Installation and manufacture of downspouts by their own hands

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Downspouts pictures

Installation of downspouts with their own hands

Installing a vent pipe with your own hands requires the maximum precision necessary to cut a hole in the roof for it, since it will be very difficult to cover a large gap.

There are two types of gutters, depending on the structure of the roof: suspended and wall mounted.

On a workbench the pictures of wall gutters are made. In the double picture, the short sides of the sheets are connected to each other by double lying folds arranged in the direction of the drain of water.

On one of the long sides of the picture, the edge needed to join the ordinary coating is bent. Stepping back from the other long side 200-250 mm, on the short sides make one notch 30 mm deep, and then along the long edge, bend the lap tape at an angle of 60 ° to the plane of the picture. Under double recumbent folds, the corners of the edges are cut at 45 °.Depending on the annual amount of precipitation falling in the given area, the side of the gutter is bent to a height of 120-150 mm.

At the next stage on the short sides of the picture, under the recumbent folds, the edges are bent: the picture of the gutters, located to the right of the water intake funnel, makes the left bends down, and the right bends - up. The wall gutter is attached directly to the edge of the roof, since it is used in the absence of eaves.

The most common suspended troughs with a drain sheet. In general, they are semicircular, but in some cases there are also rectangular ones.

They are made of links made of steel sheets having a thickness of 4 mm, a length of 3-4 m and a width of 25 mm. The sheets in the picture are joined by double recumbent folds and are folded so that they are on the outside of the gutter. A ready picture is bent with a kyanki on a special device. At the end of the gutters that do not join the funnels, put the plugs.

In order not to violate the stylistic unity of the wooden house, pre-soaked antiseptic box gutters hollowed out of half a log are used. It is possible, if desired, to make a collar for drainpipes made of galvanized steel.

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Ways of processing pipes

Variants of giving color. When the scales and rust are removed, the iron is thoroughly washed under a stream of water, and then it is lowered into a blackening solution prepared according to one of the recipes below.

1. Water - 200 parts;sodium hyposulphite - 16 parts;ammonium chloride - 12 parts;orthophosphoric acid - 1.4 parts;nitric acid - 0.6 parts.

Gradually, the solution is brought to a temperature of about 70 ° C and the iron is placed in it for approximately 20 minutes. As a result, it is covered with a black matte film.

The solution can also have a temperature of 20 ° C.

The product should be kept in this case for at least an hour. As a result, it appears matte black film, but less durable than at 70 ° C.

2. Water - 200 parts;caustic soda - 130 parts;sodium nitrate - 35 parts.

The solution, brought to a temperature of 135 ° C, is lowered by 1.5 hours for iron, which is covered with a black shiny film as a result of this procedure.

3. Water - 200 parts;caustic soda - 300 parts;sodium nitrate - 6 parts.

In a solution brought to a temperature of 150 ° C for no more than 10 minutes, an article is placed, which in the process is covered with a matte black film.

At the end of the procedure, the products are first rinsed with hot water, then dried outdoors, after which they are applied with a thin layer of natural linseed oil.

Wall and chimney drainage is made above the roof level by at least 150 mm.

The overlapping inner rounded corners of the roofing sheets are overlapped by at least 100 mm.

The diameter of the downpipes depends on the amount of water entering them. Thus, the diameter of the drain pipe for the roof, having an area of ​​30 m2, is 80 mm;for roofing, having an area of ​​50 m2, - 90 mm;for the roof, having an area of ​​125 m2, - 100 mm. Installation of drainpipes is installed at a distance of at least 30-35 mm from the wall and with the help of immured pins with clamps and clamps attached to it. To prevent rusting of the pins, they must first be galvanized or coated with any anticorrosive compound.

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