Repair the roof of the house with your own hands

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Repair the roof of the house with your own hands photo Repair the roof of the house with your own hands

After a certain period of time, even the most solid roof comes to disrepair and you have to change either the whole cover or some fragments of the roof.

Often during the cleaning of the roof from ice and snow, the roofing is damaged: the measures and nails fly out, deep scratches and even cracks appear on the surface.

As a result, moisture that enters the potholes causes corrosion of the roofing material and disturbance of the temperature inside the building. If you do not repair such damage, and do not repair the roof of the roof of the house, then such coverage will become completely worthless in a year or half a torus and it will have to be re-built.

Often premature damage to the roof is caused by the opening of seams in the folds and the formation along the lines of their folding of cracks, which can also appear on the surface of gutters, funnels and drainpipes.

Folders can be restored in the following way: to open and re-clamp the standing folds;Press, cover with paint or linseed oil, after which it is good to coat the surfacing putty with recumbent folds. Ingredients of the suraic putty are 2 parts of natural linseed oil, 1 part of wax, worn to powder, 2 parts of crushed white and 4 parts of chalk.

If the troughs have undergone mechanical action, first remove the damaged areas and then replace the new steel sheets. The seams should be connected with double folding seams and smeared with a suraic putty. In the event that on the surface of the troughs small, up to 3 mm in size, cracks are formed, they can be sealed with a suraic putty. Large holes are best filled with a piece of bread, a piece of burlap or impregnated with thick oil paint on the felt of felt.

To fix the hole, the size of which does not exceed 14 cm, it is necessary to impose a patch on the roof, previously cleaned of dirt and dust and treated with linseed oil, by attaching it with the help of petroleum bitumen mastic. The patch should cover the damaged area from all sides at least 10-12 cm.

Roof repair technology

Roof sections with holes more than 14 cm are sealed with steel sheets. Such a patch is placed in the full width of the picture or fixed, placing it along the crate between two standing folds so that the new seam( the junction of the old roofing sheet and the patch) lay on the ground, but in no case between the curbs. Prepare a patch sheet in advance, for which you need to bend the edges for recumbent and standing folds. Then the patch is put on the place of damage and is connected first of all with the lying rebounds of the roof, and then with the standing ones.

If necessary, completely replace the sheet of cover, you should take a new one and connect it with single or double lying folds with old sheets. Formed seams it is important to carefully lubricate the surfaced putty.

If the sheet of the wall chute has been corroded, it should be replaced with a new one, which must be connected to the adjacent by double recumbent folds.

Repair of roofing can include both new steel sheets and suitable old ones. Previously, the old material should be cleaned of dirt and dust, the new one should be wiped off with factory grease, and then pro-polish the surface of the sheets on both sides.

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If all the roofing sheets are damaged, the coating should be replaced with small areas to prevent moisture from entering the roof, inside the attic space through the resulting "windows".

Repair the roof of the house with your own hands photo First of all, on the prepared sheets, the edges are bent, and then join two to three by the width in the pattern. If the pictures are placed in the length of the roof slope, they should be joined to the long sides by single or double standing folds.

To protect the coating from the negative effects of condensate, it is necessary that the beams or boards coming to the crate, and the roofing material are covered with two layers of paint and thoroughly dried.

Reinforced steel sheets are attached using T-shaped crutches( over the eaves) and a clamp( to the bars of the battens).

After completion of the repair work, paint the roof, cleaned of dust and dirt. Then the coating should be checked for defects, and it is best to do this together. The roofer, who is in the attic, when a hole or a crack is detected by knocking, tells his assistant, who is chalk marking the damaged areas. Small cracks are sealed with the help of a suraic putty.

Folds should be carefully covered with a knife, removing excess putty, after which it is necessary to crack the crack with a piece of tarpaulin or burlap and cover with paint.

It is recommended to pre-soak such patch in linseed oil or take a few minutes in a solution prepared from iron or lead surrey and natural linseed oil. The pressed rag should be put on the surface of the coating, tightly pressed and carefully smoothed with a spatula or hand. When the patch is completely dry( within 6-7 days), the dust-free roof needs to be covered with paint.

If rust on the surface of the roofing sheets is formed from the attic side, the damaged areas should be thoroughly cleaned using a brush with stiff bristles and covered with two or three layers of paint. Only after removal of all defects( holes and cracks) from both sides of the roof can the coating begin to paint.

To get a shiny and smooth surface of the roof, you need to take seriously the choice of paint. You should choose only prepared on the basis of natural linseed oil. The quality of the paint deteriorates if it uses a coarse-grained pigment or a mixture of drying oil and dry paint, and the ingredients are mixed by hand.

An ordinary coating is painted using a large fly brush. Paint should be placed in a thin even layer first from the cornice overhang, and then, on the contrary, from the ridge to the cornice. When applying an excessively thick layer of paint, it can wrinkle and crack after drying. When used in such cracks, moisture accumulation will be noted, which provokes premature deterioration of the coating.

Drainpipes are removed before painting and thoroughly cleaned from dirt and dust, after which they are covered with several layers of oil paint. In this case, each layer must be dried well, otherwise the surface of the paint will swell and on it bubbles form after drying.

To prevent rust formation on the coating and its further corrosion, it is necessary to apply a special rust converter to its surface with a spray or brush before painting.

When interacting with rust, it provokes the formation of a protective phosphate layer, which protects steel roofing sheets from damage.

Especially for the site, apartment repair by yourself.

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