiling and how to get rid of them.

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Contents of

Spot and stains on the ceiling and how to prevent them from appearing

  • 2 Spots and glare on the painted ceiling and how to fix this position
    • 2.1 Vac to cope with stains on the ceiling due to old leaks
  • 3 Tips on how to properly paint the ceiling without streaks
  • Probably everyone who ever had to do an independent repair, faced with the problem of uneven painting. It seems that he tried, carefully selected tools and paint, prepared the base, and as a result - the divorce and stain, and perfectly visible in bright daylight. Most of those who have encountered such an effect, immediately come to the "saving" idea of ​​applying the second layer. But, usually, such a decision is not the best solution. It will only get worse. Paint at least five times in a row, the effect will be the same. Stains and divorces only become more noticeable. What is the reason and how to paint the ceiling without divorce correctly? Our advice will allow you to do this work qualitatively.

    Spots and stains on the ceiling and how to prevent their appearance

    So, how to paint the ceiling correctly. This, like other types of work performed during the repair, has its own subtleties, so to speak, the secrets of painting. Negative effect can appear as a result of either one error or several at once. Having become acquainted with the main causes of the appearance of divorces on the ceiling, you will understand why this happened.

    1. Reason one, thick paint

    Viscous paint is much more difficult to distribute evenly than liquid. It is most important to dilute it even before applying the base( first) layer. Manufacturers of paints are recommended to grow them at most 10%.Although most often on the banks indicated that the paint is ready for use and does not need dilution. The buyer, of course, trusts the written and eventually watches the divorce on his ceiling.

    Hence the conclusion, the paint must be diluted with water. By the way, you can take more water than the manufacturer recommends, but not more than 20%.It is necessary to observe the consistency: the paint should not stretch like fresh honey, but gently drain off the roller. For the first pass it is permissible for the consistency to be longer, but on the second one it is slightly thicker.

    The main disadvantage of strongly diluted paint is that it will be applied more layers of paint, which will entail its consumption.

    2. Slow operation

    When the painted areas too quickly dry, it is simply physically impossible to sweep the boundaries between them. Therefore, in such places, stripes appear. Most noticeable they become after complete drying of the surface. So, it is advisable not to take breaks in work and roll out the paint evenly, while the ceiling is wet.

    The ceiling must be uniformly primed, for even drying.

    3. Roller with long nap

    Smooth surfaces are best painted with a short pile roller. Otherwise, avoiding streaks, unevenness and other kinds of trouble will be difficult. About what the manufacturer of rollers is better and how to choose the fuzziness of the roller can be found on the site.

    4. It's trite, but the fact of

    is "Unpainted"?Did not provide good lighting in the painted room? Do you have poor eyesight and do not wear lenses or glasses? Then you just could not see where the un-painted areas were. This happens often enough that in one place the paint falls more, and in the other less, because the roller is already paintless and rusty.

    5. Incorrect method of painting painting

    Do not paint solid strips. Most likely, there will be lines along the borders of these bands and they will not disappear anywhere. How to correctly apply the paint to the ceiling, let's consider video .

    6. Poor preparation of the substrate.

    This is one of the most common reasons. Note that the paint does not hide the defects that are on the surface, but emphasizes them!

    Therefore, if you want to get a smooth painted ceiling, bring it to its ideal condition. Proper preparation of the substrate, puttying and grinding, this is the key to success.

    Spots and glare on the painted ceiling and how to fix this position

    So, we found out the reasons. We hope that in the future it will be possible to avoid the majority of them. However, what to do now, when the ceiling has already been painted and all in creepy bands, stains, spots? How to bring it to the desired condition?

    It remains, perhaps, the only correct way out - polishing, that is, the ceiling must be hacked until the surface becomes a uniform tone and rough. About the cloud of dirt and dust, there is no need to worry, they will not be much if you use grinders. After all, you need to remove only a small layer of paint. Choose a relatively small skin. Try to work very carefully so as not to get to the layer of putty.

    After completion of sanding, the surface must be wiped with a damp cloth and examined with good daylight. If the ceiling looks homogeneous and smooth, then you can start priming. If not, then it is better to use the finishing putty, applying it in a thin layer. As soon as it dries, lightly grind again.

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    The next step is priming. It is important to get a good primer for painting. And primed better not once, but several( at least two).After each time, it is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the surface. Only after the ceiling gets a perfect look, that is, it will become smooth and smooth, like a mirror, you can start working.

    Do not forget: If the base has stains, stains and unevenness, then all these "artifacts" will be noticeable even after the work is completed! Therefore, before you start, make sure that your base is completely ready. In case of doubt, rinse again

    Vac to cope with stains on the ceiling due to old leaks

    These areas need special treatment. First they must be carefully cleaned and washed, and then wait until it dries completely. After treatment with biocide solution. Use, for example, Fongimur. Do not rinse the product in any way! Immediately afterwards, use a universal blocking primer. It will help to block the transmission of spots through the putty and paint.

    Tips on how to properly paint the ceiling without a divorce

    Achieve optimum lighting. The best result is obtained by day. Then all the "unpainted" will be more noticeable.

    1. For good painting without the presence of stains, it is necessary to try to ensure normal or high humidity. As practice shows, painting the ceiling with a roller without divorces in summer is much easier than in the winter season. In warm weather, the humidity level is much lower. Thanks to this, the paint dries faster, which does not allow it to roll out well over the entire area.
    2. Good preparation is required. To remove everything from the floor, so as not to "wade through" the rubble. Excess obstacles will take time, and you need to paint quickly. Therefore, professionals who know how to correctly apply paint to the ceiling prefer a roller with a long handle so as not to use a ladder.
    3. To prevent the appearance of the divorce on the ceiling, it is necessary to work energetically and quickly!
    4. The paint should be diluted with clean water from the tap until a very liquid consistency is achieved.
    5. No need to try to squeeze the roller intensively. The ribbed surface in the cuvette serves not to push-up, but to evenly distribute the paint over the fur coat. The roller must be constantly saturated, so dunk it needs more than often.
    6. When you start painting the ceiling, do not press the roller with force. It is necessary to roll it, and not to press it and rub it. This will allow the ceiling to be painted with a roller without divorce.
    7. Paint should be applied with squares, not with strips. Especially in the case when the area of ​​the room is large. Work should be zigzag movements to evenly distribute paint throughout the sector. Also, do not stop for a long time in one square. Nevertheless, after making several movements, stop. After making sure that the entire surface of the painted area is treated, move on to another square. The boundaries of the squares must be rolled out while they are wet. The work must be continuous and dynamic!
    8. Applying the first layer of paint, carefully inspect the ceiling in good light. If there are unpainted places, then you need to quickly, until the surface is wet, roll them. After the ceiling dries, you must necessarily check the result again. If the paint is poorly laid, then you can make a second attempt. However, if there are problems again, you will have to start everything from the very beginning, that is, grind and several times priming.

    It is important to know that any tinting after drying forms new spots


    • If using semigloss or glossy inks, the result may be unexpected. Matte is more preferable and there are no clearly visible divorces;
    • On snow-white ceiling, unlike beige or cream, any flaws are more noticeable. Therefore, if you are not sure of your abilities, then add a little color to the paint;
    • Remember that the larger the surface area, the higher the probability of obtaining a questionable result. So do not be surprised when in the small bedroom the ceiling went out as painted, but in a large living room you can not look at it without tears;
    • Also important is the quality of the paint. You can save by purchasing paint for walls, but on the ceiling buy the best! He's much more fussy.

    Do not strive for the ideal. Painted surfaces are almost never perfect. The main thing is that in bright lighting, spots, streaks, stains and stains do not roll in the eyes. Achieve the ideal is possible only if you use the all kinds of sprayers.

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