Fences made of corrugated board

There are many ways to build a fence around your home, fencing yourself off this way from the outside world. Each of them involves the use of different materials and, as a result, different technologies. All of them have their advantages and disadvantages, but the essence boils down to one thing: to create their own individual world within a huge civilization. The most popular material for creating fences today is a profiled sheet. It is he who allows you to make a fence of corrugated board quickly and without any problems. About him and will be discussed in our article.

Advantages of fence from profiled sheeting

Fences made of corrugated board for cottages

Fences made of corrugated board for dachas

The choice of the majority of people in favor of profiled sheets is conditioned by the many advantages of this material. Initially designed for roofing roofs, it found its application in the construction of fences. And all thanks to such factors:

  • Fortitude practically to all weather conditions. Thin sheet steel, curved in a special way, covered with several layers of paint and protective polymers, with equal success is able to withstand snow, rain, winds and even a degree.
  • Ease of the material. With corrugated sheets of corrugated board it is very easy to manage one person - that's why corrugated board for fences is an ideal material.
  • Ease of handling. It is cut with the same success simply, both with the help of hand scissors for metal, and by means of bolgars or electric scissors. It is better to give preference to electric or manual scissors - they least injure the protective coating of corrugated board.
  • Easy installation. The installation of a fence of corrugated board, in contrast to other materials, is very fast. But the most important thing is that you can do without outside help in this matter.

Drawbacks of the fence from the corrugated board

Fences from profnastila photo

Fences from the corrugated board photo

The fence from profiled sheets is not without its drawbacks - unfortunately, there is nothing ideal in this world.

First, the construction of a fence of corrugated boarding requires the creation of a metal frame. Even black metal is expensive at the present time. And it will be necessary for the device not only to support poles, but frames framing the corrugated board, and even bridges between the poles to which the shields from the profiled sheet are directly attached.

Secondly, no matter how durable and resistant to mechanical damage the fence made of corrugated board seemed, its protective coating is very easily scratched. And this nuance adds unnecessary worries during the operation of such a fence - so that deep scratches do not cause corrosion of the metal sheet, they must be periodically treated with protective means, in the role of which can act as paints and special pastes. The second is preferable, since the pastes eliminate only the scratch - the place around it, unlike the paint, they do not spoil.

Thirdly, it's its cost - palisade wooden racks cost much cheaper. The cost of the fence from the corrugated board is formed not only from the cost of the profiled sheet - it is also necessary to take into account the mass of expensive metal, without which you can not do without. But the work on the installation of such fences is relatively small - this factor is due to its cheapness compared to many other similar structures.

Well, fourthly, this is a lack of variety of colors of corrugated board. As a rule, it is produced only in several color variations: red, brown, white, green and blue. They will not be able to meet the demand of many people. That is why, in order to create a really nice fence made of corrugated board for a dacha or a private house, many people resort to combining it with other materials - for example, with red brick or natural stone.

Fence made of corrugated board with foundation and poles made of stone

Fence made of corrugated board with foundation and stone pillars

How to make a fence of corrugated board with your own hands

The construction of such a fence begins with a foundation - so that it can withstand strong wind gusts, the pillars of its base must have a reliable support. The foundation for fence from profiled sheeting is a simple design. At first, pits for pillars are digging-even if these pillars are made of bricks, pitrows are still needed for them. Then these pits are connected by a trench - it is not necessary to dig deep ditches, it will be enough to go deeper into the soil of all centimeters by 30-40.

In the received trenches and pits the reinforcement framework is laid and, if necessary, poles made of metal pipes are installed. After that, the shuttering is set so that it rises above the ground level by a few centimeters by twenty, and concrete is poured. Particular attention in this matter should be given to the vertical level of the installation of poles and the horizontal position of the formwork. Poles for fence from the corrugated board should stand exactly, on one line - without this the fence simply does not turn out beautiful.

At the next stage of the construction of such a fence you will need welding - from a metal angle of 10x10 mm you need to assemble frames and fix profiled sheets inside them. It is for this reason, even before the construction starts, it is necessary to perform the correct calculation of the fence from the corrugated board - the distance between the supporting poles plays a very important role and should correspond to the dimensions of the framed frames.

By the way, about the framework - in the process of their manufacture it is necessary to strictly maintain the diagonals. In addition to the corner located on the perimeter of the frame, it is not superfluous to lay and stiffeners - they will strengthen the design of the shields and make them sturdy, and at the same time and relieve you of the jarring sounds characteristic of most sheet material designs. Along the entire perimeter of the frame, as well as along all the ribs of rigidity, the profiled sheet must be fixed with screws or rivets, setting them in steps of 15-20 cm.

When the boards are ready, it remains only to secure them securely between the support posts. For these purposes, all the same welding is used. By the way, at this stage you can also do without helpers. To withstand the same gap between the concrete base and the boards made of corrugated board, the foundation can be laid with the same thickness of wooden slats. And that during welding, do not hold the shields with your hands, you can attach them to the posts with clamps. It is a little longer, but you will have the opportunity to install a shield with a profiled sheeting perfectly evenly. After the shields have been installed, they can finally be fastened to posts using welding.

Fences from profnastila photo

Fences from corrugated board photo

If it is a question of combining materials for a fence, then to boards of brick or concrete poles the boards made of corrugated board are almost exactly the same, only for this purpose three pins - from above, below and in the middle - will be necessary to the end of the brick racks.

Fence made of corrugated board with brick poles and foundation

Fence made of corrugated board with brick pillars and foundation

That's all, now you know how to make a fence of corrugated board with your own hands. Armed with such knowledge and the necessary tool, you can safely get down to work.

Author of the article Vladimir Belov

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